Pelosi describes her experience following husband’s attack that was intended for her

In an exclusive interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi describes learning her husband Paul had been assaulted in their California home in an attack originally intended for her. #CNN #News

Pelosi describes her experience following husband's attack that was intended for her


  1. Best wishes to Paul and the entire family as they deal with the horrible trauma and recovery. I’m sorry she had to get the most dreaded knock on the door to inform her that her husband was in the hospital. Thank you for sharing the story with us 😊

    1. @ungadunga All jokes aside, the dam is breaking since none of it makes sense. I don’t think this is going away soon either. May be her Waterloo

  2. This is so so sad and I am so sorry for Nancy and her family to have to go through this I pray they will recover and be able to somehow go forward.

    1. @lil c’s Doesn’t change the real cause and motivation for his crime: Political hatespeech by the GQP.
      By the way, if you are so cosequential and “tough on crimes” how can you go on worshiping your “Orange Jesus” who insighted the bloody violence on Jan. 6?

    2. @Light Armor Do you think looking below the surface may be warranted. The attacker was Canadian, who crossed the border as a visitor, which every Canadian is afforded. This fellow did not return after his 90 days. Why, he was weaponized by right wing lies and conspiracy theories. Your not getting it, the lies and hate being pushed by the right only fuels more violence.

    3. @Light Armor MAGA clowns and their one-track mind. I’m sure you rubbed your 2 brain cells together really hard to come up with this comment.

    4. Democrats set for humiliating losses in mid terms…..with impeachment trials on Biden and others to follow. Biden says it will be a terrible 2 years…..the left are dead.

    1. @Lea Garner how do you know what are lies and what are not is it because the media said so or they didn’t say so because they never told the full story

  3. It takes courage to live in this world. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Nancy, and your husband, Paul. We stand with you.

  4. THANK YOU for being empathetic and offering condolences, understanding, and gentleness! So very decent of you. Love it!
    Further, I have found the stupid reaction from the important leaders and trend setters on the right to be disgusting. This is a tragedy that will take years, maybe a lifetime, to get over. Not funny, not ok.

    1. Tell that to all the other people who have been attacked and/or killed by illegal immigrants. Nancy’s husband was attacked by one with a hammer. Her immigration policies helped enable it since she supports San Fransisco’s sanctuary city status. There is NO question about those points. Why is she special when other Americans get attacked and/or killed by the illegal immigrants who are in this country due to the policies she supports? I’ll wait…

    2. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

  5. Love and prayers to your husband, family, and to you Speaker Pelosi. I don’t understand what kind of man can do something like that. The lowest of the lows.

    1. A criminal, but in so he is wh..ite criminal and niw.he has maybe has mental issues everything for not saying tiur party the republican party and their cukt.followers pushed this violence and it ccouldve well happen in jan 6.and now this..

    2. @Save 🇺🇸 hey save your flag and wipe ur arse with it. We dont care about what u haters cult evil worshippers have to say. or.stay iff these.patforms.if u dint care. Hey trump and the Republican evil party dont give a grumpy for u either. U.piece of grumpy.

    3. @Norma Colon your tyranny is coming to an end. The world suffered though 2 years of complete Democrat rule of government and you ravaged the country and the world in that time. The Golden Age will return with a new team of leaders stepping in to correct your mess.

  6. As a Canadian I have nothing political to say about your country’s election. But I have a moral hope that my neighbors will not vote for those individuals who continue to spread hatred. That hatred is spreading around the world. I was very sad to learn that the attacker was originally from my country. Prayers are great, but they are *not* enough, action is required. Vote for those who will foster decency and respect.

    1. @minnie mouth There are allot of people I want to punch or have punched but never with a hammer. Attempted murder with a hammer doss not equate to punching or better yet wanting to punch someone. Besides a punch from Nancy 🤣.

    2. @Morr_is Term limits might help. I think the bigger problem is money in politics.

      By allowing unlimited money in your campaigns, politicians spend most of their time selling themselves in order to have the money they need to get elected. There is a reason companies make those donations, they expect something for it. Even worse, the politicians work to deliver what companies want in advance, no matter who it hurts, in the hopes of getting that money.

