Parkland victim’s wife and son reflect on viral 2018 hug from Joe Biden

A video of Vice President Joe Biden comforting Corey Hixon, the son of slain Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School athletic director Chris Hixon, during a memorial service in Parkland, Florida, is going viral more than two years after it was shot. Corey and his mother speak to CNN's John Berman about their experience.
#CNN #News

Parkland victim's wife and son reflect on viral 2018 hug from Joe Biden


    1. CNN will never say a bad word about the scumbag corrupt Bidens. They never said a bad word about Socialist Obama either…EXTREMELY DANGEROUS BIAS HYPOCRITES

    2. @Joy Phillips seriously? Give me a fucking break. If that’s the case then joe and this kid deserve an Oscar for their Streep like performance. Joe Biden has more human feeling in his pinkie finger than trump does in his whole disgusting body.

    1. It’s really so sad how Fake news brainwashed & manipulated you to the point where even when presented with ACTUAL evidence you still deny it because of your built-up hatred for President Trump caused by Lies and false information fake news MADE you believe. I’m so sorry. Be well. Peace ✌️ & Love!
      How does it feel to keep losing?

      TRUMP 2020♥️🇺🇲🇺🇸♥️

    2. Dr Fauci said “President Trump’s travel ban saved millions of lives”.
      Just imagine how many millions would’ve died under a Biden administration. Crooked basement biden was against the travel ban.
      And sleepy crooked basement Joey’s plan to battle the china virus is to do everything President Donald J Trump has already done!
      🇺🇸♥️TRUMP 2020🇺🇸♥️

    3. Here’s the mentality of the Typical Liberal –
      “A coyote is way to small to carry a child across the border! Bad Orange man lied to us”!!
      Still LMFAO😂🤣😂🤣
      Nuff said!!!!🤣😂🤣😂
      Save you comments. I can just watch Fake News to hear what your about to parrot 🐦!!
      🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

    4. He said what?👇
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says “All black people think the same with few exceptions”.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says “If you vote for Trump then you ain’t black man”.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe Says ” you can’t go into a 7-11 or Dunkin donuts without hearing a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking man”.
      C’mon man!!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe said that Obama “is the first mainstream African-American who’s clean looking and articulate. That’s storybook man”.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe still uses the word “Orient” to describe Asia.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe used the anti-semitic term “Shylock”.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe was always for segregation because “he didn’t want his kids growing up in an urban jungle”.
      C’mon man!!
      Where’s Hunter who was given a $50,000 a month no show job with zero experience thanks to his sleepy creepy daddy!!
      Talk about Privileged!!
      C’mon man!!!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says he’s tested daily on his “cognitive” abilities but refuses to take a cognitive test. Huh!???
      C’mon man!!
      Where is Quid-pro-quo basement Joe?
      Quid-pro-quo basement Joe says “African American woman are only good for stocking shelves at the grocery store”. Wtf?
      C’mon man!
      Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe explodes at anyone who dare ask a question he can’t answer.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-pro-quo basement Joe lied and said he didn’t know anything about his son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma but Hunter’s own personal emails, which have been confirmed authentic, prove otherwise.
      C’mon man!
      Quid-pro-quo basement Joe actually admitted and bragged on video about how he blackmailed Ukraine into firing the prosecutor that was investigating his son Hunter. Quid-pro-quo anyone?
      C’mon man!!
      Why was Hunter Biden paid over $3.5 million dollars from a Russian mayor and Ukrainian oligarchs? WTF
      C’mon man!
      Quid-pro-quo basement Joe was against President Donald Trump’s travel ban that Dr Fauci says “Saved Millions of Lives”.
      C’mon man!!
      Quid-pro-quo basement Joe’s plan to battle the china virus is the do the same exact thing President Trump has already done. Wtf!!??
      C’mon man!
      Where is Quid-pro-quo basement joe???
      C’mon man!!!!
      🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

    5. -10% unemployment under obama/biden in 2010 with no pandemic.
      – 12% unemployment under President Trump with worldwide pandemic.
      Not to shabby.
      Thank you Mr President!!!

