PBO warns Canada’s growing deficit is ‘barely’ sustainable

Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux joins the Press Gallery to discuss Canada's federal deficit and why he says it's barely sustainable.

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PBO warns Canada's growing deficit is 'barely' sustainable


  1. failed state noun : A state whose political or economic system has become so weak that the government is no longer in control.

  2. who owns canada who are these central bank big wigs,….? the financial credit system is a SHAM fake money but Real World debt wata a perfect circle for those in control, working class are fish globally, the same happening everywhere.

    1. Always the same line, if only the rich or the middle/well off pay a little more taxes then everything will be sun shine and roses.
      Its the government bureaucracy and there lavish expenditure that is taking away your standard of living; the more they spend the more we pay taxes. If you look at everything government has done it has never been below budget, it usually double to triple the estimated cost; if not increase in cost it’s projects being cancelled.
      The more taxes they take from you, the less you have to spend; the more they devalue the money you earn, the less you can buy with that money and the more you have to work. When government micromanages your life/country it’s a sign of corruption being expanded.

    1. NDP is just liberals in disguise to form another party to divide and conquer; both parties are running on platforms that are so similar that they should just be one party.

  3. The Parliamentary Budget Officer should be advising the Government and Parliament, I don’t think he should be appearing in public to question the Government’s decisions. It might be time to find a public servant not a political stooge.

  4. Fiscal responsibly in government?? What is that all about?? Singh and Trudeau it does not register with either of them!
    The IMF is going to come calling and shut down this free for all in spending no matter who is the government of the day!!
    Do some of you remember what happen to Greece??

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