Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was released from federal prison to serve the remainder of his sentence in home confinement amid fears about the spread of the coronavirus. Aired on 05/13/2020.
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Paul Manafort Released From Prison Amid Virus Concerns | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Highest level of corruption.
…from Obama’s Deep State hold overs…you bet.
@Jezballz Wanker Alert.
Jezballz deepstate you mean dumb tinfoilhats debunked theories
Lock him back up! Lock him back up! Lock & throw away the key & no get out of jail Free Card!
Do you feel the same way about Michael Avenatti?
“Amid Virus Concerns” no the same Amid Virus Concerns of going out working in factories of course

Lol, nice pic about Clorox stay safe.
Trump and Barr’s fingerprints are all over this
Isn’t it great…! The Ostrich jacket is coking out to play…awesome news.
Let’s see if this is a conspiracy lol Tick tac lets investigate the Matter.
Just Another Tuesday: Donald Trump Tweets Conspiracy Claim Against Joe Scarborough, Again
Let’s see if this is a conspiracy lol Tick tac lets investigate the Matter.
let’s replace Morning joe with Paul Manafort lets give him a long run for his money…
Donald Trump again tweeted conspiracy theory about Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough, again suggesting that he was involved in a 2001 Hmmm very interesting let’s Digg up the matter from the past jack to see if this is true. Remember Murder doesn’t have a statute of limitation
Welcome home Paul
The swamp is getting topped up. Manafort, Flynn. Wow, the WH isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. How blatantly corrupt. Its shameless.
You make yourself look like a fool , investigate ,research the truth
Right we should never of released any of the non violent offenders during pandemic.
Flynn was set up by a corrupt Obama administration and FBI hacks.
Cohen is out already too! Due to covid19
Dont forget Cohen
Just one more traitor getting out of prison for Donald Trump.
@Nero you don’t have one apparently
Jim Boyy another person who can’t be bothered with the facts huh? Trump loves people like you. Easily manipulated. Say it ain’t so and scream false news as loud as you want. It won’t make you any more intelligent or right
@Jim Boyy Sorry man, you’re misinformed. No one was set up. These people have been proven guilty. You’re being a gullible consumer of Right Wing media propaganda. You’re simply repeating lies you’ve been told. And I’ll add that you’re displaing the hatred that they stoke but I’m afraid we’re guilty of that as well. Umm…civility, folks. I know it’s hard at times.
@T R all in black and white on paper, truth is there , you just can’t handle it
@T R sad that one will make an effort to find the truth and listens to msm and all the lies all the hate ,learn to think for yourself ,rely on one ,that’s why we are working everyday ,banking it ,while u sitting at home wondering
Ok manafort may not be a violent offender,
But look who he delivered….TRUMP
Manafort should be left in prison to ROT … TRAITOR SUPREME!
@Dave Schultz Geez, try another one
Manafort organized and directed the Republican National Convention which was held in Cleveland, Ohio, from July 19-21.
Three days after the RNC wrapped up, Manafort addressed questions that had started to be raised about his and the campaign’s possible ties to Russia.
Manafort joined the Trump campaign on March 29, 2016 and left on August 18, 2016- a tenure of about 140 days. Volunteered? lol yeah
More mind numbing boring interviews from MSNBC! Talk to people who can show these simple minded journalists how to manage! Show them Dallas, Texas! They know how to do it. Talk to Shelly Luther to give tips on good management! MSNBC and their current guests keep reading and repeating information that was applicable five or six months ago:. Things change and when things change smart people change with that new information! Isn’t one of the critical signs of dementia constantly repeating the same thing over and over as we continue to see with MSNBC employees. It seems like the dementia test would be much more critical for MSNBC news people considering their statements. I understand that a good deal of the issue is lack of education, very low iQ, lack of experience (or at least remembered experience). Of course, they sound like excessive drug use is part of the issue since the dementia (lack of recent memory) is so widespread at MSNBC. Often there is repetition of the same incoherent phrases four or five times within a very short period of time. Another characteristic of dementia is negativity!. This is the only view expressed on MSNBC. Go to the people who know. Hire Shelly Luther to do interviews! She is much more intelligent, positive and attractive than these clowns!
he’s like a crack mule.
