Payback Is A Voter: Here Are The Republican Senators Up For Re-Election In Close Races | The ReidOut

Joy talks to Jon Favreau and Juanita Tolliver about the close races coming up for Democrats to win back the Senate. After the Senate appointed Amy Coney-Barrett in swift fashion during a pandemic while ignoring a relief bill at the same time, Joy says “I believe payback is a voter.” Aired on 10/27/2020.
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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Payback Is A Voter: Here Are The Republican Senators Up For Re-Election In Close Races | The ReidOut


    1. @Miguel Sanchez
      It’s literally the same comment under different names. Y’all like to call out bots don’t ya

    2. @Ryan Rogers
      People aren’t that big of morons ya know. Most reasonable people know covid did this. Not trump. Before covid, the economy was so good, you credited Obama for it every month it got better

  1. I don’t like Republican senators that only sucked up to trump/Mitch vs working for the people!! BLUE TSUNAMI!! BYEDON!!

    1. @Rodger Mcnamer – Mcconnell and tRump want more money for themselves and the big corporations. Pelosi wants money FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE SMALL BUSINESSES. *HAVE YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??*

    1. McSally lost her election, but was still gifted the seat. And then she had the never to call a reported “a hack” because he asked her a question. Lady, you should count your lucky stars that anyone ever cares what you think.
      So yeah, if I were a Arizona voter, I’d want her out and fast!

    2. This pandemic has really taught people the importance of investing in profitable investment thereby growing there funds. I’m amazed most people Don’t know that the Rich gets richer by spending less and investing more while the poor remains poor by spending without investing, truelly investment is the only way one can grow his wealth truelly investing in Stock will be very profitable due to its current rise. Text expert Sam on what Sapp invest with him, his strategies are top notch +1 8-1-2-2-0-0-6-5-7-6 everyone I referred to him is really making it in the crypto market. One of my subscribers here made up to $400,000 trading with him just in this lockdown. This is the only way I think I can help you invest your funds, wish you the very best in Stock
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    3. @Brownie Heath And what happens when we abolish corporations in the future..? Because we will. It’s inevitable.

  2. Me and my wheelchair will be out this weekend working the polls…it is our Country, take ownership people.

    1. @The Tweatles little correction: America vs the Russians … hahaha Drumpf (Putin’s lapdog) and GOP (Goons of Putin).

    1. Thanks to you’ll, Texas will make a difference this time. Please encourage your family, friends, neighbors and love ones to do the same. And tell them this is a vote against Russians. Country (America) over the GOP (the Goons Of Putin), meaning America vs Russia.

    2. Dallas TX voter. Straight blue ticket. Registered Republican. I hope my vote helps kick the Republicans in the balls for what they have done to our country.

  3. I am a former republican who voted a straight BLUE BALLOT in Texas. Getting rid of CORNYN. Sorry I can’t get rid of more of tRumps enablers. abbot, cruz etc. I will next time. As far as I am concerned, their names shouldn’t be capitalized.

    1. @never cantrell Are you not old enough to remember that the gas prices has never been higher than under Bush & Chaney?

    1. @Mira Almacari take some of the red pills and take a nap. Drumpf is going to jail in New York as soon as he vacates the people’s house.

    2. @Yves Laurissint well I’m obviously not a smart enough to know personality has nothing to do with it…its policy and like I said Biden’s policies. Will raise taxes..send fuel prices rocketing and send jobs to China…you know like Obama. But on steroids!

    3. @Yves Laurissint well I’m obviously no lier..just smart enough to know Trump’s the better of the 2…biden will skyrocket fuel prices ..we will no longer be energy will go to China and taxes will be raised up to 3 fold to pay for everything he’s pushing

  4. Every one of them. Every one. Vote them all out. Give them time to think about what they’ve done, change the old guard, and do something for Americans: decent health care just for one.

  5. Drain the swap I’m talking about all those republicans that don’t care about Americans, they just rushed their vote for Barret and then went on vacation and forgot to vote for a bill that will help us

    1. They did not FORGET, they were only there to stack the courts & they complain if the Democrates does it. What u do in the dark comes out in the light.

    1. I dont remember voting for Mitch or voting for him to be SML so why is he in absolute control of government?

    2. 🤨 I don’t believe for one minute that Mitch has won his seat fairly in Kentucky for over 30 years. They have the most corrupt election practices of any of the State’s with Georgia running a close second.

    1. @jackflash Interesting demographic in your family, to me that indicates a certain level of emotional intelligence in your parenting. Haha, it’s so odd to hear a thanks for being civil, and I course I’ll say thanks to you also. I’ll go to bed tonight reassured that America isn’t completely filled with the fine people we see on tv as the representatives of our society.

    2. @Patience Isaac Thank you so much my son now has to take medication to keep his kidneys from failing. There is a lot of side affects from this horrific virus that they are not talking about. My brother was hospitalized with blood clots in his lungs & had to have one removed from his leg he almost died but thank God prayer do work. People need to take this virus serious because we really don’t know what it is.

  6. “Elections have consequences” per MOSCOW-MITCH. REMEMBER what the turtle man said. While AMERICANS SUFFER, REPUBLICANS CONCENTRATE ON amy coney Bennett. REMEMBER in NOVEMBER.

    1. @Mysterium Universum Only low life communist socialists are those who don’t care bunch of idiots.. so just get ready for #PROLIFE #LoveEveryHeartbeat #ALLLIVESMATTER #TRUMP2020

  7. Don’t usually comment on anyone’s appearance, but, I must, Juanita Tolliver looks like an egyptian goddess. WOW!!!

    1. Mitch is the only one in the photo not smiling. Does he know what’s coming his way and the rest of them oblivious? They are all smiling like they have just gotten the acquittal of the presidents impeachment won!
      Nothing is going to wipe those silly smiles off their cowardly faces like a crushing election defeat.

  8. EVERY single Republican on the Ballot this Election had the opportunity to stand up to Trump. EVERY single Republican FAILED. #VoteThemAllOut #VoteBlueDownBallot

  9. The Democrats, need to take the power back, on all 3 branches of government, and then… packed the courts. “Let’s, even out the playing field.”

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