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start fining them then return
Most cases seem to be coming in from the USA….why close our border and still allow fights to come in ?
Makes no sense and drags Canada down !
@flex-x lol
Where did you see that because theres 12 flights everyday coming in from china what are talking about you sound stupid
@Peter Romanov you it would of been better if china didnt lie and unleashed this virus to the world you sound ignorant and stupid
Anne Cote …if you are allowing 12 flights coming into your country everyday ….that would make you stupid !
Andy Bowman Canada is already a Welfare state where Democrats run to get away from Republicans
I thought the border was closed? Oh wait I forgot we had Trudeau
I mean c’mon guys, it’s not like the government can just shut down the borders if they want -oh wait…
@Jaskaran Singh No one. Don’t vote . It’s a waste of time and the winner will be chosen regardless of what the majority votes.
@Jess Pavlichenko My problem with the liberals is their immigration policy* and the fact that they can’t really properly help small businesses (their disregard of the oil industry), I’d like to cut down on welfare and call on other countries to take on refugees. NDP does run well, BC is a decent example, and in history overall, they USUALLY have the most balanced budget out of the three big parties.
@Jaskaran Singh what do you mean by ‘their immigration’?
@Jess Pavlichenko immigration policy, my bad, I think they’ve eased the restrictions a too much
@Jaskaran Singh What restrictions specifically do you think the Liberal government changed?
Keep in mind refugees are not immigrants
I can’t see the end of the video because of the youtube cards that overlay over the content.
i had to watch the video in picture in picture to see it.
@javablossom I’ve found on my iPad, I can press pause during those sections, and the boxes turn transparent so I can read the content. Hope that helps. They really need to address this, but I doubt they read our repeated comments about the issue.
So everyone else on those planes is exposed to the Covid carrier during the flight into Canada?
Ummm… NO!
Stay away from Canada.
Ellen Campbell – How could they not be? They’re in a metal tube together, breathing the same air.
My point, exactly.
The airlines moan and groan about what the virus does to their business, but it was their business that caused it to go global. And it’s interesting to see that the situation has not changed.
Yup these companies blame everyone but themselves
Yeah lets just shut down the world so no one can go anywhere again, sounds like a great idea; freedom is overrated anyway. /sarcasm
@Dave they shouldve just shutdown the whole world when it was first showing up In wuhan excluding the very essential travel from countries other than china. But block ANY wuhan flight from all countries/cities. but have the whole public shutdown. The virus still would’ve spread but it woulved been much more controlled and easier to contain. we wouldn’t be in the huge mess we are in
On point
And before that? They never stopped flying them in.
@Jess Pavlichenko you are what they call willfully ignorant. I explained my point in my previous post and you chose to ignore it.
@Google user Careful, bro. You can hurt your back shifting the goalposts every post.
@Google user No you didn’t. You brought up something entirely non sequitur that had nothing to do with what I said
Vancouver already had COV I’d back in nov/dec
@Jess Pavlichenko sorry, got the two ends of your trip mixed up. this doesn’t change the rest of my statement.
How is this possible. Aren’t they not getting checked before boarding the plane or arriving in Canada.
@Esther B. you just love these videos dont ya. Xoxo you’re funny silly and bodacious
@Dying Breed have you seen how horribly inconsistant the test results are. They’re freaking useless.
@kavinh10 are you dumb because the countries that are consistently testing would have stopped testing if they were “horribly inconsistent”
@Vida Lang it can also take as long as 27 days in some cases, but not often. And other times the carrier doesn’t even show symptoms.
A temperature check isn’t much of a check when most cases have mild to no symptoms.
It’s almost as if the feds want to keep covid going.
You are implying that they do, but I don’t see why they would.
I’m pretty sure the feds don’t want the economy to be fucked over
@HelloTurkey Yeah, we’re all *fed* up! ba dum tsh.
HelloTurkey I’m pretty sure that is part of the plan.
@The Weasel What “plan”!? I’m so confused, you’re telling me that there’s a conspiracy without telling me what it even is?
@HelloTurkey don’t mind him, he probably one of those ‘the earth is flat’ guys
Just a plane ride away. Just like Dr. House said, “everybody lies.”
True and that being said everyone knows how to protect themselves: distance, cover, hand wash build up immune system diet, sleep, exercise. BASIC hygiene 101 will protect you unless you are elderly with underlying issues, if so, stay home. Protect yourselves from the idiots and liars.
Anyone can get corona and anyone can die from it remember 45million deaths estimated for covid
What’s the point of closing the boarders on land when they let flights in.
Hullo Dameon why do that at all if you are trying to avoid virus transmission? Go home!
The borders are closed to most foreign nationals. The exceptions include foreign students with visas to study at schools in Canada and temporary workers such as those needed to work on farms. Also, Canadians aren’t barred from flying to other countries and returning.
M so you just go around playing devils advocate without offering any decent alternative? So you’re the Karen of the 2020 pandemic. How many times have you asked to speak to manager about why you need to wear a face mask?
My comment was a statement. Not a question
It’s absolutely mind boggling
As its on average 4-10 days asymptomatic before developing symptoms, air travellers should be required to quarantine before flights to ensure they are safe to travel.
Great Canada ! Keep coming in ! Lets see how this gonna spread out of proportion
Kinda sounds wrong without any context.
@Jordan Maffey
Vid Title: “Passengers with COVID-19 keep arriving in Canada on international flights.” Ida M: “SO STOP LETTING THEM IN”
(The title is the context.)
Jordan Maffey go to Portland and get your skull culturally enriched by a pack of peaceful protestors
R G lmaooo
i swear japan shut down flights altogether…. why do we need to stay open
It’s likely that most of these incoming cases are from Canadians and PRs returning from abroad. The government is hardly issuing any visitor/study visas right now so that already prevents a ton of foreign nationals from entering Canada. However, there’s nothing really stopping Canadians and PRs from flying in and out.
I love the way they cover the last 30 seconds worth of text with adds for the next video so you can’t actually read everything.
So don’t let international flights to Canada??? Seems simple.