Former federal prosecutor Paul Butler and NBC News correspondent Shaquille Brewster react to the brand new body cam video released by Chicago Police showing the fatal shooting of 13-year-old Adam Toledo. Aired on 04/15/2021.
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#PaulButler #FatalShooting #MSNBC
Paul Butler On The Shooting Of 13-Year-Old Adam Toledo By Police | Deadline | MSNBC
Not being able to keep up with which shooting we are talking about is a horror.
Omg. How about the 131 home idea
@Helen Hunter yes he did have a gun and the video evidence is proof positive.
How about the 131 homicides the first three months this year in Chicago. Record pace. Nice
@Ana Hajarajanan really?
@R82CLTD Rebellious What makes you think I’m a Trump supporter.
I dont get why the police and sheriffs dont just shut down and let you guys defend yourselves
That’s actually what needs to be done. Or hire decent, ethical, civil, drug and alcohol free officers. I guarantee the murder rate would decrease. Stop predatory, biased policing.
@American Native you are lacking cognitive processes.
@Alien Paragon I beg to differ, actually you’re the one lacking any cognitive thought, however you do possess a combination of sarcasm and biased commentary that most will agree is not only vacuous but incredibly annoying.
@American Native Alien Paragon is correct. If you think police are the issue, not dolts like this kid who fired a gun at 3 am, then you are the one with issues.
@Joseph G Not once did I agree or disagree with the tragic situation regarding the 13 year old child. My comment was in direct response to the other defensive, pontificating clown.
I have never liked or trusted cops when I was younger. I thought they picked on me and stopped me every where I went . But that wasn’t the case, they were stopping me because they KNEW I used drugs. There are so many criminals out there that I don’t believe they’d just shoot a person for no reason. Trust me, if you’re doing the right things, you don’t have to worry about a cop just walking up and shooting you! Ridiculous . While I know of a few crooked cops in my town, I know 100 times more lawbreakers
While that’s true, some of those crooked cops did cause trouble whenever it happened. And so many people have wrongfully paid the price for wrongful assumptions, convictions and etc. There’s been yet another incident, but this time it is with an Afro-Latino person who is a Lieutenant in the military. He was pulled over and the police went to guns on him yelling at him to get out of the car. Long story short. The person Nazario is okay, but the cops that did this from what I heard are held accountable.
“Where is the bottom?” The bottom is no where in sight as long as it is acceptable for a 13 year old to be out at 2 AM with a gun. Where is his father?
No, why is a child being murdered by police?
@My Channel Why is a 13 year old out at 2AM with a hand gun? I bet he was finishing his bug collection for biology, right?
@Chris Lane So being outside at night equals being murdered by the police according to you. You are disgusting.
@My Channel You are being purposefully disingenuous. Your idiotic comment is basically saying that a cop was just randomly driving around and saw a random kid outside at night and thought to himself “oh look there’s a kid outside past his bedtime! I’m gonna get him! *BANG*”
Get real, you dunce.
13 yo don’t belong in the street at 2am with a gun
I’m assuming you meant to say “non”gun free zones?
@Terry Jones
Why should he go anywhere? What UnAmerican comment or behavior did he convey? Did the cop make an erroneous decision? Yes, but this isn’t an exact science. We saw what happened to the cop in NM. As well as the 45 cops shot and killed last year. Hence why I cooperate with the police and not allow my children to roam the streets at those hours if at all.
@Seven Taylor joined 3 months ago, speaks for Republicans….gtfoh
@Terry Jones you assume the cop knew the perps age, he certainly didn’t sir! He knew an armed suspect was fleeing on foot and shots had just rang out. There was no clear.view of the ditching from the cops perspective. The kid did this intentionally in an attempt to hide the discharged weapon.
Crazy how no one talks about how the kid had a gun
@Open Mind thank you thank you thank you
@Tia Williams there’s video of him throwing it over that fence. What’s your supreme leader’s favorite quote??? Oh yea, “C’mon man”.
@Tia Williams You have eye issues?
@Revenge trick
She also drives a school bus.
Pray for kids in Chicago elementary.
Hello? Taser gun? Anti-bullet vest? Where are those gear when police got Wild West Style? Also, apparently when police NOT shoot any 6th January People, they are a hero…
How come we never blame the parents for this ?
@Chris ONeill oh it was the cops that let him out at 2am with a gun, running around with a grown man. silly me i thought that was on the parents to stop.
It’s easier to blame white people.
Thank you 3 on the morning my year old is not out
@V LAD gaming pretty blatantly clear his hands were empty and up. Cop proceeded to shoot him. He made the wrong split second decision to murder someone who at that time was unarmed. Doesn’t matter what he did before that time. Cop could have arrested and charged him for that, instead he summarily executed him.
@Travis C how was it clear? He turned while putting his hands up. Easy to sit behind your screen and say this stuff.
The important question; where are the parents? A 13 year old with a shotgun at 4 in the morning
@staina bertrand stupid people like you will always find any reason to defend a criminal. Nobody can/should ever take anything you say seriously unless they are dumber than you
@Jay R Killing is not a job . Their job is to serve and protect .
