House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reacts to a Trump tweet stating that he will soon leave Walter Reed Medical Center. Aired on 10/05/2020.
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Pelosi Reacts To Trump Leaving Walter Reed | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Trump is either a fool for leaving the hospital so earlier, or he has been fooling us about being sick.
I find it fascinating that Trump stopped travel and was called a xenophobe. He gets blamed for all deaths from covid. However, it is BLUE states that have the highest death tolls . New York governor Cuomo forced covid patients into nursing homes! Where’s the outcry!!??
@D Alexander M The DEMOCRAT Party is the Stupid party. DEMOCRATS and supporters should have a sign that says, “I’m with Stupid leftish social”
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Enough of this garbage! His economic plan involves raising taxes only on big businesses, and individuals who make over $400K a year. The money to pay for recovery has to come from somewhere, and better the filthy rich than the poor.
I had COVID. No big deal
You libs are running scared due to fake news. Turn it off
@Bob Miller *Are you **_really_** that stupid?*
Obviously this was just another PR Stunt while mocking 210K dead Americans and this maniac-in-chief must be removed by the Voters at all costs.
Someone said that he chose that time to leave the hospital because it was the same time that Biden gave an interview. Trump knows he’s losing the reelection and will do ANYTHING…even endanger his secret service and their families for a photo-op drive-by.
Yes. I agree
@W yes. Alas, i agree
Covid-19 in chief.
And Walter Reed is in on this conspiracy?
HE IS ALREADY MAKING LIGHT OF IT. Any of the doctors who are going along with this, well I wouldn’t want them to care for me or any of the people I love. Just like the senate republicans, they have compromised their integrity.
One already admitted to covering up some of the information about Trump’s condition.
That doctor should lose his license.
If he doesn’t get re-elected then their careers are probably over because they lied to the American people and you don’t play with citizens. They sold themselves to the corruption of Donald!
A President who needs a constant ego stroke … I guess he couldn’t get Ivanka to stroke him .. I mean his ego so he had to fake being sick.
@B is that super spreader in covid or legs

@Chris Cala hes Drama-trauma Don.
@B Hes Drama-trauma Don. The fastest tongue in the west wing
@Indy Native shhh minority TRUMP IS YOUR DADDY FOR ANOTHER 4 YEARS
@Chris Cala never wanted him as my prez, never will. Hes too whiney. Drama-trauma Don. Im not a supporter of a walking, talking scandal.
Trumputin’s doctors prove once again that you have to be willing to destroy your credibility in order to work in this administration!
Remember Trump said he had a October surprise
You know this for sure? You talk like you do.
Tax returns? Abracadabra. What tax returns? Behold: He is risen. It’s a miracle.
@Dave Schultz no kidding ! Drama-trauma Don. Hes a clown
Guys y’all have to trust your mainstream media news. Covid is the spot light right now…
Miracle fat boy…hahaha
Read the latest story from the Atlantic. They break it down to explain how he’s avoided paying taxes. Very interesting
Lets not pretend his tax returns lost him any votes anyway.
I have no sympathy for the man who has no sympathy for over 200,000 Americans.
Ruth Harris You’re paid to post, sweetheart! If I can tell, for sure authorities can tell. If you ask “Alexa”, you can get the data. Sadly, More than 50,000 have died in NY and NJ, which if you have passed 3 grade fractions unit is 1/4 ..
Ruth Harris good,they need it
200k really old and unhealthy people. They all knew their days were numbered. Sweden is the only country that got it right, but this morally bankrupt “news” channel won’t ever tell you those facts.
We red state folks keep you fed, keep your lights on. We have had Covid, the fundamental data is not what you are lead to believe. Once there is antibody testing, data will show you in the near future how over blown this Covid control was
Pelosi too all probably poisoned them.
The entire thing feels like a scam.
Hard to believe anything about this guy and this GOP administration.
Sad time for America
Unfortunately the current White House press secretary is working for the wrong billionaires as she gets deeper into trouble (Russia will straighten her out (they don’t want people like her either) if they come in & stop the 2020 Election). Also I look at the Double of the King as already been released yesterday when he took that joy ride around the block but as a Double (Russian agent, etc.) of the King who is actually wearing a mask. He looks much better with a Lone Ranger mask on for what his payed followers expect than what he was wearing. The best video on that Rose Garden fiasco so far I have seen is “The Washington Post video on the interactions of Rose Garden ceremony attendees who tested positive for coronavirus” which came out October 3, 2020 is now probably being shown throughout the world now making the King & the Republican Party the laughing stock throughout the world. The others in that video I believe will be getting symptoms of the virus later even though they test negative with a weaker test as Halloween approaches.
That is becuse it IS a SCAM!!!!!!!
Greg, It won’t be long. November 3 is right around the corner.
Maybe he is faking sick to earn his paycheck? Per cnn: Meanwhile, Trump also recently owned shares of Regeneron (REGN) — as well as Gilead Sciences (GILD), maker of the antiviral drug remdesivir that the president is also taking. Both stocks were listed as assets on Trump’s 2017 filing with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, though neither were holdings on the president’s most recent filing for 2020.
Check the trump kids for the same stocks?
I’ll bet right after leaving Walter Reed Hospital tRump will probably make a pit stop at MacDonalds & KFC for some hamberders fried chicken!
@T no more of. Drama-trauma Don.
Lol, i would
Bunker Baby dRumph …..lmao so true,it should be interesting to see what sort of b.s he will shoveling about not quarantining for 14 day’s you know he won’t do it.
Can you imagine hating your own life so much that you concern yourself with other people’s diet? Get a life
@Caryl Shawver yes indeed
No one should be bragging.
I think it’s insensitive considering many have died from Coronavirus and many are still grieving.
He DOESN’T have the virus.
He has stupidity.
He has criminality.
@J. Noble Biden looked weak and confused and even refused to answer some questions! Lol! Dementia Joe Fingers even said he wants 100 trillion dollars for the green new deal! Its over for Dementia Joe Fingers! KAG
@Bud Fudlacker I want whatever your on!!!!!!!
@Leeanne Batchelor Bath salts!
@Dave Schultz nope its called facts
@Trump 4USA nope you believing 45 cares for you is delusional
Oh c’mon! We all know what’s going on here. t’rump doesn’t like the image of him weak and in the hospital. So he’s forcing the doctors to say he’s ok and he’ll go back to the White House where he can stage photo ops of him “working hard.” All while spreading the corona to everyone around him.

