House Speaker Nancy Pelosi discussed how new legislation related to the 25th Amendment is focused on "continuity of government" and not focused on President Trump. Aired on 10/09/2020
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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Pelosi: Legislation On 25th Amendment Is About 'Continuity Of Government,' Not Trump | MSNBC
You better focus on a deal, before people turn to crime to feed their kids. People need help right now. if biden win there not gonna be nothing until January, if trumps wins he is no gonna be able to pass nothing until after November.
It’s always about the people, but nothing gets pass for the people. Both sides playing politics.
From the U.K. : Watching in horror as the hysteria in America continues ..
@Victor Mason Is that your answer Mr. Mason, and when things aren’t going your way just up and leave.
Pray for us.
WIDE AWAKE too bad it didn’t work.
H S you are that stupid? He signed an order declaring Kkk and Antifa domestic terrorist organizations. Search YouTube for Trump condemns white supremacy. Wake the f up
B Prathe ….

You ask for prayer, insult and swear in the same breath…You should be ashamed of yourself…. An elderly man with so much rage …I hope you’re not a member of John MacArthur’s church – he would be so disappointed to know that he has foul mouthed , arrogant members like you . You really need to read your bible more often and ask God to create a clean spirit in you . Or maybe I will send a prayer request to Grace To You Ministry . By the way , it’s you who needs to research what ANTIFA really is . If you knew anything about Trump you’d know that his Father was arrested at a KKK parade . America’s enemies are truly within its borders not foreign mate .. You a clearly one of them .. Bye Sire !!
What a fantastic way to energize the conservative voting base to get out and vote. Is Nancy capable of making a competent decision or does she only listen to her San Francisco base?
Her base is a 9th world city. Disgusting.
I will never ever , take England for granted again. We really have it good and better than Americans…
@H S cause I was hoping you weren’t this dumb.
@H S You first. And explain why it matters.
Nick Knittle …. Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah! Yeah

itsthe11 ….. Have you ever heard of NATO or allied forces? Go figure it out Do you know that England is the 2nd largest arms dealer , We are a wealthy developed country , are a world leader in biomedical research, financial technology, advanced manufacturing , aerospace . We are a capitalist nation . No use explaining because . What have you as an individual work ?Yet you can research for yourself or should I understand.
itsthe11 ….. if you are ashamed – No worries
Nobody cares Nancy
Don’t blame her Trump’s the one whose stalled the talks.
Another waste of time
Non starter worries.
This is a perfect example of how I as a non attorney have prevailed against attorneys in ‘scores’ of legal controversies Pro Se and in two cases teams of tree attorneys and have NEVER lost a case. The tendency of attorneys in their haste to win a case against a non attorney whom they have underestimated, have generally been ill prepared having read and taken out of context only a ‘section’ of an entire law as Pelosi has done here. Ms. Pelosi and her so called constitutional “authority” (who obviously needs to go back to law school), are sadly mistaken on what the purposes set forth in parts 1-4 and the intention f amendment 25 and these sections
This is explained in detail at the following link to a discussion / presentation that any lay person should be able to understand (but read it ALL, top of page to end, not like these two have done and picked a section that cannot stand alone and be misused in the way they propose as te intent is to PREVENT exactly what they propose set forth and explained in detail, especially part 4:
These sections were certainly not to enable an external body, entity, committee, commission or what have you to remove a president permanently outside the impeachment process, and clearly were concerned that people like Pelosi would want to misuse this section as NOT intended and for nefarious purposes such as based on one’s personal dislike for the president for example. This section is for the president him / herself to use to transfer power to the vice president for temporary purposes such as a surgery where the president could be under anesthesia and unconscious, but would immediately resume power when back to being conscious. It isn’t be used to remove a president permanently for frivolous reasons, even abuse of power (that’s the purpose of the impeachment process). in this case the frivolous intended use evidenced by Pelosi simply having a dislike for the president, which this section seeks to make certain the amendment is not used / or rather misused for. ) Moreover, the Vice President and two thirds f the House and Senate and / majority of the president’s cabinet AND the Vice president would have to be in agreement that the president cannot perform his / her job the send a letter to the President Pro Tempore to initiate the process of transfer of presidency “temporarily” to the vice president. Non of this will EVER happen as much as Ms. Pelosi wishes it would or could. Spread that link around and make it go viral!
