Impeachment manager for Donald Trump’s second impeachment Representative Joe Neguse (D-CO) and New Georgia Project CEO, Use Ufot, are excited that the House Democrats passed a historic voting rights bill, but are concerned about Republican-backed voter suppression in future elections
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#VotingRights #JohnLewis #Voters
The way forward for the US is to get everybody on board. When everybody can vote, we shall see what the American people truly stand for.
@Matt T Felons, who else and why?
what US citizens aren’t able to vote? what are you talking about?
@Pickle Ball Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman.
@Chris ONeill i just looked into the march and it doesn’t mention anything about how US citizens are banned from voting… and how this march will show that US citizens are currently being banned from voting. Feel free to educate us.. because obviously we are clueless.
@Chris ONeill so.. are you saying that people are going to march in atlanta so these two nuckleheads, or other like them, can vote?
I see Kinzinger and Cheney voted no…Interesting
Absolutely, they are not our friends, despite that being pushed down our throats.
Exactly, doing what’s right every now and then does not mean you are to be trusted. At least, I would like to hear their well-thought out reasoning for not voting for it.
Because they’re racist and autocratic too. They just don’t like the system they benefit from being threatened or overthrown
Both of them voted for TFG agenda 90%+ of the time. They are not dissenters, not pro-Constitution/democracy.
And I got ridiculed a few weeks ago when I said don’t trust kinzinger to take care of a cactus…
That means that Cheney & Kinzinger do not support voter rights. This is why I do not throw them any roses. They are not pro-democracy. They are anti-trump. Two different things.
@Joni Beehive
Please check your profile discussion. Guy North thinks you’re a russian troll. Report him and remove it.
@Equality For All

Duh-Publicans indeed.
You know the most ironic thing of all, I believe, is that both of them will not be re-elected as (R’s) without Democrats and independents votes…
@Equality For All
Thanks for the advice… I report regularly but mostly don’t respond directly or give the troll farm engagement. If we all of sound, sane mind do that- they’ll cease to benefit from loathing income generation..
@Bryan you know nothing about what’s up. I’m not for either party cause they both lie to hold power. And that will never change
You didn’t know that you can agree with someone on one point and disagree with them on another? Well, now you do.
Is anyone going to ask Kinzinger and Cheney why they didn’t vote for this? Just because you side with what’s right once in a while, you don’t get immunity for opposing democracy.
This 212 Republican votes are deplorable and disrespecting the Constitution !
Where are the Really True Americans who care about their country!
Yup. They’ve both been working so hard to politically capitalise on the one single point of dissension they have with the party as a whole. It doesn’t make them otherwise honest and wholesome.
Good remark,
It questions what their sidemotives are.
Both of them voted for TFG agenda 90%+ of the time. They are not dissenters, not pro-Constitution/democracy.
Because they’re trying to weasel their way back in so they can run for president… I was telling people long time ago not to trust kinzinger or Cheney… There wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I so miss John Lewis.
A man like no other.
Thank you God for this wonderful man:)
212 republicans voted no
A giant step forward for a diverse America.
A giant step backwards for republicans who long for the days of Jim Crow.
Jim Crow is a Democrat Icon. Are you that historically illiterate?
Republic of Gamers**
@Jason Scott good luck getting 60 votes hahaha
@Jason Scott lol
Guess passing something that is unconstitutional is ok?
Look. All the Republicans voted NO. Do they not know this shows they reject democracy?
Sure they do, they just don’t care.
The US Senate must show ethics and pass the bill! Chuck Schumer has to step up and make it happen!
Expose, then oppose. Let the stench of the republicans foul the streams of consciousness emanating from the far gone right.
Republican Taliban are the types that open the side door to any enemy of America.
Sometimes even literally, like in Oregon.
if people are allowed to vote republicans would never win-Trump
You know what? You’re not going to know this — possibly, if you really did it right — for months or for years. Because these ballots are all going to be lost, they’re all going to be gone,” Trump said,
If we don’t bust the filibuster for voting rights, then what else would be worth it?
In a year and 2 months Democrats are going to lose the House. Lord. Democracy is at stake, and all they can think to do about it is hand out lots of free stuff.
The US Senate needs to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act! Chuck Schumer must use any means necessary!
Dems shouldn’t pussyfoot around and tinker with carving out exceptions for the filibuster. It’s time to get rid of it completely. It’s out of date, unjust, and undemocratic when it gives a minority the power to overturn the wishes of the majority. Republican Senators represent significantly less people than Dem Senators, and are deliberately trying to stop equality for all. The Electoral College and the filibuster have no place in the 21st century. Americans need to wake up, and stop being a joke to real democracies.
Our democracy will not be safe from racist voter suppression until we enact legislation to ensure that Democrats have permanent control of our government.
But that wouldn’t be democracy, Frank R!
It’s dead in the senate. “Make me wanna holla, they way they do my life”
You wouldn’t something that is unconstitutional passed would you? This violates the 10th amendment of our constitution.
Great speech!
Remember Bernie Sanders smearing Black voters who rejected him as ” the old Confederacy ” ? I do . Remember Bernie Sanders sending his thugs to harass and scream at John Lewis ? I do . What I don’t get is WHY IS RACIST BERNIE SANDERS GIVEN A FREE PASS ?????
This wall is clearly unconstitutional. It takes the power away from the stage to establish their own building policy, procedure and regulations.