House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a statement rejecting the recommendation to appoint Republicans Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Jim Banks to the January 6 select committee. NBC's Garrett Haake has details.
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#Pelosi #GOP #Politics
Right on get the right people who will stand up for the truth good job
Cannot you see big mammas sippy time juice box of Fauci fanboy authority sip sip he’s special K?
Jim played a “BIG Part” in 1/6*** and he knows what really happened etc.
“Deuteronomy 32:35″
+++ (#,Go Nancy) 
Maybe you should testify since you have first hand knowledge of the riot
@onehothand68 It was not a riot..
And I want someone to ask Jordan about his meeting at the WH on 21st December and about his presence at Trump International leading up to January 6th..
Call upon the bible? Bet you support killing children too. Hypocrite.
What’s the point of appointing people on a commission that they voted against?
@Daniel You stick up for a felon like floyd and others who are criminals and killers right. ? Why does a Republican felon matter to sit and listen in this bipartisan thing ?
You get that boomer
@Joe Diffy so silly. you dropped out of school way too early little fella. trump LOST… get over it bud.. you are making yourself look ridiculous.
@Drought Tolerant Absolutely, holding a rally beforehand and psyching them up to assault the Capitol. Man, she is powerful. No wait, that was Trump and his dimwitted supporters.
@Mike McIntyre Thomas D’Alasandro jr, f b I vault investigation released January 6th 2021, coincidence it was Nancy’s daddy?
@Mike McIntyre you realize the peaceful protest was planned much earlier and Trump essentially joined later after he heard about it. Screen shots of Antifa member discussing wearing Trump gear I cluding hats on backwards so the could identify each other.
Fantastic news on polosi rejecting two. I here didnt want jordan for sure. As I have said many times macarthy ia too late had his chance.
We were watching and looked at the faces of those other morons next to him,like boo hoo were sooo hurt .
I think it’s called anger, maybe the dems can throw another 2 trillion on the infrastructure for anger management?
Cannot you see big mammas sippy juice box of Fauci fanboy authority?
“It’s not clear exactly why she’s rejecting Banks and Jordan” Ummmm, has this dude been paying any attention???
@Sue Howie he’s smart. Midterms not to far away. Don’t want any GOD fearing Republicans in photos with demonrats wasting America time.
He was smoking something….
Exactly. Gym Jordan is a material witness.
@Sandra Lewis they just don’t want no smoke with Jordan. Republicans got plenty backups. Load Matt Gaetz!!! Demonrats don’t want to see Republicans secret weapon Pam Bondi.
@ShoNuff IzHere!! GYM Jordan is a material witness. Insurrectionists shouldn’t be investigating Insurrectionists.
This has to be the most predictable outcome with the Republicans crying foul. I even commented on a similar scenario playing out a few days ago. At this point, I’m just not surprised by the juvenile antics these Republicans are using. Republicans, you had your chance at a bipartisan commission without all this non-sense and you chose to vote against it. Your vote had consequences.
Lets me say it. What he is doing is using his white power to enforce his white privilege card up on the country. “If I can’t have my way I will just take my ball and go home” Then you hear Nancy say Its not your ball. I got you by the balls though..lmao
The gym jordan shouldn’t be working on anything of consequence.
@Nuts Flexmore coincidence that the f b I released the investigation into Nancy’s daddy Thomas D’Alasandro on January 6th 2021 on their vault page. Nancy did not want that to be front page news.
Neither should any Crat.
And Adam lieng phycotic Schiff should be? Hes the guy?
@Keith Jones in 2022 that thirst will be quinched. What can be gained by dragging this back out and demonizing half the country again? You are bound and determined to divide us
@Drought Tolerant
Source : National Enquirer
Nancy have the power. So glad Jordan is out, now Mccarthy have to run back to Trump for further instructions. Hilarious.
Lolol nailed it…
Crazy Shirley.. I can smell that cat pee over the phone.
Cannot you see big mammas sippy juice box of Fauci fanboy authority?
@Larry Garland – Take your meds.
I am so happy that Nancy vetoed Jim Jordan. He would have made the committee a dysfunctional clown show
Wouldn’t a clown show be status quo for this government, if you can’t be good at least be consistent right?
the democrat’s don’t need anybody to make them a clown show…….they have the freak show covered also!
Have you visited the border recently ?
Get him in for questioning under oath hee hee! Watch the sweaty chicken fold faster than origami lol
The mostly peaceful protest committee is already a dysfunctional clown show.
To bad Ohio didn’t reject jordan as a gym teacher, then those wrestlers might not have been molested.
wonder what motivated Gym Jordan to lie so often. Genetics ?
@Lauren Pegues She matches closely with her base, which also has a low attainment rate when it comes to higher education. And, honestly, are we suprised? You know most of these Q believers are drop outs and might hold a GED at best. Easier to mislead that way.
It’s “too” dummy
@Lauren Pegues because we shouldn’t be ruled by Ivy League snobs who haven’t a clue how regular Americans live. For the people by the people. She represents the fact that many people in Montana are pigs. Sad but true.
@John Trelease this is the comment section, not a term paper jack hole. Obviously you don’t have anything of substance to add to the conversation.
Excuse me! The only “political exercise” was when McCarthy picked Jim Jordan. He knew Jordan would be rejected. He did this so Pelosi would look bad. Jesus Christ.
@hunterrgntr I agree. You know how the GQP behaves, they are going to use this for more fuel as they light our democracy on fire.
@Jayne Berkley I agree.
