Parkland victim’s mom speaks out after conversation with Marjorie Taylor Greene

Linda Beigel Schulman, whose son Scott Beigel was killed in the 2018 Parkland shooting, shares details of her conversation with Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after revelations that Greene called the shooting a "false flag" operation prior to her election to Congress.

#CNN #News

Parkland victim's mom speaks out after conversation with Marjorie Taylor Greene


    1. @icin4d Getting a gun in the U.S. is also not an easy process. That’s the problem. You non gun owning idiot liberals have no clue how gun ownership and/or registration works in the states so you just assume you can walk into a gas station and grab one. Maybe educate yourself on the process here and compare it to the process in other countries. Oh and one last thing. Compare the gun crimes in red counties to blue counties across America and get back to me. Us legal gun owners aren’t the problem, but the Democrat voters on the other hand…..

    2. @Steve Harding You are not an American and therefore you are disqualified for replying or posting anything.. Good day !

    3. @Nate List “Getting a gun in the U.S. is also not an easy process.”
      You’re out of your mind. Thanks for the laugh.

    4. @cervellone The people who dress up are often the ones you should watch. When someone open carries, it is often the person you don’t want “helping” because they are too eager to shoot first and figure out where the bullets go later. 🙁

    5. @PasadenaSue I tend to agree with you. As a conceal carry person, I too would avoid people who open carry. Over the years I’ve seen too many flag waving wana-be Rambos at the ranges to not trust a majority of them.

  1. She is seen in the flesh saying these things. She chased down a survivor saying those things. She wanted to be seen saying these things.

    1. @Katrina E really is that why Antifa and BLM smash up their own states . At least we’re not sleeping with enemy

    2. @Katrina E deflect lol you can’t be series how many executive orders had Biden signed and that make him a dictator . What was the deflect . No 2000 only 1400 what wax the deflect for that

    3. @Yanija Cruickson I don’t understand. You only love the people of the same color as you?

    1. It’s sad that you lost your soul to the demon for all the quality u lack without even a challenge as you support democratic corporate beast system fake news..

    2. The democratic serpent left antichrist network which is the devils legion who orchestrated all the mass shootings and terrorism gutting the nation for the past 30 yrs

    3. @My Tale Oh I’ve got plenty of an argument! You’re just trying to manipulate “pro life” into meaning what you want it to!

    4. @Tony Garcia When talking about this topic u just go and say”feelings and emotions which do not compute” i think there is a term for ppl like you in psychiatry… hm.. what was it…?
      You exposed yourself, u made it clear that u all negationists are just hate cultists, u are beyond salvation because there is no reasoning with negationists unfortunately.

  2. Who in their right mind would support someone like mrs. Green some of that runs around harassing shooting victims saying that they’re faking it I guess there’s an abundance of mental illness in America

    1. C. H. The irony is Green as a member of the Education Committee won’t make them wittier. For some reason this reminds me of the „South Park” NASCAR episode again right now…

  3. They were thinking when they put her on the education committee. They were thinking about owning the Libs in the ugliest way possible. Green is a troll. They shouldn’t be giving her so much air time. Is she the new media’s new Trump? I’m already tired of her.

    1. If there’s someone who upsets you more than that gal does, let us know, ok? We’ll nominate them for president.

    2. @peaceandllov what a great way of determining a leader! Nominate who bothers the other side more, irrespective of their platform. Just proves your ignorance and inability to make good decisions for yourself, let alone the country.

      You are exactly what is wrong with this country, letting feelings overcome facts. It’s sad that anyone has to deal with an epidemic of uninformed, overly sensitive ❄ voters that only desire to inflict their misery on others. Maybe if you voted based on policy instead of ‘owning the libs’, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Lowering the bar so much allows leaders to get away with doing the bare minimum. Do better, so we all can have better.

      I hope you’re in therapy.

  4. I hear her hurt. She and other families are victimized again. My heart goes out to all the people affected by this evil people. Prayers.

    1. @Michael Churney. What an absurd thing to say.
      Have you ever been outside of America?
      Have you ever been outside your state?
      In fact given your desperate need to hide behind a gun it’s probably not a good idea to leave your house.

