Pelosi Names Liz Cheney To Jan. 6 Committee, Along With Seven Democrats

NBC News' Garrett Haake reports on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to include Rep. Liz Cheney on the House Select Committee to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

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Pelosi Names Liz Cheney To Jan. 6 Committee, Along With Seven Democrats

Pelosi Names Liz Cheney To Jan. 6 Committee, Along With Seven Democrats


  1. So, the GOP can not call it a witch hunt, with the GOP being represented on the Select Committee, right? What? Are they going to strip her of her leadership role? Too late 😁

    1. @Peter Bills
      For more than 60 years, you have been told that _”DEMs are evil Stalinists! Just vote GOP!”_ And you just believed it and did it. And today it is hard for you to admit that you have been supporting criminals all these years. But it won’t get any easier.
      Snap out of it.

    2. The Republicans should want this committee. That way they can prove Antifa agitators, the FBI, and disguised BLM members stormed the Capitol. Great way to “Own the Libs”.
      Unless none of the above were involved. In that case …

    1. @Uncle joe
      You can’t give up law and order just because you are afraid that the criminals will wield power one day.

    2. @barbara dagenais all democrats do is lie. The committee ain’t going for the truth, they are there strictly to lie and divide people even more.

    3. @Uncle joe We’ve had race riots for decades. The Jan. 6 incident was an attempt to stop a duly elected President from taking office, by the former President and thousands of his supporters. I never saw that before.

    1. @AL- BOT awe do your feelings get hurt with truth. Sorry my acct is older but it goes off of the 1st time you comment. I do know that your response is usually what people who can’t handle truth say

    2. @AL- BOT what’s funny is how offended you get by hearing truth from someone from your same party. I agree with Trump being taken down Along with the rest of the wh ite people at the top on both sides who have used the system to keep poc in their place.

    3. Their is obviously those in the dem party who are fake and have used the system to profit off of minorities same as reps do. I think to be fair we need to bring them all to their knees. In time I suppose.

    4. Narcissistic Nancy Queen of Heaven/America will show us the truth with the light of Satan.

  2. Ya!!!!!Liz Cheney, is the right choice for justice there’s very few Republicans with the spine to achieve a full picture of the people who are responsible, it’s time for TRUTH

    1. @Pamela Rubelmann This is my battleground, Spamela. I am fighting propaganda and misinformation from this equivalent network of Pravda.

    2. @Vin man I watch to point out the propaganda the people here are exposed to. There is truth to be had but it’s not told on this network, and if it is, it’s meted out in just enough measure to make it seem believable.

    3. You people are easily fooled … your appreciation for Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney is the same as your appreciation for James Comey.
      Comey gave us Trump. He deliberately violated his office to smear Clinton twelve days before the election because he wanted the GOP candidate to win. The fact that he clashed with Trump afterwards has NOTHING to do with that. Comey should be in jail.
      Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are “anti-Trump” because they know Trump will never endorse them. You will get the same reaction from ALL the GOP politicians. They ALL hate Trump, but as long as they have a chance to inherit his voters, they will kiss up to him.
      The GOP has been a criminal organisation for more than 30 years now. No one among them believes in the Constitution.

      No one.

    4. @Shawn Corbin It is not corrupt to find out what really happened & who was responsible so it doesn’t happen again. Anyone who loves the USA SHOULD want that. If you think your people are not involved in anything wrong, then you shouldn’t be worried, right?

    5. @Lisa Ortiz It IS corrupt when the TRUE perpetrators are given a blind eye and the innocent are framed. THAT is corrupt. Until a certain Speaker of the House, a certain General and BLM and Antifa are charged, this whole affair is a joke.

    1. You people are easily fooled … your appreciation for Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney is the same as your appreciation for James Comey.
      Comey gave us Trump. He deliberately violated his office to smear Clinton twelve days before the election because he wanted the GOP candidate to win. The fact that he clashed with Trump afterwards has NOTHING to do with that. Comey should be in jail.
      Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are “anti-Trump” because they know Trump will never endorse them. You will get the same reaction from ALL the GOP politicians. They ALL hate Trump, but as long as they have a chance to inherit his voters, they will kiss up to him.
      The GOP has been a criminal organisation for more than 30 years now. No one among them believes in the Constitution.

      No one.

    2. @Rick Kasten lol, her votes are terrible on Cannabis Legalization and Reform but kinda sorta okay on LGBTQ+, no? I can’t imagine why. But, we are comparing her to total complete crooks.

    3. @Rick Simon Interesting. I am keeping my mind open that you may be correct about all seated Republicans. It would not be fair to say it was true of all their voters.

    4. @jvsnyc
      Voters are a different matter. For more than 60 years, they have been told that DEMs are “evil Stalinists”, and that’s why the keep voting GOP despite all the crimes committed by the GOP. It is hard for them to admit to themselves that they have been tricked by those criminals for all those years. Same happened in 1945 Germany when it was very hard for many Germans to admit to themselves that they had followed and supported a monster for twelve years.

    1. I don’t know how Congress ends up getting bad apples in the mix. McCarthy is just God awful nuts.

    2. The way he behaves on camera is disgraceful he acts like he’s a teenager he’s an adult in a position of power he represents other people it really bothers me.