      From here it’s hard to say that the US even has a democracy. You seem to only have direct and indirect lobbyists. It’s astonishing that policy that is tremendously popular across the US population never gets implemented because money can be spent to insure that it is never passed.

    3. @minnie mouth Yes, she did, when she found out that Trump refused to call off his supporters and refused to do anything to help the Police defending the Capitol.

      That’s quite a difference. Wishing she could punch somebody who was attempting a coup vs. hitting someone twice in the head with a hammer because they were associated with someone who defended the capitol. From here it looks like Patriotism vs. Treason.

    4. @DONKEY So true. Assassination of JFK, Lincoln. The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul, Ronald Reagan, Justice Cavanaugh. These are isolated nut job… jobs. Same goes here. But we are demonizing each other and it’s coming from the highest offices and media from BOTH sides. Look at the history of war. You say they are not human. They are Japs, or Krauts, or Gooks. The Ukrainian fighters are calling the Russian conscripts Orks. You make them less than human so you can kill them. You watch videos called, “see Karen get hers.” And it’s some big black woman slapping the sh*t out of some little blonde white woman. We are laying down the ground work for war in this country. We need to stop. This is still a good country.

  7. That was hard to watch. You can see how hurt she is, and I feel terrible for her and her family. 💔 Hopefully, Paul has a speedy recovery.

    1. @Garrett Kniffen Joe Blow has provided a textbook example of irony. It’s unsettling to see how many presumably adult people, seem to have zero sense of self awareness, or judgment, or common sense, etc.

    2. @Jamie I’m glad that you were able to remove the toxicity from your life 👍. Unless you’re online with someone proclaiming that they blow.

    1. @Golf Fanatic why is it lame? It’s a logical comment. The security guard witness saw the guy in all black and when the cops got to Smollett’s house the guy was in shorts. These are facts from the powers that be…

    2. Depends on who you ask. Many think that after Biden won and that scary, scary nazi stepped down, the U.S. is paradise on earth. They couldn’t be happier.

  8. Violence like this is unacceptable – anywhere on anyone. Left, Right, Male, Female, Black, White, Brown, etc. It’s just not right.

    1. @Kimberly McAllister anyone who makes excuses for an attack on an elderly man, isn’t worth anybody’s time. They are shite humans.

  9. So sorry that some American politicians find things like this violence an interesting way to get attention. Disgusting reactions. No compassion or morals. Shame on them.

    1. ​@Dog Poo Fairy Lies, propaganda, conspiracy theories and bullshit. You people just cannot see through any of it.

    2. “If he comes, I’m going to punch him out. I’ve been waiting for this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds, I’m going to punch him out. And I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy,” – Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6th

  10. How anyone could support someone who commits such a sickening crime speaks volumes of what’s wrong with our country right now.

    1. @420 420 Those people who are harassing Barrett and Kavanaugh are wrong. Is it continuing currently? If so, I will try to contact some officials to publicly call this out to stop. It’s wrong. I don’t like it.

    2. @George The “attacker” was a leftist. Look at his life profile: Canadian, here illegally, druggie (likely the biggest factor here), living in a sanctuary city (Berkley) in a bus, next to an LGBTQ+ flag, with a sign in the window of the house he shared for black lives matter. Does that even remotely sound like a MAGA profile to you? All of this is verifiable. It’s also verifiable that he was very unstable. Nancy would have you believe this guy was uber MAGA, or whatever silly name they come up with to demonize the right with this week. Consider that if she didn’t advocate for sanctuary cities, this dude would have been long gone and no threat to Americans. She literally got burned by the same policies that have resulted in people losing loved ones in her district, but Paul is at least still alive. As a libertarian I laugh at the nonsense games I see here.

    3. @shadows221 Nancy is literally using this to try and gain political support at the 11th hour because no one can stand the policies. If we’re talking human life, we should also bear in mind Paul’s regard for human life when he was blasting down the road earning the DUI that could have easily killed the people he ran into.

  11. There’s no finer than a woman who bears the brunt of the brutes and still manages at the end of the day for her loved one’s sake to speak of love and healing, admiration and conciliation.

    1. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats.