    2. @Ted Warden I don’t own a gun, nor do I hide, and I’ve traveled extensively outside of America. What’s your point?

  5. Unfortunately, too many members of our Congress have become part of a reality tv show…rather than acting as adults who are supposed to govern and set good examples. I am so sorry that your family has had to suffer such a devastating loss.

    1. I was just saying politics in general has become reality tv on BOTH sides it’s always he said, she said nobody talks about policy anymore, like adults.

    2. Too many remind me of those in power in the 60’s. There is a root to what is really going on. Thousands of people in power don’t wear white hoods anymore.

    1. Another Karen caught and now contrite. Phony. She never apologized for victimizing a victim of the shooting. Horrible person.

    2. CNN= 24 hour, wall-to- wall Democrat propaganda. Nothing to report newsworthy other than…. Trump is bad. No real news lmao. They won’t even talk about their “President” and all of his gaffes from this past week and ALL OF THOSE radical executive orders and how NONE OF THEM HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! CNN reports 100million vaccines in 100 days! Wow, Trump averaged 836k/day. Awesome job Joe! Mask everyone… at the post office! Fantastic Joe! While allowing tens of thousands to cross our borders, mask-less! Oh wait, Covid doesn’t exist anymore. At least not important enough to spam the death count on the right side of CNN’s screen! Or, perhaps, not as dire now that Joe’s in the office for New York and California to decide to open their economies back up. Hmm, maybe to boost the economy numbers and paint Joe as the hero he’ll never be. It’s all roses in a Democrat world, except everything their being told has a spin on it. Just ask woman’s sports 🤷 Reach out and touch me, Joe 😏 Reprogram this 🇺🇲

    3. @Jay Bird No one is talking about 3x infidel Donald Tramp. We’re talking about Adam’s apple hiding CongressIt Gangreene.

      Do keep up Jay. We can’t keep holding your hand everytime we’re near train tracks.

  6. Ms Beigel Schulman, you have so much dignity, so much grace. I’m so upset and so sorry that you should be put in this position. You are an incredibly strong woman. Love and strength to you, and to all the families who have endured these tragedies xxx

    1. @kelperdude in your dreams…. We the people fully support him. He’s gotten more done in the past few weeks than Trump did in 4 years. All Trump did was tear the country apart make up lies that suited him and his billionaire friends and play golf on our dime.

    2. @Katrina E – Biden cancelled thousands of jobs (unions hate Biden). Biden stopped drilling on federal and tribal lands (the Ute Tribe hates him and New Mexico’s economy will crash). Transgender people will now be able to join girls sports (that will be the end of girls sports and scholarships into colleges). Biden is destroying America day by day.

  7. Marjorie Wilkes Booth definitely has no sense of shame. How this lunatic was elected is what is truly sickening.

    1. Smh it’s disturbingly mind boggling her and her kind that believe in these conspiracies it’s very eerie and I wouldn’t personally want to be around these types of individuals.💔

    2. She alone on the ticket as her opponent had to withdraw. If only she voted (for herself) then she would be the winner. It’s sad that the GOP feels obligated to protect her.

  8. The selfishness of the conspiracy theorist wasting everyone’s time in the middle of a pandemic cannot be understated. This is horrible beyond words. There will always be Trumps in the world but the real problem is the enablers AKA the GOP.

  9. When she said “I could talk forever about Scott,” my heart damn near broke. Her pride in her son was so evident in that moment. RIP, Scott…..your Momma’s got your back.

  10. “Im in a position where i have to defend my sons murder.” Holy Cow, seriously heavy stuff. Greene needs to be thrown out not only of the senate but this country.

    1. No other country would take her. She is a disgrace. Is it true, that she won, because nobody else ran? Maybe that’s a place to start. If there is a Greene in your county and you are just a normal, decent human – please run for office. Even (or especially) if its for the republicans

  11. Some people are in such utter darkness Marjorie Taylor Greene conspiracies “absolutely appalling”

  12. “Without debate, without criticism no administration and no country can succeed and no republic can survive.” J.F. Kennedy 1961

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