Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg speaks to CNN after a video of GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene confronting Hogg with baseless claims surfaced. In a written statement to CNN, Greene said that the video was taken while she was in Washington, "going from office to office in the Senate to oppose the radical gun control agenda that David Hogg was pushing." Greene was not a member of Congress at the time the video was shot in March of 2019.
Parkland survivor responds to video of Marjorie Taylor Greene confronting him with baseless claims

This country, I tell you. Stupidity and ignorance is going to destroy it.
GOP wants to destroy this country and bring the rest of us down with them.
Get ready for a king Republican in 10 years and democracy in the past. Traitors
@sleepy guy

ok conspiracy theorist! You are a classic, smooth brain.
@The R. Shackleford uhhh I just said I’m neutral? But ok you do you. I take no offense, I’m just saying that neither side has the right to call one other a conspiracy theorist
Funny how she accepted the results of HER election while claiming the SAME ELECTION was a fraud.
@rocknrobert1 what does that have to do with this Qanon trump lover. Spreading conspiracy theories
Never argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@Dimes yep . . . the biggest advocates for the holy conservative mantra of “taking personal responsibility” are the biggest whiners when they themselves are asked to do so.
@rocknrobert1 after the initial horror yes. We were right to be disgusted by the worst president e v e r
@Gregory Beale is Trump in jail for TraitorGate yet? If not, he will be.
She’s a walking red flag. Exactly the kind of insane person who shouldn’t have access to guns!
I’m a Democrat gun owner and this woman makes our case why we want stricter gun laws.
@SMS2884 Roger that, bud. Sadly my state has that.
@Robert Stenn your exactly right, I’m Democrat and I’m a gun owner I’ve owned guns all of my adult life and that nut case woman harassing that guy and letting him know she was armed when she knew he wasn’t, not only is she batshit crazy she’s also a coward. She’s a two bit drama queen coward.
@BmorePatriot but what Need is there to own such a weapon?
“Never argue with a fool, Onlooker may not be able to tell the difference” – Mark Twain
“There’s no use arguing with a fool He/She only rages and scoffs and tempers flare” – God Proverbs
LOL love this
@Ken Perk Point taken and thank you, I appreciate you calling the narrow language I used to my attention. Women and transgender individuals cannot be fools in my heart of hearts so I spoke the way I did. (I didn’t expect hitting cancel to delete my comment, but it doesn’t really need remade)
@free spirit love to Lots of cool people were, sad to say.
Wisdom- she wouldn’t act like this in China or Russian and live long inciting fights and badmouthing the new President.
The press has been doing that for years and has survived thus far.
I bet she was a “mean girl” in high school.
@Fallwell Poolboy She’s like the bride of chucky. Not a looker
@Phylis Gedeon
Orange jumpsuit for her.
She def was the one who nobody talked too cuz she was a weirdo.
She was the man girl in high school and now is the crazy old woman…….kick her out
I bet she wasn’t mean in High School, but she was sure mean at Church! If she went to High School she wouldn’t be so ignorant!
I still don’t understand how this happens why would they give her that position do they not know how crazy she is
She’s using her freedom of speech to say what she wants to say !! She is extremely hot and beautiful and liberal women run scared from that!
It’s about the GOP not wanting to offend Trump’s base. They only care about power, so they’re trying to “two step” (officially certify the election while also promoting conspiracy theorists).
@Texas Made Hot and beautiful? Jebus Crust bro, you aint that particular, are you?
Her crazy is the feature not a bug.
Crazy woman: “I’m an American and a gun owner!”
Georgia Voter: “Hell yes! That’s all I need to know…”
She’s amazingly terrible. Tell your elected officials your wishes regarding her.
@Jumpers Clerk He was then. It was not ok then, and it is STILL not, even as he is now an adult.
@Kar , do people “Rev you up” when they have a difference of opinion than you? You’re sad!
@Maekar I Targaryen I already have.
A representative who picks fight with America’s youth. Georgia, you can do so much better. Remember this next time and don’t let her run unopposed.
Blue senate and electoral in Georgia, the Gov. just might go with it.
Georgia would have a HOT MESS with Greene, Loeffler and Perdue.
Brittany Trambauer-Smith is running against MTG. She has a Twitter account. Please spread the word and follow her.
“If they shoot me they prove my point.” Well, if that’s not chilling I don’t know what is.
I thought the same thing. Chilling! This kid is so brave.
Lol lol lol lol. The irony of ignorance… LULZ
@Marsha Musgrave so brave
Very brave! It wouldn’t be a first for him.
Why would a teenager argue with a crazy woman? I would have ignored her too.
Greene should have been arrested for stalking and harassment when she did this. I think perhaps if there was zero tolerance of these behaviours the rioters, the former president, and their enablers in Congress would never have been emboldened to do what they did on 1/6. Harassing school kids is treated very seriously where I live. She would have found herself in court for her behaviour and maybe she would have learnt what consequences of your words mean.
In most industrialized countries she would have been arrested a long time ago and would have never been allowed to run for office. But this is the US…..
@Tempus Fugit Absolutely!
In the video, it appeared the lady he was walking with was calling the police? I may be wrong
What are consequences?
“He has nothing to say” I wouldn’t talk to a crazy woman, either.
@Stina Moen Us who? Not one of the normal people. You’re as crazy as she is.
@Stina Moen she’s crazy because she accosted a boy who had fellow schoolmates killed and she’s telling hi that he’s wrong to stop that violence. If you don’t see any crazy in that, then you have your own problems. He also has free speech. At that point’s she’s harassing a fucking minor.
The Greene Goblin is a maniac! To harass a kid who went through a school shooting. She’s nuts!
The Greene Goblin. I am going to steal that, thank you in advance.
@innertubez I’m stealing it as well. Fits this person perfectly.
@Rodrigo FJ You may also described Kelly Loeffler as well as Ms. Greene !
@Merry Short Oooh, you done started something. I love it! It fits to a T. Thank You.
Beyond deplorable vile despicable
Lost for words . He should have sued her for harassment and trauma.. what kind of world are we living in for people to assume that this is okay…absolutely shameful
She doesn’t realize, that when you are walking down the street and a crazy person starts talking to you, that you just keep on walking.
Why doesn’t Senate and Congress have “Code of Conduct”, we have to sign one yearly at my hospital. Her actions should be held accountable, seems like a conflict of interest.
This woman, Taylor-Green is disgusting. She has to go. She’s a citizen of the United States alright, one that true patriots are totally ashamed of.
Come on man….she’s gotta go.
If she wants to carry a gun join the National Guard.
Get her out now!!!!
What about the media who’s been doing this for years to good people-actors and singers.
“Elected officials are more interested in protecting guns than children” David Hogg. Brilliant!
To Marjorie “Wack Job” Taylor Greene: “There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.”― Daniel Dennett
Is there a polite way to tell them they voted for an idiot?
Well said!!!
Get rid of Crazy Nancy and put a real American like Greene as Speaker.
“I’m a gun owner”, and a complete NUT.