(Part 5) The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America | The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh, travels with a group of migrants as they make the arduous trek on foot through Central and South America.
The journey through the Darien Gap is a perilous jungle crossing between Colombia and Panama that many migrants must face as they head north to seek asylum in the United States. Over five harrowing days, Paton Walsh hikes the full 66-mile roadless route, documenting the heroism of everyday people, milked for cash by drug cartels and unwanted by any country, as they battle the dense rainforest in search of a better life. Watch 'The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper' Sundays at 8PM ET on CNN.
Watch all parts of the documentary here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

#NickPatonWalsh #TheWholeStory #andersoncooper


  1. So, during Women’s History Month, we celebrate and we honor the women who made history throughout history, who saw what could be unburdened by what had been,” Harris said.

  2. Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste…Good Job On Making A Series Out Of Their Struggles CNN…

    1. I believe they were showing the hardships and agony these people are suffering through.
      Why be so arrogant sounding?
      Could you do better?
      Let’s see.

    1. @Hiler,Mao,Stalin,Trump etc are very sick you’re against paying taxes? How long have you been right leaning?

    2. @Trial by Wombat 
      Iam not against paying taxes for those who wants to be a part of a country or an organization , ism against paying taxes for those who don’t want to be a part of anything , people should be left alone as long as they are peacful .

    1. It *is* heart wrenching. However, we have laws for a reason. Many seeking legal entry are also trying to escape to a better life. Why punish them for waiting? Feelings do not sway the law. Resources do not multiply in times of strife. There is only so much *we* can do, but there is much that Central and South America can. These are their people, after all.

  3. I’m very happy to welcome immigrants to America. These people are very productive in the workplace and much more so then most of the American workers.

    1. Source; 2023 Gallup Poll Data

      Unsurprisingly, Republicans surveyed by Gallup are much more dissatisfied with immigration than Democrats. But the GOP’s discontent with immigration levels being too high is the highest ever recorded by the organization, while independents’ dissatisfaction percentage has nearly doubled since 2021. Even Democratic Party-affiliated respondents are increasingly wanting less immigration into the U.S., with 19% holding that view in Tuesday’s survey results compared to 2% in 2021.

  4. 🙏🏽👑 The world spends hundreds of trillions of dollars on military equipment and wars instead of feeding the poor. God’s going to hold many governments accountable

  5. Thank you for sharing this profound series. I hope some will see these humans that are fighting for a better life and calm down with the disgusting things they say. Our country welcomes immigrants; I wish all of the people here could understand.

  6. Excellent coverage of a sad story. People fleeing poverty and violence into the unknown risking everything. God help them.

  7. People are NOT and never replaceable nor are they going backward, they have futures, love, and a world unknown that is known, and some even make it to Canada. Thank you for doing this profound series, shedding light into dark places to make light for everyone visible and seen.

    1. Yes I hope they all make it to your nieborhood so you can support them and let them sell fentynal to your children or take all the jobs your family has

    2. @Dennis the Menace If we could only replace these people with the likes of you, this country would be so much better off.

  8. Someone on CNN YouTube channel must have done a lot of Coke went and posted six videos in a row

  9. I have been to Panama close to the Darien Gap. It’s very hot and humid there. The whole area is wild jungle. Beautiful yet dangerous at the same time with leopards and poisonous snakes galore. Anybody who can make it through this gauntlet should be let into the United States cause they have shown they are tough as nails.

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