Parents of Russian sailors want answers after warship sinks

The Pentagon says it is unknown how many of the estimated 500 crew members on the Russian cruiser Moskva actually survived. The ship sunk after Ukraine struck it with two missiles, according to the US. This comes as the father of one Russian sailor aboard the Moskva is demanding answers about his son. CNN's Alex Marquardt has more. #CNN #News

Parents of Russian sailors want answers after warship sinks


  1. Why do they insist a fire sank it—that’s WAY worse than being sunk due to enemy action. That’s simple negligence and incompetence!

    1. Either it was due to the Russian crews incompetence or the Ukraine successfully hitting there flagship, this will tarnish the image of the Russian armed forces.

    1. @Kevin Jenner what’s a ship in a maintenance phase in its home port and a service member charged with sabotage have to do with ships in an active war zone?

      You’re comparing apples to oranges.

    2. @WokeAF Yeah man thats what i heard. This was following the successful completion of an ‘unexpected ordinance arrival mission’ and a ‘surprise onboard munitions ignition operation’. Man this ship’s record is stellar, they should really decorate the crew for their performance… once they’ve fished them all out of the Baltic anyways.

  2. The Japanese did the same thing after the Battle of Midway. The surviving airmen and sailors were kept isolated from the public until they’d recovered, then sent off to other battlefields where most of them killed.

    1. @Ambotsa Imo … that’s… That’s what he said. That was literally what he wrote. They did the same thing lmfao

  3. Here we go.. I was hoping it was going to be a matter of time and people were gonna start asking questions over there.

    1. It would be the same with any country. 5 thousand US soldiers could die and it would be a big deal, but nothing like if 5 thousand died because one of our aircraft carriers were sunk.

      Of course, the US would tell the real numbers. The US would only lie about numbers about human loss if we were in Ukraine’s position and we were fighting for survival. When fighting for survival, most rules go out the window.

    2. “the Russians”…what a clever way to make a sweeping generalization without pausing for a single second of reflection.

  4. I would feel sympathy for these parents, but Ukrainian civilians who are parents themselves are being blown up indiscriminately. So there cries fall on deaf ears. Glory to Ukraine!

    1. @anthony bourdon крымский кризис 2014 года, россия забрала крым у украины, и Украина была следующей в списке жертв. Чтобы было легче понять, что Путин — бывший сотрудник КГБ, и он, по сути, хочет восстановить территорию СССР.

    2. @Broken planet What a childish and dangerous mentality to have. You should stay away from political discussions until you’ve had more time to mature

    3. EXACTLY! Feel sorry for the TRUE victims whonr being slaughtered. The Ukranians. The Ruskies are NOT on their homeland…THEY r the aggressors.

  5. As a former sailor of the USN I feel bad for anyone experiencing a hit like that but am nonetheless all for Ukraine.

    1. @Jeffrey Zetrenne Nah I’m good, sometimes a lot of opposing soldiers and sailors like the Russian ones are abusers

  6. Think about it, these Russian soldiers’ parents trusted their children to Putin to protect them, but instead Putin has betrayed them by not even telling them the truth about how their children died. Very sad 😞, It’s like being betrayed by your own country 😞 I don’t wish any parents to go through this experience.

    1. @Mimi K Once my grandpa told me, “if you repeatedly keep blaming people for your mistakes, grandson, you have a problem.” I hope this will help you think out of the box.

    2. Do you remember when the Titanium submarine Kursk sunk? Putler did not accept USA-help, which could have saved some of the sailors… Because Kursk was loaded with Schkval-torpedoes. Torpedoes, that can fly 200 mph under water…

  7. So sad. I know if it was American sailors, they would have at least two uniformed officer right there at your doorsteps to console and comfort you, with an American flag, and most importantly, an explanation to the best of their knowledge. Russia keeping their dead soldiers family in limbo is outright cruel.

    1. @Mark Whein Putin isn’t gonna criticize the family’s of deceased soldiers, but if things continue, chances are, he would have them all arrested for ‘security’ reasons.

    2. depends on defense posture. in port we kept our ship ready for attack DOG Z. full watertight integrity at all times. with 1/3 of the crew available at all times for damage control. this was our posture in port. usa dont take alot of chances when it comes to war. we also dont bluff or sabre rattle.

    3. That’s what you get. Russia has and is treating their soldiers like cannon fodder. They could care less about the wellbeing of their citizens.

  8. Bless all the souls that have fought in this. War is not needed. This is unnecessary. Prayers to all the families and love from America.

  9. As much as I was celebrating the sinking of this ship, seeing the grieving parents of young boys that were forced into this war reminds us there are no winners in war.

    1. Actually, there are, when Ukraine wins, they keep their independence. And this war is solidifying Ukrainian national identity.

    2. @Henrik Paulsen The Russian weapons industry is looking like a joke so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  10. The men in suits and ties are to blame but they’re to scared to fight they are all talk. God rest any military male or female around the world that died fighting I stand with them ❤️

  11. When you attack people trying to kill them you risk that they may try to defend themselves.

    1. I believe that their loss of <500, is nothing compared to a city of Ukraine being tied up,, tortured, decapitated/murdered, and those left in massive grave sites.....

    1. Yes and No. The Kursk was a tragedy. Yes because the ammunition exploded, on the Kursk and those sailors could have been saved, by Norwegian divers, if Russia insisted, that it is just a little electric malfunction was on board and let everybody die. No, because the Moskwa was sunk, by missiles, the fire story is BS

    1. @Albert Morgan you realize a vast majority of these Russian soldiers dont have a choice in the matter right?

    1. Their SONS. Just their SONS. In Vietnam 58,212 servicemen were killed and 8 servicewomen, all nurse officers and only one from enemy fire. Of the 17,725 DRAFTEES who were killed not a single one was a daughter. So SONS die, just SONS

  12. Such a shame how they treat their citizens. Especially those whose relatives are serving in their military. There’s not a single area of life wherein the Russian government or military shows any honor or integrity whatsoever.

  13. I also love the story about the storm that prevented towing and further rescue…damn, if that is what the russian navy calls a storm, don’t think we need to worry about anything…. Long live Ukraine !

    1. Depends. A stormy gusty bit of weather adds up perfect with two big holes near the waterline…

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