‘Parade of dishonesty:’ GOP convention night 1 fact check

CNN's lead fact checker Daniel Dale called the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention a "parade of dishonesty" and sets the record straight. Click here for Daniel's full fact check:

#GOPConvention #CNN #News


    1. raindr0p And YOU remind me of a fake news conspiracies theorist! You need an injection of REAL news, like CNN. Trump, just loves his “uneducated” base! Because he can easily suck you in with his conspiracies and propaganda!!

    2. Great job guys! Trumptards are the only ones that are stupid enough to believe all MSM bad! I’m telling ya it shouldn’t be so easy to con people! A news story is either fact or fake! There’s left bias & right bias but Trumpers are the only morons to go as far as to think all MSM bad. Trump lies so much his cult even had to make up a disease (TDS) to make his lies more believable! We have fact checked stories to look at & they get their info from Trump, Fox,Oan & Facebook & that they even have the nerve to call anyone fake news is so fucken stupid considering where they get their news from!

    1. Fact checkers? Hahahahahahaha. You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to see “fact checkers” arent being bought out by PC groups.

      Fact checkers and CNN ….hahahahahahaha.

      Everything CNN would say would check true in a “fact check”.

    2. BLM has been firebombing buildings for over 100 days. Kamala Harris is sending them money and so is Biden’s staff. The Democrats are evil. They sold us out to anti-white, anti-Semitic, Communist copkillers. They are disgusting tyrants.

    1. Fact checkers? Hahahahahahaha. You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to see “fact checkers” arent being bought out by PC groups.

      Fact checkers and CNN ….hahahahahahaha.

      Everything CNN would say would check true in a “fact check”.

    2. @parklee manquist Kid, you support a convcted con man who wants you to inject bleach, you’re not intellectually equiped t know facts.

    1. @Eddy Dreves ps everyone of my family has come from bohemia, Germany Poland Austria and Ukraine, they left and made it through the gauntlet to fight your fucking wars, think of that eddy . I’m a US citizen thanks to them. And I carry there torches.

    2. @Darren Kastl yeah what a dumbass comment.
      First In ww1 we were a neutral country.
      In ww2 we tried to defend ourselves, but beaten by sheer numbers.
      And Hitler bombed Rotterdam.
      He threatent to bomb every major city, to begin with Amsterdam.
      So the government had no other choice but to surrender.
      Otherwise the human sacrifice and suffering would be huge.
      We are thankfull for the allied forces to free us. We celebrate it every year.
      But the americans only joined after Pearl Harbour happened.
      Those guns you love are the root of the massive crime happening in the US. How many school shootings?
      How many gun related crime?
      I am not against guns. I know people who have them (w a permit) .
      I have been drafted in the 90s myself so I know it’s fun for the shooting range.
      But carrying them in public is not a good idea. The amount of guns is just staggering. You get situations where people play judge, jury and executor, as happened w that 17 year old kid.

    3. Fact checkers? Hahahahahahaha. You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to see “fact checkers” arent being bought out by PC groups.

      Fact checkers and CNN ….hahahahahahaha.

      Everything CNN would say would check true in a “fact check”.

    1. @skrapjac it isn’t “blackmail” when you offer to give ppl back their money and not give their money to schools that are not doing their jobs. You desperately need to look up “blackmail.” It’s not what you think it is, apparently.

    2. Sweet James oh really….so you’re telling me that after the treaty of Versailles was signed and it destroyed then German empire and economy you don’t think Hitler wouldn’t say “Make Germany Great Again”. What history books are you reading assuming that you even do read or know anything about history?

    3. @Sweet James I really love the silly comments by the uneducated, not able to read, understand and comment on MY REPORTS based on facts.
      Do you know why?
      Because they best promote my reports for the educated!

    4. Fact checkers? Hahahahahahaha. You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to see “fact checkers” arent being bought out by PC groups.

      Fact checkers and CNN ….hahahahahahaha.

      Everything CNN would say would check true in a “fact check”.

    1. @Lord Timothy I do my own research. Just reading the Chiron I would catch CNN lying 6-10 times an hour on average. It was on at the gym, I couldn’t change the channel.

    2. 15 cases didn’t go down to 0.
      it wasn’t contained.
      it wasn’t a hoax.
      it didn’t disappear like a miracle.
      it wasn’t gone by Easter.
      hydroxychloroquine was a bust.
      warm weather didn’t kill it.
      we’re still not doing enough testing.
      wear the fucking mask and DO NOT listen to morons

    3. @L X cases does not equal deaths, death rate is less than .25% or 2.5 per 1000. Hydroxy chloroquine does work, the media lied about it’s effectiveness. Because of the media many people believe 30,000,000 deaths in America, not 180,000. Your right don’t listen to morons, like CNN.

  1. Says the company that just paid nick sandmann hundreds of millions or some crazy amount 😂😂😂

  2. There’s a misnomer in the picture caption: “CNN Reporter”. There are NO reporters at CNN; it only has activists. I wonder what would Freddo do, if CNN lets him go?

    1. And Morgan Freeman was right! Don’t take UT out of context though, he explained his position well, and elaborated on what he meant by that. You all are being played for fools, there are powerful people and organizations out there that are intentionally starting a Race War, order through chaos. CNN and MSNBC are the absolute worst, but all News outlets are doing this, real journalism is basically dead, in the Mainstream at least, no one does the research, or digs deep enough, so either they don’t care or are to scared too, it’s all about creating controversy for ratings, that’s it!!! It’s not about left or right anymore, people need to see the bigger picture, they want us to fight, stay distracted so people wont realize the truth; we’re being taken for fools, for what reason, the ultimate goal IDK, but we’re all being played. CNN and MSNBC are just pandering in the worst way, please, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!

    2. @esobed1 Couldn’t be more wrong, Morgan Freeman came from nothing, unlike so many other’s, he hasn’t forgotten where he came , his words are the truth, font take that statement out of context, he elaborated on what he meant by that. Victimhood Mentality will keep you in a mindset of ignorance, hatred, and hippocracy, don’t let people manipulate you like that, we’re all being lied too, the real situation is worse and on such a scale, you can’t possibly imagine.

    3. Ninjakid565 well it’s funny you mentioned that because you must have missed the whole point about the white agenda

  3. a network live fact checking after just losing a settlement for making misstatements, lies, and exaggerations about a minor for their own political gain.. WHAT A JOKE!!

  4. After seeing the RNC Convention, I could never vote Democrat. The Mueller family whose humanitarian daughter was raped and killed in Syria got no help from Obama in rescuing their daughter. Obama was all about worrying about terrorists in gitmo. But had zero concern for American Kayla Mueller whose parents were tortured getting no help or concern from him. And Biden did NOTHING too. You have to be a pothead or on some expensive drugs to actually think normal Americans want Biden as their president.

    1. Kinda reminds you of how Russia placed bounty on American troops and then did nothing about it. Americans got killed because of his inaction and to this day he still denies it, even though it came from his Intelligence. You’re right, you would have to be a pothead to ignore the anthill compared to the mountain.

    2. Trump has reduced my taxes, secured my border, made us energy independent, reduced federal funding for abortions, lowest umemployment in history, highest stock market in history, etc. I think he has earned another 4 years. TRUMP 2020 !

  5. The McCloskeys showed you can put lipstick on a pig and put firearms in their trotters but they’d still be Trump supporters.

  6. PORTLAND, OR—In an effort to prevent the reelection of sitting President Donald Trump, Mayor Ted Wheeler is encouraging citizens to raze their city to the ground. They hope that by desolating the entire city and reducing it to nothing more than smoking heaps of ash, that Trump won’t stand a chance in 2020.

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