@Chris Perez just don’t look like Trump and his insurrectist please for the country sake
Pelosi doesn’t look bad she looks great from where I’m sitting go Nancy no more circus
Cannot you see big mammas sippy time juice box of Fauci fanboy authority sip sip he’s special K?
How could Gym Jordan investigate himself?
The police do it all the time. And there usually response is “ we did nothing wrong “
Easy.. he wasn’t involved. Unless you’re saying Crats are responsible for the Democrat riots and looting.
Cannot you see big mammas sippy juice box of Fauci fanboy authority?
@Larry Garland no equivalency…. and ya know it. you also know they are scared shiiiitless of an investigation. ya know it.
@Larry Garland
Reich wing, ever the same lies. From Chicago 7 to this day.
I hope they subpoena Jim Jordan’s phone records and texts
Right after they subpoena Pelosi’s. You Dems really don’t want the truth to come to light. It’s not good for your side.
Sociopathy is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. Describes JimJ & MTGreen perfectly
@J R You and your ilk suffer from cognitive dissonance.
@Smedley Butler 1-6 was purely a Republican/MAGA endeavor.
I know, what about Hillary and Dr. Seuss.
With those picks by McCarthy WHO’S PLAYING POLITICS. 3of those clowns couldn’t be further from finding the truth
Because republican are traitors
@B Crater from the uk here as a caveat but you don’t invite the people who supported or at least are painting it as less than an attack on your democracy to be a part of the investigative process, thats just crazy. I’d say elected a white power proto fascist is crazy but i live inthe UK and we have our own blonde buffoon.
@Michael Ashley I was over there about 3yrs ago and when they found out where I was from the first words out of their mouth was WTF were you thinking and I knew they were thinking Americans
“not clear” why jordan was rejected??? are you sh*tting me? the guy is a walking tornado of intimidation and chaos to serve whatever master a nut job like that could possibly serve, hed be rejected from anything with ANY level of standards
Agree absolutely. Jordan does not belong on the committee. He deflects, yells, lies and he should be investigated for sedition regarding the January 6 insurrection. Nancy Pelosi made a wise choice.
Isn’t the increase in Covid positive cases the result of and reflective of: 1. Illegal border crossing by citizens from other Nation-States wuth Covid; 2. Re-testing of Covid positive persons; and, 3. Covid Vaccinated persons who were negative before the Vaccine but will now test positive? How is it you have more Covid positive test than actual persons with Covid? How can you expect health care workers, specifically nurses at all levels to take a test vaccine: A. Nurses, who no longer trust your data; B. Who have been on the front line but have never gotten Covid; C. Who have already witnessed many complications due to vaccines (at their initial roll-out) causing life-risking blood clots that does not get better and more deadly is the possiblility of Guillain-Barre’ syndrome; D. then reportedly complications from Covid when it may be complications due to vaccine; E. The possiblity in causing defects in future pregnancies and increase risk of miscarriage?
During the 2020 annual mandatory flu vaccine roll-out, UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC gave me a required flu shot that also had moderna without my consent, they hid it intentionally and later sent out a staff e-mail that was readable only once, it was not printable nor could it be saved or forwarded. If the USA citizen’s do not stand up for Nurses, who is it that will be caring for you and your lovex ones? Nurses are and have been our Nation’s Patient Advocate. We now must decide between our livelihood and life. Please share these questions.
Mccarthy has alot to hide. Remember the truth coming out means many of them will never be able to hold office again.
Nancy Pelosi, the new “Captain Marvel”, is ready to take on the Skrull-publican Empire.

Oh can it. Pelosi is a cog in the swamp, she is PART of the empire, clueless
Yeah, as soon as she finishes her designer ice cream.
She only made 5 million last quarter with her stock tips
McCarthy has shown his cards. He must never be Speaker of the House – ever. He is not to be trusted.
Cannot you see big mammas sippy juice box of Fauci fanboy authority?
Isn’t the increase in Covid positive cases the result of and reflective of: 1. Illegal border crossing by citizens from other Nation-States wuth Covid; 2. Re-testing of Covid positive persons; and, 3. Covid Vaccinated persons who were negative before the Vaccine but will now test positive? How is it you have more Covid positive test than actual persons with Covid? How can you expect health care workers, specifically nurses at all levels to take a test vaccine: A. Nurses, who no longer trust your data; B. Who have been on the front line but have never gotten Covid; C. Who have already witnessed many complications due to vaccines (at their initial roll-out) causing life-risking blood clots that does not get better and more deadly is the possiblility of Guillain-Barre’ syndrome; D. then reportedly complications from Covid when it may be complications due to vaccine; E. The possiblity in causing defects in future pregnancies and increase risk of miscarriage?
During the 2020 annual mandatory flu vaccine roll-out, UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC gave me a required flu shot that also had moderna without my consent, they hid it intentionally and later sent out a staff e-mail that was readable only once, it was not printable nor could it be saved or forwarded. If the USA citizen’s do not stand up for Nurses, who is it that will be caring for you and your lovex ones? Nurses are and have been our Nation’s Patient Advocate. We now must decide between our livelihood and life. Please share these questions.
@Virginia Sykes, RN BSN Nope, not even close. I’d thank you for keeping your death promoting misinformation away from the USA. E-mail that is only readable once and cannot be printed? What magical planet is this job of yours on because it sure ain’t earth.
If she has left Jordan on there he would have turned into a side show
You are too kind I have another S word in mind.
Here’s FIFTY CENTS….buy a dictionary…!!! And pull your nasty fingers out of your grandkids diapers and STFU