@ilesos you look dumb asf congrats
@ilesos STFUP
@J R well then they protected society from a criminal. Also let’s not get into job labels because I don’t think you’re getting paid to be this stupid and yet here you are.
They keep saying “13 year old Child. A CHILD!” As if there’s such thing as a 13 year old adult
I think if you have a gun you cross the line over to adult fairly quickly.
@TheAboriginal agreed. This kid gave up his innocence when he decided to carry a gun around after 2AM. @J R the truth is the truth. Nothing good ever happens out in the streets after midnight. I knew that as a 13 yo kid. I also knew right from wrong at 13. Blame this kid for his own actions. Also blame his parents.
Most teens ages 13 to 17 will:
Attain cognitive maturity—the ability to make decisions based on knowledge of options and their consequences
Continue to be influenced by peers (The power of peer pressure lessens after early adolescence.)
Build skills to become self-sufficient
Respond to media messages but develop increasing ability to analyze those messages
Develop increasingly mature relationships with friends and family
Seek increased power over their own lives
Learn to drive, increasing their independence
He clearly had a firearm!!
Yep. And 4 years later he would be eligible to go be Canon fodder for the US Government. To go fight in decades-long wars that our country will never win.
Notice the slide is locked back on the 13 year old’s piece meaning he fired every round off
@Don’t read This how do we know that??
@william Olson Cops were responding to the gun being fired.
@william Olson Because that is how a gun works
@william Olson Here are the FACTS.
This kid is 13 yrs old
He was out at 2am in the morning
He was hanging out with a 21 yr old convicted felon, named Roman
Roman fired the gun 8 times, police believe, which is what triggered the Shot Detector technology in the city that leads police to gun shots.
Upon police pulling up, Roman handed Adam the gun, as they ran.
Adam threw the gun over the fence while being chases. The officer most likely did not see this happen, and upon corning him, or when Adam stopped, he turned around while raising his arms.
WTF do you people want from the police? To stand there and get shot? I hope police mass quit in Democrat cities and let them see what the wild west felt like, and watch as the Democrat politicians flee and white SJWs commit “white flight” for a 50th time in a Democrat cesspool.
@william Olson ever been held at gunpoint? I have. Tired of the basics of life not being followed. If the kid was where he should have been he would be alive today. Can you dispute that? If the cop didn’t already know he had a gun, maybe a different outcome. And thanks for the calm reply.
Why is nobody asking why a 13 year old boy is out at 3 am shooting guns with a 21 year old ?
Because they don’t want to admit that the city with some of the strictest gun control laws has become a shooting gallery.
Cause dems would rather blame everything on cops and Trump and his supporters of course.
from what i hear the 21 year old was the one shooting but what i believe is the 21 year old gave the gun to the kid because kids are charged less than adults in gun possession so he was going to give the kid the gun so he didn’t get the bigger charge for gun possession
smellydank+ because it destroys their narrative, and it brings in the element of personal responsibility and proper families which liberals detest to the core
It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see a child killed. What are his parents saying? How are they not being asked to explain the circumstances? We know why the armed police officer was we need answers for what a 7th grader was doing there..and was he armed? Where did he get the weapon?a tragedy
They won’t talk. I wonder why?
He had a gun and, according to the news, he had been firing the gun – there was gun powder residue on his hands
The kid was unfortunately up to no good, and seen earlier with another older criminal, and possibly fired 8 rounds at a passing car.
Part of the problem is why was he out at 2:30am on the streets….bad parenting, and they are partly responsible.
I know it’s devastating. But unfortunately the kid was up to no good. It would’ve been different if the kid wasn’t armed. The kid was a minor of 13 years of age, running around at 2:30 am, shooting at cars and firing 8 rounds at random things before getting shot. The cops didn’t wait one second to shoot as this kid shouldn’t even have a weapon in his hand
The 13yo was committing crimes with a 21 yo. This wasn’t a cop-issue. Tragic that a child was in this lifestyle.
There are no such things as children in Chicago LMFAO! These “kids” have seen more in their life than u and I
As Chicago rapper Rooga said
“These youngins riding around with pipes (guns) Them youngins they’ll take your life” -For Duck, Rooga
It’s a sad world but that’s how these kids grow up
and die, so why are people so surprised? It’s the game they signed up for, some make it, some don’t.
African American culture is so pure and productive
Parents need to be brought to trial for kids who are getting their hands on guns and drugs at early ages.
Wut iz yu doin?
It’s nice to see the media, being reasonable, and telling the truth for once. (Said no one ever)
evgeni+ i have an idea for tragedies like this…. simply abolish the police force in ALL liberal, democrat-leaning districts, and only keep police to protect conservative, republican-leaning districts. that way, there will be no more police brutality where it is not wanted.
@The Superman Those districts can eradicate covid too, with safety precautions & vaccines as well while those crazy right leaning districts can run wild with mass shootings and pretending to support the police until maggots decide to attack them
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This feels like a waste of time.
So a 13-year-old boy is on the street at two in the morning? With a gun!? The media needs to go!
An Ohio man was threatening police while holding a gun and was arrested without incident. You need to go
Lil’ Homicide got what was coming based on his actions.