    3. McCarthy will do whatever Donnie tells him to do which will of course be precisely the wrong thing.

    1. We are now at the top of most establishments as it should be. However we need the rest to step aside now. Our blood sweat and tears built this country.

    2. @Lynn Carson why does my replies keep getting deleted. See all you colorless folks is the same. Trying to silence voices

  3. When you find yourself rooting for Cheney you are reminded just how incredibly far the GQP has fallen.

    1. @Rick Simon What you don’t understand is we do understand that and when it is time to cross that bridge we will cross it. Simple question, should the Soviet Union been excluded from the allies during WWII because they were Communist which was at odds and a threat to the other members of the allied forces at the time? After all look what happen after WWII with the Soviet Union, they turned on us. So you tell me.

    2. @3LD
      Churchill did not respect Stalin, did not trust Stalin, did not think Stalin was fighting for democracy.

    3. @Rick SimonExactly, so why then was Churchill willing to fight along side the Soviet Union? Do you think the Soviet Union should have even been part of the allied forces, given how Churchill felt? Do you think maybe because he felt fascism was a bigger threat he reluctantly fought alongside them? I don’t know, you tell me.

    4. @3LD
      This discussion was never about, “should Cheney be allowed to be on the committee?”

    1. @Miguel WOLF Rivera He will plead the 5th to not incriminae himself. And look like a schmuck in doing so 👍

    2. @Joey Martin 🤣🤣🤣🤣, GOOD Point. However We know that he has been a LONG TIME Member of THE WORLD Famous SCHMUCKS CLUB. 😧

    3. @Epiphany Knows you mean who shot the unarmed woman that was climbing through the broken side glass of the door to the Speaker’s Lobby? It was a Capitol police officer doing his job.

    4. @Epiphany Knows as for the pipe bomber, my first guess would be a Proud Boi acting on the direction of Roger Stone.

  4. Isn’t Liz a Republican? but then again she shown her loyalty to the constitution rather than Trump.

    1. As much as I disagree w/the republican agenda, I respect any Republican who’s country over party. Liz has proven to be one of those Republicans.

    2. HMMM What is unconstitutional? Name one Constitutional violation under Trump. If you are referring to Senators objecting to electoral votes, Democrats objected 11 times in 2016, the first time was 1969 by 2 Democrats, 12 Members of the CBC Democrats objected to the Florida count in 2001, and 2 Democrats in 2005. Hmmm It’s Republicans. OBW it is 3 U.S.C. §15 provides that “the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes.

    3. @Aedammair Ornóra How has she been a traitor? Please explain.

      Just kidding. We both know you don’t have the balls to respond.

    4. @Christine Welford He’s like Trump. He doesn’t even know the definition of treason.

  5. Liz is gonna shank them Republicans that have been screwing her over. They should be very scared right now! McCarthy and many others will now have to testify under oath 😁

  6. Cheney, “Since I was removed from the House Republican leadership chair, I have time to join this committee. McCarthy, never forget.”

    1. He already has. He has said that he will take away committee assignments from any Republican that serves on this committee.

    2. @JC Demp75 I think that the deal is that McCarthy thinks that it’s politically necessary to please Trump as much as possible, so he’s always aiming for that.

  7. There He is again,….. Kevin is Home alone, out manoevered by a GASP woman and losing it.

  8. Not guilty people have nothing to hide. K McCarty’s strong opposition implies the opposite.

    1. @Mark Fiutem Hunter is not president nor a member of congress that last that I looked. Deflection denied.

  9. When kevin ” the traitor” mcarthy ,gets the subpoena from cheney,that should be 🥃🍿 a show worth watching,televise please ,so the nation can watch kevin squirm

    1. Unfortunately, Kevin will take the coward’s path and ignore all subpoenas. Donnie the Traitorous has taught his cult sycophants well.

    2. @Phil Groves i was thinking that too, but im hoping the speaker throws him in the basement jail,if he refuses. Its like having russian agents in your government ,blocking ,obstructing,lying,spreading propaganda, something is going to come to a head,and it wont hurt my feelings if alot of republikkkans go to prison

    3. @Parris Price It would be the prudent thing for Pelosi to do – but I fear that won’t happen.

  10. Liz Chaney: May the Lord cover you with the Blood of Jesus! The Trumpicans will try to come for you, but fear not the Lord is with you at all times. … AMEN!

  11. Just watched Mccarthy speech of lies, misdirection and political games. What a disgrace. He is so fake and transparent.

    1. I also just watched him and he looked like he was so happy spewing all those lies and when he the people started asking him question about the insurrection you could tell from HOW his face got that he got mad and especially cause most of those people kept asking the same thing over and over, that was funny though like those people didn’t let it go.

    2. @rob gpm This is about the attack on the Capitol. The FBI has been investigating the riots, dum dum. Oh, and they found that the majority of the violence and rioting was carried out by Trump’s Boogaloo.

    3. @NZSooz No other free country in the world have ever had their house of congress attacked & you’re still good with it? It’s not about politics, it is about out & out finding out how & what happened with this illegal act. What is there to hide, what logical reason would you not want to find out the reason?

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