Pelosi: ‘Nobody Should Have The Right To Endanger Whistleblowers’ | MSNBC

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters in her weekly briefing that she stood by the whistleblower, and that any threat to them "undermines our ability to hear truth about power." Aired on 11/14/19.
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Pelosi: 'Nobody Should Have The Right To Endanger Whistleblowers' | MSNBC

Pelosi: 'Nobody Should Have The Right To Endanger Whistleblowers' | MSNBC


    1. @Andrew K And yet again with the selective reading. Biden- and, by the way, all of Europe- forced the guy out because he refused to actually do any investigating. In other words, the guy you claim Biden helped force out to protect his son was actually corrupt.

    2. It would be beneficial for you to do research and find out exactly who is the liar. Just throwing out names and demeaning cracks do not prove anything, just ignorance. You can’t get the truth by reading the Enquire or even watching the fake CNN and MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. These people are on the Hillary pay list along with a lot of other crooked and power hungry bureaucrats that don’t care like Pelosi. Schiff and Pelosi did not get elected. President Trump did.

    3. Pelosi is showing Americans why checks and balances in a democratic system is needed. This is her House Mr President.

    4. Andrew K I’m completely ok with how the republicans asked one question about Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine. I’m ok that Hunter Biden role was considered by those at State as bad optics. I’m not ok with all that crap you state deflecting from the actual crime of bribery by Trump.

    5. Nancy’s father was the corrupt Mayor of Baltimore, and a heroin smuggler. No wonder she wants open borders and open cities to distribute the money making drugs.
      Nancy’s son has ties to a Ukraine Power company just like Kerry son , Biden son, and him. You talk about corruption. That is why they want to remove the person exposing it.

  1. The fact that trump, Jr, Jordan and Co try to endanger the whistle blower’s life is shocking! 😡😡😡😡😡

    1. @Outher I saw Trump say just a couple weeks ago he is going to build a second wall on the Colorado boarder and it will be great because Kansas will also benefit from it.
      As God as my witness and thousands of other people saw him say this too

    1. So sad to see you fall for such a blatant act of treason NP is trying on the porous minds of the people. I’m a Dem – I see right through this game. I’ve seen it before and I’ll see it again. I learned though. Don’t back your party if it isn’t acting right.

    1. You’re a sucker fallen for a political game run by an all but 2 Democrat vote as the basis. Hello? Have you seen that ever happen before? Like so many times that you’d learn this ends up as another waste of time? Nancy’s pushing words at you that have no integrity – just bias. No facts – just bias. No plan – just smear.

  2. Nobody is above the law. Impeachment is about preserving protecting and defending The Constitution; upholding the rule of law, and holding a President of The United States of America accountable. We do not have a king or dictator in America. No one is above the law. Congress would be a derelict of duty should they standby as Trump continually betrays his oath of office and tramples the Constitution underfoot in his ongoing misconduct, lawlessness, criminal bribery, his threats to national security, his obstruction of justice, and his contempt of Congress.‬

    1. @Andrea Mendenhall Justice is generally very dry and boring. It has to get to the truth, as convoluted a process as that may be. But IMHO it will get interesting soon. It’s only day two of the “INQUIRY”. Lot more to go yet.

  3. I usually do not like the way you conduct your business, Ms Pelosi, but, right now, I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. Thank you for being someone who, finally, is supporting the “Rule of Law” in this country, even though this administration and the Republican Congress are trying to destroy it.

    1. Yeah, I was starting to think The Dotard was gonna’ skate until Nov. 2020. I should’ve known the stable genius would shoot himself in the foot, and make it impossible to ignore impeachment.

    2. Oh yes you should have respect for her look at the great things she has done for her district. Drug paraphernalia, human waste, and homeless people all over the streets…. great job Nancy!!

    3. what is exactly the business you are talking she conducts you dont like? isnt her business to watch the check and balance? I think she does it all.

    1. It would be beneficial for you to do research and find out exactly who is the liar. Just throwing out names and demeaning cracks do not prove anything, just ignorance. You can’t get the truth by reading the Enquire or even watching the fake CNN and MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. These people are on the Hillary pay list along with a lot of other crooked and power hungry bureaucrats that don’t care like Pelosi. Schiff and Pelosi did not get elected. President Trump did. The only think Pelosi is going to get is fired.

    1. @Joy Brautigam
      These people coming forward are hero’s. The thieves are all cowards. They’re afraid to tell on Trump because Mr Loyalty (isn’t that a joke) will throw them under the bus and snitch on them for the reason why they”be shut up all along. From what they self serve to what they get slipped millions to sell their vote. Once Trump knows of any dirt on you then he thinks he can control you on puppeteer strings just like Putin is doing with him. And no doubt it was from Trumps greed laundering dirty Russian money through his phoney businesses in America like Trumps ties, Trumps steaks, Trump university. Anyone who files as a corporation in America and for years it won’t be examined close by the IRS so it’s a money launderers winning lottery ticket. Money launderers 95% of the time launder foreign money through shell American companies because the IRS doesn’t scrutinize new business with audits usually for about 5 years. So they doctor financial records, make fake sales, deposit the dirty money then they cut checks for supposed payments to suppliers but it goes back to who they hide the money for minus your percentage. This is why Trump is fighting all the way to the supreme court 1 releasing his tax records and 2 releasing financial statements I.e, banking records. NY State was already on to him but Cohen explained how deep and dark Trump got by dealing with the devil himself Putin. The Russians are masters of extortion, black male and strong arm business take overs. Trump loves the thought of easy big money and idolized Putin because since he has no morals Trump doesn’t see the death from murder and war he sees these huge dollar figures and it impresses him. Everyday Trump shows sign of this power getting in his head doing things as if he can’t be charged and when anyone stands up to him or blocks his attempts he dies something evil. From locking up how many families at the border, trashing people publicly including his own Republicans who are scam if they don’t fight to defend him ad if they are obliged to, to letting the Kurds get slaughtered as the Russians advance their interest there so Putin can come steal what ever it is he’s after, most likely oil. And now that it looks like he’ll be impeached Trump will do something dirty on the foreign stage. And coincidentally Putin benefits from Trumps move. Maybe Put in is offering him a place to run to when the law is about to get him here. If not Saudi Arabia or Turkey won’t allow his extradition. Trumps dirty,moves are made ahead of the last one for a reason

  4. ÒK, we tried to rob the bank. We admit it. In fact, we do it all the time. Now where`s the dirty ratfink who called the cops?

