Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) looks at how Marjorie Taylor Greene is influencing the GOP and how the party is “going down these dark roads of racism and white supremacy and conspiracy theories”. Aired on 04/21/2021.
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#SeanPatrickMaloney #MarjorieTaylorGreene #MSNBC
Patrick Maloney: In The GOP ‘Voices Like MTG Are Driving The Decision Making’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Greene needs to be gone.
But it’s worrying how she even got there in the first place.
Isn’t greene the last color rotten meat turns before it’s black?
To think the Republicans had the nerve to want to censure Maxine Waters.
@Kelly Thomas-Sanders I’m not what?
@Hanover Green I’m British not Russian stoopid. Fact!
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes I’m not copy and pasting anything, this work is my own genius. Fact!
@john smith I don’t care that Trump lost, it’s your loss not mine. Trump makes me think of a typical American actually. I mean the real kind not the soy eating variety who watches MSNBC and thinks everything’s racist. Fact!
The republicans left the party ten years ago.
Not sure what the GOP is thinking. They only got close last Pres election cycle because Trump was able to pull out the vote. That wont happen again. Thus there just shutting down any voter appeal.
They spent 4 years shoving their heads up Trump’s rear end, they’re just going to keep digging that hole to see what they can pull out..
There is no going back now
@midknight hopefully they’ll all just crawl up there and decompose like the insects they are
John Farmer, they Republican Nazi Death Cult members only thinks of themselves, they could care less if any body else lives
@midknight can you imagine the number of votes Joe Biden would have had if they wouldn’t have been allowed to throw out all those early votes?
@Theda B Gatlin many of them admit to being fascist today. It’s mind-boggling.
She needs to be arrested. She is yelling fire in in theatre .
You talking about Maxine Waters?
@Jesse Toler
Make sure you send money to Trump; you’re not a true believer if you don’t send him MAGA bucks!
That’s what I was thinking. Before you know it she will slip on her own filth.
The GOP has gone full fascist.
It will be up to the American voters if they want to give them power again. It would be a lot more scary than under Trump.
DeSantis terrifies me, 2024. Full on fascist and politically entrenched
I view MTG as if she believes her time in Congress, is her own Reality TV show.
Just like her mentor Orange 45
they ALL do. Trump most certainly did. They get free 24/7 media coverage.
Please don’t get that initials thing started for her. Let’s call her Marge.
@grannypantsification mad Marge
B level actress. Not even sexploitation material.
I fear for my mixed race adult daughter and son as I have never feared for them before in my life, in MN/USA.
Because of Trump people who are racist are allowed to verbally and actually act that way; unabashedly verbally and actively voice their racism out loud.
Well when you see something say something!!!
We are all sick of it. America is no longer great. It’s T-rump and the MAGAS, and they’re at fault.
I was driving behind a new Jeep today which had a dealers tag in the tinted back window.
I worried for a split second that they could be stopped and treated like that soldier. But then I saw it was a white guy, and realized he was perfectly safe.
That realization hurt worse than the moment of worry.
A bit of justice happened yesterday. I really hope it catches on and becomes the norm.
But in reality, there shouldn’t be a need for murder trials of police. They shouldn’t murder.
Racism never leave us but we never fear this much in the 90s. We will die trying to change.
The Republicans Party is going nowhere with Gaetz or Greene, let’s hope they don’t injure anyone.
They are going to win again. The left fights itself and is worried about passing universal healthcare, raising taxes on bug corporations, cutting budgets etc
Gaetz going to jail soon
@Jevon Arnold Hopefully sooner than later.
Too late, they did that already in January.
OMG! She’s got some nerve! Not too mention, she’s nuts!
I knoooow
Poor nuts. What did that poor food do to deserve to be associated with that crazy hot mess.
@Soon Mee Kim maybe she got nutz?
Put a period after ” They are taking their Q from Margarie Taylor Greene “
We have the benefit of hindsight. Why would we allow a Brownshirt any power when we already know what the do and now it ends? Arrest Them all now!
*Margie……….Education Committee…..truly scary! If you have children you need to think long and hard about Margie! (and not in a positive way!)*
seriously don’t let her near our children
You know i’m a 55 year old white woman living in a rural part of England and even I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw a youtube flag saying that Dereck Chauvin had been found guilty! My Dad was a police sergeant here in the UK between the 1960s and 80s , he would be so disappointed in the modern policing here in the UK yet alone what is happening in the USA!
Is it true your police do not usually carry guns? If so, sounds nice. We have more guns than people.
@M Dunn yes a few bad apples (police) ruin the whole recipe (system).
@Aleza Seibert It is true we do have armed response officers but they are only deployed in immediate risk such as terrorism or reports of an armed threat and even then each fatal encounter is put under full investigative procedure. We here in the UK investigate even the use off a taser.
AND from Australia also. Cheers.
@JD Duddy Mate, you fcked up. He/she is *NOT “the Lindsay Graham”* in the Senate. She LIVES in the UK and hence the ‘O’ initial in her name for fcks sake. Sheeeesh!
I live in Sweden and I am sorry I know her name. I wish I knew the name of some fantastic person I missed instead
My mom’s name is Marjorie. I hate hearing her name attached to such a person.
My mother spelled it that way too
MTG has disgraced America along with the gop it’s sad
*Democrats are protecting America from this very dark time in our country! Help them by voting!*
4:19 “Protecting”.
The Democrats always whine about these people on MSNBC and CNN but they never do anyting. That’s why MLK said the most dangerous people in this country for black people are white moderates. They stand in front of the house with water hoses while the house is on, fire whine about how it’s so sad that the house is on fire and do nothing to put the fire out.
MTG fits at least 3 of the seven bad words you cannot say on TV according to George Carlin.

If people like MTG are “the future of the Republican Party,” then their future looks bleak.
You say that but I think the reality is quite different.
Agent orange was right about one thing – the election are rigged, to regularly return a GoP majority.
They don’t appeal to the voters, they don’t need to. They have a captive audience fed lies and conspiracy theories by Fox and others.
They’ve gerrymandered (redrawn) the election districts to marginalise the votes for the opposition.
Voter suppression is rife, the voter rolls are periodically purged of valid voters, polling stations are closed to force voters to travel further and join longer queues to vote.
Efforts are ongoing across the country to further strip non-republicans of their right to vote.
OUR future looks bleak if fascist white supremacist GOP gets power again. They need to expell Gaetz, Trump, Graham, Greene, Hawley Jordan, Mccarthy, Mcconnell…all the traitors in the lying fear mongering sedition coalition.
Yes she needs to be gone. Quick fast and in a hurry.
We need to keep in mind that her district is essentially the one from “Deliverance”
I hear a banjo.
She’s not from that district
@Dan Schulte
Now, I hear a guitar.
We don’t need to move on to Daunte Wright, we need to go back to Breanna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and move through onto Daunte. There are so many people still missing justice that have murders on video.