Refining the 25th Amendment with a “Nuttier-Than-A-Fruitcake-O-Meter” is a great idea.
@Muttley oh, thanks for pointing that out, here let me edit that to correct it.
@Muttley appreciate that little buddy…

Aren’t mimes supposed to be quite…
@Jimmy Bagodonuts Had to cure that adrenochrome withdrawal
Nasty Pelosi is a certified wacko. She never gets tired of losing!
Like “Bones” telling Kirk “Jim, I am relieving you of command”.
More like Salacious B. Crumb telling Jabba the Hut he’s relieving him of command.
This is for IF BIDEN ( not happening) were to be President. The 25 th amendment requires the signature of the Vice President to enact it. Therefore, KAMALA signs she is President they pack the Supreme Court and Green new deal! Welcome to socialism!
@Kris Love Trump Trump Derangement Syndrome is real!
His supporters have it.
No this is like “the unnamed red shirt” who is usually killed in the first 2 minutes relieving Kirk of command. Its Soviet era Russian Politburo.
@Tht1Gy And yet only Biden argued the case for public school segregation on the Senate floor + you ppl recite “black lives matters”… talk about Kool Aid.
Nancy has no right to complain about anyone not wearing a mask when she wears hers completely wrong and if she was infected would literally be spewing out clouds of Coronavirus for those around her. also talking about becoming “incapacitated” she seems to be so, does she even know what she says anymore?
I think Pelosi, in a twilight zone way, makes more sense with a mask over her mouth.
She mistook her panties for a mask
Her mask is supposed to cover her nose!!
@T if she is intoxicated and trump is not, then my friend, she is doing much better than he.
Hazel Em Typical Democrat In denial
@T how does it feel to be called a fool every day and to have to defend a corrupt, incompetent, inept, lying moron every day constantly? Fool.
@Igotasemi Yo Yes, my name is Karen.
@Igotasemi Yo Oh go comfort Pelosi she needs it.
Funny how she bring up the 25th amendment and then Trump changed his mind about relief talks right after! LOL SMH
Regardless the 25th amendment needs to be addressed even if Biden wins it doesn’t matter because she’s saying that if incomplete. I don’t understand why people cannot streamline the garbage and really look at the context of what she’s saying . The only reason why she’s addressing it now is because of the current situation that we are in currently is really easy I don’t know how people can’t comprehend that.
This is a perfect example of how I as a non attorney have prevailed against attorneys in ‘scores’ of legal controversies Pro Se and in two cases teams of tree attorneys and have NEVER lost a case. The tendency of attorneys in their haste to win a case against a non attorney whom they have underestimated, have generally been ill prepared having read and taken out of context only a ‘section’ of an entire law as Pelosi has done here. Ms. Pelosi and her so called constitutional “authority” (who obviously needs to go back to law school), are sadly mistaken on what the purposes set forth in parts 1-4 and the intention f amendment 25 and these sections
This is explained in detail at the following link to a discussion / presentation that any lay person should be able to understand (but read it ALL, top of page to end, not like these two have done and picked a section that cannot stand alone and be misused in the way they propose as te intent is to PREVENT exactly what they propose set forth and explained in detail, especially part 4:
These sections were certainly not to enable an external body, entity, committee, commission or what have you to remove a president permanently outside the impeachment process, and clearly were concerned that people like Pelosi would want to misuse this section as NOT intended and for nefarious purposes such as based on one’s personal dislike for the president for example. This section is for the president him / herself to use to transfer power to the vice president for temporary purposes such as a surgery where the president could be under anesthesia and unconscious, but would immediately resume power when back to being conscious. It isn’t be used to remove a president permanently for frivolous reasons, even abuse of power (that’s the purpose of the impeachment process). in this case the frivolous intended use evidenced by Pelosi simply having a dislike for the president, which this section seeks to make certain the amendment is not used / or rather misused for. ) Moreover, the Vice President and two thirds f the House and Senate and / majority of the president’s cabinet AND the Vice president would have to be in agreement that the president cannot perform his / her job the send a letter to the President Pro Tempore to initiate the process of transfer of presidency “temporarily” to the vice president. Non of this will EVER happen as much as Ms. Pelosi wishes it would or could. Spread that link around and make it go viral!
