Lineups at passport offices across Canada are forcing some people to pay others to wait in line for them. Annie Bergeron-Oliver reports.
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These Canadians sure care about their ” footprint”. I volunteered for highway cleanup this year….so much garbage…and I had to pick up lots of trash too…
That’s Canada for you. Premium level tax dollars. Bargain-Basement Public Service levels.
no kidding
I’m just wondering if, like the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario with its private run renewal and registration site, is that how the offices are for passport renewal? If so, I get why it takes so long and yes, High level taxation and bargain basement service is 100% dead on true
No different than when you’re asked to Fax a document. Yeah, I’ll write a letter, and lick a stamp too, expressing my frustration, once it reaches its destination in a year.
Anybody the least bit worried about the Pheonix fiasco that wasn’t worked out BEFORE the pandemic? Hello? Anybody home?
Everyone wants their passports so they can leave this country
Thank you, Knowlton Nash!
Don’t let them back in
@Meowmix ♥️ lol
Just another way of keeping Canadians prisoners in their own country. Prisoners of Bureaucracy
who cares
This is on purpose to get you to agree to digital ID.
Now that’s a tinfoil conspiracy. LMAO
That’s because Canadians are trying to get the F out of Trudeau’s Canada
Thank Trudeau he can travel but you can’t
You can check in to Canada anytime you like but you can never leave.
like north korea
I can leave no problem, it’s the discrimination and segregation issue trying to get back in.
They should at least make it easy to renew the passport within 24 hours for someone who have already passport which is expiring within 6months
The government handles nothing correctly or well and yet time and time again in this country we give them more and more power and money.
That’s because no one is working. We went through this weeks ago. The offices are on skeleton staff.
What I don’t get is why is renewal taking so long when the records are already in place…all it really needs is an updated picture isn’t it? I understand 1st time passport applications might take so long but renewal should NOT take this long!!!
They checking you out if you are qualified for travelling.
Im so glad we got ours done in 2019 and i got the 10 year version. Hopefully this is sorted out by 2029 but with a liberal government, im not hopeful.
Darn, I renewed mine in 2019 as well, just checked – only for 5 years.

Make sure they are the new passports that are not from the corporation of canada.
Long lines, the excuse for introducing digital passports and aChinesestylesocial creditsystem. Don’t want “conspiracytheorists” flying now do we?
got mine done 2018 expires in 10 years woohoo. have fun standing in line suckers..
*Not sure why in 2022 we are still traveling with a magic book that need to be stamped at crossing.*
Half of them shouldn’t even have passports, must be nice having “family