Ottawa convoy organizer Pat King is facing two new charges, the day after his bail review hearing came to an abrupt and unexpected halt Wednesday when his lawyer's computer appeared to be hacked.
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He wasn’t an organizer.
Bet that was a nervous laugh you just did Jumbo. You soLd your SouL
@Mian N

@Mian N lol nope it was a big laugh at you fools
@Jumbo Me Mian suffers from paranoia and works out of a troll farm in Delhi.
@Neo Anderson probably. I just hope for his safety he’s wearing a tinfoil hat
This is who Freedumbers follow. Sad. Still in jail Pat.
Isn’t it hilarious
I don’t understand why his supporters are upset about this. Looks like a peaceful detention to me.
@lacteur1 reply of the day!
LOL, you should be usening your freedoms to improvening your English.
Jumbo, lacteur are ppaaaidd $$$ShhhiiiLLS
@Mian N paid by who you goober
@Mian N time to stop crying and move on
@Jumbo Me not from Trudeau.
“55” days
Wouldn’t want the risk of reoffending mischief, he might grab a protest sign, unlike that peaceful guy who ran into the protesters with his vehicle, he totally deserved bail.
Keep crying
@Alice Miller You don’t know Pat King…. He may not see the light of day for some time. He is not someone to revere.
What is the definition of stupidity ?
Believing BLM protests were violent or illegal in some way, then believing the so called protest in Ottawa was not illegal or basically an occupation.
This is a very special kind of stupid
All about your rights . LOL “T,R,TOO,L. AT YOU.
maybe he pat reprent himself
how are you enjoying Ottawa now eh
Lol who remembers them self deputizing themselves lol
Keep him in there.
When will Trudeau be charged ????
For what Karen
@George Davidson oh lol ok
It sounds like his lawyer is making it up to buy time and draw attention.
His there something wrong with them too?