Paul Gionfriddo Reacts To Impact Of Pandemic On Mental Health | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

From frontline workers to patients to the loved ones of victims, the emotional and mental toll of COVID is no secret. President and CEO of Mental Health America, Paul Gionfriddo joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss if there's enough help for the growing number of people who need it. Aired on 12/21/2020.
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#PaulGionfriddo #MentalHealth #MSNBC

Paul Gionfriddo Reacts To Impact Of Pandemic On Mental Health | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

Paul Gionfriddo Reacts To Impact Of Pandemic On Mental Health | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. just look at the members of government to see how it effects. big business and big churches getting money for personal use. the low income and elderly get pushed out of the way

    1. thank McConnell for that he really doesn’t want to help joe dirt they are the ones who need financial help, they live day to day, people who have lost their income and no fault of their own Franklyn its disgusting

  2. World- Creates Covid-19 vaccine……..
    Covid-19 – Ill see your vaccine…and I will raise you one Covid-21 Premium PRO-MAX Power.

    1. Citizen Sanction, yes, a fried clam dropped and long forgotten on the cluttered floor of a disordered mind.

  3. It’s not just the pandemic. It’s 4 years of dealing with this corrupt administration with no accountability! 😡

    1. @Sunshine FL I’ll wait for any substantial proof that Trump has done anything less than a stellar job as President

  4. I have never in my life imagined that this country would accept the behavior of this poor excuse of a man and all the enablers contributing to this insanity that will destroy the idea of democracy.

  5. Speaking of mental health, it’s pretty clear at this point that t’rump suffers from severe narcissism, delusion, and depression. Any other person would have learned to deal with the crushing re-election loss. But not someone you suffers from mental disorders. Like asking Dahmer to simply stop eating people, or Kanye to stop being bi-polar.
    I truly hope he seeks help.

  6. I’m just starting to calm down almost 10 months later in this Pandemic. s
    *So Thankful for still being here*
    *blessings to those who lost their lives*
    *I love us all please stay safe* 💕🙏🏾

    1. Hugs to you ❤️❤️❤️….I’m glad you’re feeling some relief. I have been struggling hard. We live in this rural area that basically believes this is overblown and over dramatized. My kids are seeing everyone else go about their business just fine, while I’m trying to keep my family safe. It’s really hurting them mentally so then I get more anxious and upset. I’m a nurse, and I also have a husband who has had a kidney transplant and 2 heart surgeries. So I know what we need to do to keep him alive.I can do it fine, but it’s watching my kids struggle with isolation and loneliness that is what is making me so anxious. My oldest was a junior in college. We struggled with whether he was going to go back on campus. His school did end up going virtual, but most of his friends went back. He sees that and he sees all his friends out having a good time and they seem to be fine. It’s just starting to touch our community more now. I might be rambling a bit😳 , but I did just initially start this comment wanting to tell you I’m glad to see you are feeling some relief 😏🤦 😁. Take care and be well.. Prayers that you and your family continue to stay healthy ❤️.

    2. @Melanie Hale Hugs to you 💕💕💕 thank you for the Hug I needed that.. blessings to you and your family.. thank you for sharing your heartfelt comment… I felt that, and I feel you.. thank you for being an amazing nurse we need and love you💕 your family and the people. I’m praying for you and your family. I pray you and your family find some peace knowing God willing we will get through this. We have to keep our family safe even when half of the world is being reckless and maskless 🤦🏾‍♀️ and I know it’s hard I’m a parent also. We have to tell these kids please hold on, we will get through this, just have to stay still for a little while 💕 make it through this year 💕 let’s take a deep breath together and say one second at a time. Thank you for your kind words, also sharing your time with me.. *It Means a lot. *Stay Strong please*

    3. @Nobi_Bklyn your words mean a lot as well, I want you to know😇. I got this rush of warmth and it made me tear up. Thank you for YOUR warmth and kindness. It was a refreshing blessing, truly. One thing that is for sure for me through this pandemic, it makes me more aware and even more appreciative of kindness and empathy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰Just thank you 😭😭😭*happy tears*.. 😇😇😇🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

    4. @Melanie Hale I feel the same way. We all are the human race. If we just took care of each other with respect and kindness, this world would get better 💕 you touched my heart with your beautiful 1st sentence, definitely made me warm inside 💕💕💕💕 *I am with you all the way* 🥰🥰🥰🥰😁

  7. I know someone who graduated to be a nurse. ..And didn’t go into the proffession because of Covid 19 and public repsonce. … I think her life mattered.

  8. It is categorized as mental illness but situational depression about this last year is kind of healthy. If you’re not anxious and depressed there’s something wrong with you. It’s pretty hard to cope or lose anxiety when you can’t pay your rent.

  9. I must be past stage 4. The only human contact I have is social media and it doesn’t bother me too much.
    Years ago I was on mental health meds and the longer I took them the I had suicidal thoughts. A year after I stopped taking them all suicidal thoughts were gone. Some days are long but no more suicidal thoughts in 5 years.
    I did finally get rid of a cheating girlfriend at the same time. It’s probably the combination that helped.
    I barely drink and I’d never drink if I had proper pain med’s and this government would legalize recreational marijuana.
    Once I finish shoveling my 300 foot driveway I’m headed for a gallon of rum. 100 feet down 200 to go if my knee allows it lol.

  10. Love the show… I listen every morning from my phone after Morning Joe and while having my own morning joe!

  11. This administration has affected people in an intrinsic way. Our health has been in jeopardy, then our livelihood, then our mental health and soon it will be anarchy which is what 45 thrives in. Let’s ALL reach out to our neighbors

  12. Past Trauma is an underrated factor for many mental illnesses. This pandemic has thrown much more trauma upon those who’ve never dealt with what was already there

  13. You know who the biggest assailant on American mental health is? The Sultan of Stupid, Donald J Trump. His modus operandi for the past eight weeks has been multiple daily attacks on any sense of ‘normal’ or stability. An enemy interrogator couldn’t do a better job. You know who the 2nd one is? McConnell who kept people in economic limbo since July.

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