@A M what ever! It worked on Trump to get him back on stimulus!
@A M I agree with the information that you sent and is an agreement about the 25th amendment however what I don’t agree with is you switching all the blame Pelosi. We have to be realistic and be a little bit more and transparent that’s our problem we look at one thing and we focus on that . It looks that we may not get Trump as a president however Biden he’s of age and there is a possibility of anything can happen to him or any of us considering I am . But let’s stay on the president this is a concern in general yes it may have stimulated because of our current issues with the president no different than black lives matters and white people jumping up and said but all lives matter but whites currently are not the ones getting shot or being mistreated unfairly. 90% of what you sent I agree with the 10% of how you feel baby feelings ain’t facts and feelings that get you in a lot of trouble. The fact of the matter is the 25th amendment wouldn’t been thought of unless something or someone in office it’s doing something that’s not normal of other presidents and it’s having a negative result on the American people now if you don’t want to swallow that pill hey I don’t know what to tell you.
It is fair to say that Pelosi and Trump REALLY don’t like each other.
ylangylang26 luckily you and I are few who understand and see the truth. Trump is a danger to this country and it just keeps getting worse and worse with him as our leader. A country is always a reflection of their leader and I’ve never seen so much hate and division and chaos. That should tell people he is a horrible leader. Also, he sets a bad example by never wearing a mask and mocking those who do. Which is why he and his administration are one by one catching Covid and falling like flies! It’s called karma! Lol. Nancy is doing her job of protecting the American people yet ppl give her a hard time for it. I just don’t understand ppl in America today. How are ppl not awake to what’s really going on. It’s quite terrifying!
They probably secretly hook up
re: original comment. It’s more like Trump has her so gaslit that she’s galacticly freaking out. She’s not easy to look at and creates more republicans as the party goes left. He’s really playing her and the media.
He can’t be bought like her.
Looney Nancy seems to like looking foolish!!!!! She loks dumber and dumber.
Can we apply this to speakers as well…
Yeah exactly. She creeps me out. Trump definitely looks and act healthier than her.
Translation is I am the only one who is allowed to be a fruitcake.
You are OBVIOUSLY referring to Trump!!!
Pelosi won’t say it, but introducing this 30 days in front of an election is ALL ABOUT paving the way for Kamala Harris with Joe Biden’s removal.
But the reality is for Pence to takeover Trump.
Andros C – That’s only a reality among the TDS-afflicted. You have our sympathies.
Kamala Harris Said She Was ‘Absolutely’ Open to Court Packing in 2019
HANOVER, NH – APRIL 23: Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during a Town Hall at Dartmouth College on April 23, 2019 in Hanover, New Hampshire. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)Scott Eisen/Getty Images
HANNAH BLEAU9 Oct 2020354
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), during a 2019 interview with the New York Times, said she was “absolutely” open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court.
When asked, “Are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court?” in a 2019 interview with the New York Times, Harris, stated that she remained “absolutely” open to it.
“Senator Harris told me in an interview, actually, that she was absolutely open to doing that,” New York Times reporter Alexander Burns said during Thursday’s episode of the Times’ podcast.
“But we’ve not heard her reiterate that recently so I think for them there is this balancing act of they don’t want to alienate moderate voters,” he added. “They also don’t want to send a demoralizing signal to their own party”:
She’s doing this just in case Biden wins they will say he’s to old and mentally ill and can’t be president making disgusting Harris president!! This can’t happen!
Wouldnt she be VP then .. shes killing Biden’s chance too
S Y no Harris can appoint the vice president by herself Pelosi would still be the speaker
Yes it’ll happen
Then America, do you trust Queen Cobra Karma who can’t even garner 3% of the Dem as your VP, let alone POTUS
That’s what I think the game plan will be Biden wins and within 6 months they will say he is becoming incapacitated to become the president and they will let Kamala Harris be the president….. my gessing tho
She must’ve been crying a lot because I don’t see her with makeup on.