  1. The man has genuine empathy. Make fun of him all you want… but you can’t fake that at all. He’s got a decent heart

    1. @Eugene Jets Your fantastic Fuherer is an idiot and the worst President in my lifetime and I’m 50! Do yourself a favor and practice your Nazi salute, because if your savior Donald Trump gets reelected, bye-bye Democracy!

    2. @Eugene Jets Dah, trump steals from his charity, ripped people off with his fake university, shafted many contractors who worked on his projects, cost the US tax payer 10s of millions in security every time he plays golf, and you’ve got the hide to called Biden a parasite. trump showed up at a hospital several years ago to visit victims of a mass shooting, he had no empathy, for him it was a photo op. trump is the most vile disgusting person to hold the office in your country, many US citizens are seeing that now

    1. omigosh so cute. China released the SuLLLEEEEZy Hunter biden sex tape and o mah gah the girl is giggling throughout as SHE GIVES HIM A TOOTSIE JOB!!!!!!! 🤣


    1. @Joy Phillips Who else would discover laptops two weeks before elections on both Hillary and Biden…coincidence…not on your life

  3. Awwww I am crying. just to see Joe Biden. hugging and comforting this child who lost his dad.that was so beautiful.god bless Cory and his family .😭❤❤💕💝

  4. “He knew only that his child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke.” -Cormac McCarthy

  5. Oh my, you can feel that hug…you can’t fake that hug…that kiss…that comfort. This is what America needs…just a hug and no more grotesque tweets, fights, name calling, lies & confusion. Just a nice warm hug…and a night of good sleep to let the wounds to heal in peace…

    1. This is true and genuine kindness and love! It’s real, you can see it and feel it. This is what our country needs right now and how sad is it, that when Trump and his supporters see this, it probably makes their skin crawl! There’s the difference in a nut shell! VOTE ALL 💙 🇺🇸 BIDEN-HARRIS 2020 & BEYOND!

  6. If this doesn’t give you tears in your eyes, you don’t have a soul. This made me cry 😭 God Bless Joe! Vote!

  7. Sometimes a hug fixes everything a lil bit more than anything else. That young man is the truth. None of us are ok. Prayers & blessings to all the 💔 out there.
    I’ll be voting for Biden today.

  8. Empathy with a kiss. And telling him too how he lost his wife & daughter..Let’s all get through together..

  9. Trump would have NEVER COMFORTED THAT CHILD. He’s cold hearted. Mocks disabled people. We do NOT want 4 more years of him!

    1. No when chemically bombs were used on kids it was Trump who intervened. There were thousand of kids he saved. It is a lovely moment! But dose not take away what was found on the laptop. Where is his son is alleged messing with kids.

    2. Christine Stange I don’t think a child would ever have gotten the urge to seek comfort in trump the way this boy did in Biden. Good lord what a raw compassionate moment, total tear jerker

  10. This made a Big Man tear up! WOW!!!!! My prayers to Both Cory and Debbie!!! We Love You Both!! “God Bless You Both Cory and Debbie!! We unfortunately have a most “ Heartless Administration Ever” to Americans and Toxic “!!! Vote this November Y’all!!!

  11. I’ve lost a parent, and I can tell you that a hug like that, that caring reassurance and genuine compassion really means the world.

    1. @tls84 Maybe he’s never received a hug in his life. Maybe that’s why he says bull crap and propaganda points on the internet.

  12. The people who disliked this video instead of just choosing another one to watch are irredeemably lost to a darkness that cannot sufficiently be described.

    1. @Joy Phillips was the parkland shooting real? Yes. Were people grieving? Yes. Did Biden show up for them? Yes. Can he empathize with the loss of a loved one? Yes. Does Trump have the emotional capacity to empathize?

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