  5. I Never thought, The Republicans Would Stoop so D*m low, Thier Breaking and Changing, The laws to protect a Career Criminal ! 🤯👍🏻


  6. The ONLY reason why Trump wants to expose the identity of the whistleblower is so he can dig up any sort of DIRT on said individual for the sole purpose of BLACKMAILING. Trump has a track record of ALWAYS DIGGING UP DIRT on ALL of his rivals.He will do ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO BENEFIT HIMSELF.That has been his mode of operandi ALL OF HIS SELFISH LIFE!!!

    1. Yes you are right and that is why the GOP have his back he has dirt on all of them . I bet he had Igor give campaign money to all of them.

  7. America gets an education about how to recognize a coward. They just have to look at Mr Twitterfingers in the White House, refusing to allow first hand witnesses and evidence to be presented to the American People, whilst attacking the person who called the cops when witnessing a crime in progress.

    1. No one is stopping a whistleblower. It would be beneficial for you to do research and find out exactly who is the liar. Just throwing out names and demeaning cracks do not prove anything, just ignorance. You can’t get the truth by reading the Enquire or even watching the fake CNN and MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. These people are on the Hillary pay list along with a lot of other crooked and power hungry bureaucrats that don’t care like Pelosi. Schiff and Pelosi did not get elected. President Trump did.

  8. A crime is only a crime when the criminal action is discovered. Seems like a reasonable defence to me if I was a complete dummy. It seems that the whistleblower is the criminal here because he exposed a crime. Seems logical to me if I was the perpetrator of that crime. You elect an orangutan you get peanuts.

    1. @Nathalie Newland Thanks to the whistleblower the criminal action was discovered. Which is why whistleblowers are protected. I have more respect for an orangutan than I do for our sitting president.

    2. @Patreon Sage ooh yes I just share it on my Facebook to send a massage to who ever care to stop messing with the whistleblower. I think when everyone who really care start to send a massage on social media they would stop this weakness of defense about someone who told the truth. Even the witness are showing us that the whistleblower told the truth. No protest nothing, we need to start sending our thoughts, it counts also. We can’t just sit and watch this circus.

  9. Pelosi should warn that every time Republicans try to “out” the whistleblower that Dems can happily add ‘witness tampering’ and ‘witness intimidation’ to the articles of impeachment

    1. @olobar5 The whistleblower’s name is irrelevant now that the complaint has been verified from many sources. There’s nothing for Schiff to have to testify or step down about. Why aren’t you clamoring for testimony from Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo, Barr, or Trump?

    2. @Serendipity Shop Because the sooner this ends the better off we are. Both people on phone and others closer said no bribery no crime. Ukraine’s saying we’re nuts in this. And we are. It’s an inner political game here and it’s nonsense. You know it. No crime just bs narrative from Schiff/Pelosi being thrown. Schiff’s office was contacted by WB before – conflict interest – step down. End of Game.

  10. We keep hearing the term “corrupt intent” during these hearings as being critical to judging guilt or innocence. The whisltleblower’s testimony is redundant, superseded by people who were closer to the call and the conversations around the Quid pro Quo. The only reason to drag the whistleblower into this would be to engage “in the politics of personal destruction”. To sacrifice him on live TV to try and bolster Trump’s pathetic defense. Jordan-Graham and all the others calling for him to testify all have corrupt intent when it comes to this person. It has nothing to do with the truth.

    1. @2Legit 2BReal Hello Boris how are things in St Petersberg? You write too well to be a real forever Trumper. You are spouting a GRU crafted talking point. Tell Vlad that it worked once but its all going to die with the Trump Presidency.

    2. @Peter Jeffery Should I tell Vlad that Trump can be more flexible when he’s re-elected? Well….. it worked for Obama! While I’m not a Forever Trumper, I do like the millions of jobs he’s saved and brought back to America, I like the security that the Wall will help provide, and the strongest military in our history, don’t forget the best economy in 50 years. I can overlook his shortcomings as long as he produces results. Trump has done all that while being constantly attacked since he came down the escalator. 95% of the news coverage has been negative of Trump, and he still prevails. I’m not a Forever Trumper, but I sure do admire that guy! Oh, by the way, Vlad said he wasn’t very happy about the Trumper killing the Russian soldiers in Syria, or that Trump is arming Ukraine, and a few other sharp arrows Trump has put in Vlad’s back.

    1. Trump has already embarrassed himself to the world so he might as well continue on twitter…maybe his incredible stupidity will eventually be realized by those that believe in him.

    2. Linda Tils I don’t understand how you democrats think, how exactly could he be a Terrist. Also I don’t get how he’s a traitor for saying that “Would it be nice if we could get along with Russia” which was the USSR that for the past 70 years we can’t get along with because they are somehow a big enemy when now there economy size is the size of Italy’s and they don’t have nearly as much military funding as we do and somehow wanting peace is being a traitor

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