Little does he realize that we all know he doesn’t actually do any work.
@Walako Walaka do you know how to google? no new wall has been built
@ronald bragg wrong
@Eric Phelps get professional help please
Ro G. So now Pelosi the nazi is a doctor ? That’s funny.
Ruth Harris where have you been in the last almost years when trump started building the boarder wall up?
The “physician to the president” was instructed to be a cheerleader.
@Jeff Zabelski hahahahahahaha @ Our Lord Littlehands. Thank you. had a great laugh.
X3 Z
Ah hah! That’s good!
Bud Fudlacker Please. Calm down. Life is so crazy with him….he brings out the crazy in most of us.
Jeff Zabelski

rant404 good one! “Spin Doctor.” no kidding!
This so dam fake. After pumping him with unapproved medicine that could have side effects, they are releasing him. What a croĉk, like one person said all the military answer to Potus so everything is a script. Fake Fake Fake
Notice he Never Mentioned his wife or kids let alone all his infected Republican Senators or even Hicks , Can’t they see he doesn’t care if they Die.
He was never given any medications he wasn’t sick the doctors can say anything about treatment there’s no proof
Tell him Nancy. Because nobody else has the guts.
Hold my thermometer.
Distraction from his TAX being Released there is always a Criminal Motive for what he does
Probably distraction from the “losers and suckers” statement he said
Kind of funny that both of your comments are unfounded with no sources or documentation to back them up.
You guys just keep on gobbling up those nothing burgers, huh?
the crime was whoever leaked someone’s private tax information to the New York Times.
@John Patrick there were 5 different reporters including one from FOX News that verified it
@zeppo shemp nope in fact every president since Nixon has presented his tax returns and his assets put in a private trust. However, not 45 and he fought all the way to the Supreme Court. 30 years of HRC is online as well as all 8 years of 44s
He’s a spoiled brat who has a history of HATING HOSPITALS.
Yes trump is racist towards hospitals
Orange Superspreader: “I give myself a 10 out of 10 in spreading the virus.”
I think he’s gone over 10 now with today’s cases.
TrumpNation2020 Superspreader of Freedom!
It’s all fake we are just tired of this Drama
He never had Covid-19…it’s just that simple. The man is a life-long, habitual, lying con-artist. However, he will soon discover his little stunt backfired this time around
Prove it or STFU