(Part 4) The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America | The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh, travels with a group of migrants as they make the arduous trek on foot through Central and South America.
The journey through the Darien Gap is a perilous jungle crossing between Colombia and Panama that many migrants must face as they head north to seek asylum in the United States. Over five harrowing days, Paton Walsh hikes the full 66-mile roadless route, documenting the heroism of everyday people, milked for cash by drug cartels and unwanted by any country, as they battle the dense rainforest in search of a better life. Watch 'The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper' Sundays at 8PM ET on CNN.
Watch all parts of the documentary here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

#NickPatonWalsh #TheWholeStory #andersoncooper


  1. So, during Women’s History Month, we celebrate and we honor the women who made history throughout history, who saw what could be unburdened by what had been,” Harris said.

    1. Who is demanding? They are asking, hoping for an opportunity for a better life.
      Just because you were lucky enough to be born in the US or the UK or Australia or etc…. doesn’t make you special. People here have been lucky in one way, but some have found themselves beaten, raped, tortured, sold, etc…
      You are no more special than anyone else. Be thankful you are here and help those who weren’t as fortunate.
      Empathy, compassion, and selflessness are what makes good humans good. Be a good human. Evolve, not devolve.

  2. Migrants and immigrants America welcomes you all here. America is changing to fit all ethnicity’s and lifestyles.

  3. In this side of the world we all live in America: North America, Central America and South America see! Is that easy.

  4. A more unified nation is on its way. All we need to do is let these people integrate into the country.

  5. I do not know why they would want to come to the US. Stay and fight for your own countries like Ukraine.

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