There was a time when traitors was hanged.
gongills Yet Hillary, Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brenan, Pelosi, seem to keep trucking along living good.
Yes there was. Sould start with 44 and his criminal minions.
A lot of bleach drinkers will respond….
No Joe, he should have been left in prison to die.
Bet Rudy will be visiting him planning his pardon
100% AGREE!!
Release Michael Cohen…he has a story to tell
You’re late sweetie, he’s already out. He was first
Rona Love that’s great news! I knew donald and billy were trying to prevent his release…his book should be a dandy with a lot of good stories about dirty don
Yet thousands of others without money are dying!
Have you noticed that Trump stands like a pigeon.
And he even struts like a pigeon.
He’s also as smart as a pigeon.
That is not fair to Pigeons
Obama struts like a peacock but really is a chicken. But that s unfair to the chickens. The chicken at least serves a useful purpose unlike Obama.
@quietman356 123455
Trump sucks Putin .
Trump: Melania, why my fart is on the floor?
He’s wearing lifts in his shoes. Body language experts have broken this down.
There’s a thing called solitary confinement. If could have and should have been used!
And thousands of violent criminals are being released. You people really do have TDS!
It was used with Manafort.
It was protective custody. It’s for people with Kangaroo pajamas.
@quietman356 123455 exactly he was already one of the prisoners with the least risk of catching the virus .
Here is a fun thought, if you don’t want to deal with the virus in prison…
Then again that means “not” being scum.. which is clearly taking over our government
That argument only works against poor people…mainly blacks.
1). Senator Rand Paul was just arguing yesterday during a senate hearing that the covid-19 is not a devastating illness and it will only affect a very small percentage of the population.
2). If this is true then why is it that the presidents former campaign manager gets released from prison based on his potential 2 contract the Coronavirus?
Under these circumstances all criminals should be freed, cruel and unusual punishment, oop not rich
What a bull s**t answer. I thought willie was better than that.
Well it’s a strong possibility that prisoners that get over the Coronavirus may have health-related inflammatory complications effecting (heart, lungs, kidneys and brains) after the fact which could swell state and federal prison expenses just to take care of those inmates down the line. The Prudent thing to do would be to release nonviolent inmates if it’s practical from a budgetary standpoint. But this man (Manafort) was at the beginning of his sentence which brings into question if his closeness to the president played any role in his release?
@Belinda Mendieta What do you mean?
Kentucky has the 2 worse senators in the US Senate. Is it in any wonder non-Kentuckians see it as a garbage state?
Barely even trying to hide their corruption anymore
Fun fact: Owning a “hunting rifle” is legal in the U.S. You may not be able to get a tag for what you want to hunt but “poaching” some animals is generally accepted.
foosgoalie and that’s saved me a lot of money on meat.
Oh so everyone’s getting released? I’m sure it’s not ONLY these Trump people.
The funny thing is there will be nobody to leverage Trump out of prison.
Is anyone else sick and tired of these a holes getting away with everything.
Justice is coming….but now it’s for people who have actually committed crimes. Don’t worry though, you’re watching MSNBC so you’ll to oblivious to what is actually happening.
@Winston C no argument , just anger , no facts just stupidity, you are a sad person, caught up in the demonic lies of the Demoncrats and msm
@ezra Cohen okay mr. Fox News you get the real facts I’m sure of that LOL
@ezra Cohen no you know it’s not okay I brought this up because they are not releasing every man and women over 67 out of the jails because of covid-19 and if you think it’s right for when Rich dude can get out and not the rest well that’s too bad for you I believe in justice for all and no I’m not a Democrat.
@Christopher Colon the only conspiracy is the letting a rich old man out of prison and not everybody over 67 man or woman who are at risk to get covid-19 so that’s what I was saying and nothing else and why everybody thinks I’m a Democrat is beyond me I hate to inform you I am not have a nice day.
Sure pays to be rich, white, male, and politically connected.
It always has. It always ways will. The only bright spot is that covid kills more men than women no matter their race.