    1. @ddobro2 OR maybe she didn’t want to see an illegal immigrant brutalize her husband after her own policies made it possible? That’s the most generous interpretation… many others have suffered for the same reason. Not going to cry why the political chickens come home to roost…

    2. @Light Armor Right 🤨 Bc it would show she was in on it 😊 pauly I’ve heard is a fruitcake 🤪 if ya know what I mean 🤢 NCSWIC 🇺🇸✌🏼

    3. Yeah, it was a little touchy when he was talking about Paul Pelosi’s actual injury. You could tell it was shaking Nancy. But she’s strong and handled it well.
      She’s 82 years old. What a wonderful person.

  12. I admire this woman so much. She has been a valuable public servant for everyone, not just Democrats. I pray for the healing of her husband and her entire family.

    1. her own policies of allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the US allowed what happened to her husband to happen………She has been a detriment to our society as a whole. I wish husband a speedy recovery and good health.

    2. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    3. @Mr Rey You think that Nancy Pelosi has a lot of power don’t you. That’s why you hate her.
      First she’s in charge of the National Guard, now she’s in charge of immigrants from Canada overstaying their visa.
      Grow up.

    1. So stunning… so brave… I can only aspire to one day be as big as of an alcoholic as Nancy is…

    1. @Light Armor He wasn’t an “illegal immigrant” at all!
      He is a canadian citizen, whose working permit has expired!
      So don’t distract by trying to blame Democrats for this!
      Its the GQP lackies and election denyers, their violent rhetoric, who are to be blamed for this kind of violence.
      This is insane, deceitful and hypocritical!

    2. @march49 seriously? Just wanna add he is a nudist, blm supporter, lgbt blah blah. Meets all the criteria that Nanny want you all to vote for.

  13. So sorry that the Pelosi family must have to deal with this. This was unnecessary and so very sad. Thoughts and prayers to the whole family!

    1. Pelosis created it. That’s what happens when you vote open borders and sanctuary city. The attacker is an illegal. Surprised?

    2. The Pelosi’s are garbage who have been selling the American people out for their own benefit for too long. Who cares… Your own policies let an illegal immigrant stay in this country and attack your husband with a hammer. Other people have died. Cry me a river…

  14. Nancy is a very strong and composed person. Having seen what she was doing to handle the situation on January 6 and to be able to compose herself at one point in this video from not crying is to admire. Praying that Mr Pelosi a speedy recovery.

    1. Nancy’s policies on immigration allowed her husband’s attacker into this country. That’s undeniable. So many people have been hurt this way.

    2. Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. It is absolutely disgusting to me though that she has to go through this TOTALLY UNNECESSARY thing at age 80+. THIS is the depths that the GOP has sunk to?? At one time they were a little better. She said it: “It’s sad for the country.” I hope the guy who did this to Paul Pelosi gets the death penalty.

    3. “If he comes, I’m going to punch him out. I’ve been waiting for this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds, I’m going to punch him out. And I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy,” – Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6th

    4. @wreckin ball what she wished for him has been past due for many….but why dirty her hands with orange spray tan.

    5. @Leticia Bustamante you missed the most important part… “I was waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol.” Considering she denied extra security that day I’d say the quote re: punching him is the least of her worries

  15. Prayers to Paul and Nancy and their family. It’s so crazy how some politicians are acting like he’s not a human being. Our democracy is in a sad state of affairs.

    1. @YowzaBowzaWowza So, for someone with a dog’s name…I do not expect the truth. A nasty package on the lawn maybe…but not much more.

    2. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats.

    3. @Ronnie King: So loving. So liberal. Oh so very tolerant. You Dems are worse than hypocritical. Research the psychological term “distorted thinking”. It should benefit you greatly in understanding your mental problems.

    4. @Benson I see your point…but what happened at the Capital has been used over and over again as an excuse to avoid talking about the real issues that a lot of voters are interested in.

      It was compared to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. I don’t think a collection of goofballs that decided to break through windows and parade around in Viking helmets with their shirts off can overthrow the most powerful Government that ever existed.

      They tried that narrative for the longest time now and have yet to realize that it’s clearly not working.

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