Russians are feeling the impact of international sanctions as inflation pushes the cost of household staples up. CNN's Anna Stewart reports some supermarkets have placed limits on how much customers can buy of certain products. #CNN #News
Panic buying sets in as Russians feel impact of sanctions

Condolences to all the mothers, fathers and families who are losing their loved children in Ukraine
@Shery Awan – yep, America was tremendously damaged by the war in Iraq. We lost face, funds and soldiers. Of course, our suffering was nothing as compared to the suffering of Iraqis.
Unfortunately what I have found by speaking with Russian American’s and even Belarusian’s in the USA is that a lot of them are either silent or silently supporting this brutal invasion. I hate to say this is the case but I’ve seen it with my own eyes and had these conversations. Having a food shortage doesn’t even come close to the permanent devastation that has been inflicted on Ukraine. Those people need to do way more to fight against this terrible regime.
@Shery Awan what about this, what about that, does one killer justify another? Use your brain!
@Ian Brennan Do you think that Chinese or Indians who immigrated to Ireland, started small businesses and created jobs somehow can influence foreign policy in the countries which they left? Some of those restaurant owners likely are Irish citizens, have kids in Irish schools, etc. It’s fine to criticize other nations’ foreign policy, but xenophobia against people who chose to live in your country is not the solution.
@R.Z Everyone has been saying that for more than a thousand years, but everything is fine in Russia. We live and enjoy life.
Yes, the Russian people are having a rough time because of the sanctions but they are not being killed or bombed out of their homes, schools and hospitals. My heart goes to the Ukrainians.
@Julian Nero Putin said it’s a “special operation” not a war!!
@Vic El guapo Get used to it Vic, that’s your place in life.
@Vic El guapo
You don’t remember 9/11. Selective amnesia.
It’s hard to feel sympathy for people fighting over sugar when their neighbours are fighting for their lives and country.

thats because you’ve never had to fight for sugar before.
Abd it is totally pethetic to think of the selfish and greedy attitudes Americans have when we get a threat of snow…
Sympathy is useless
Ordinary people are ordinary people everywhere.
I’ve been thinking about those Ukrainian farmers and that impact. Praying for them. Praying God will drive the Russian soldiers out in time to sow the fields!
Unfortunately, that’s very unlikely. The Russians would have to leave in the next month or so for the farmers to have any chance to sow the fields in peace.
God won’t remove them ,boots on the ground will
How arrogant they were a week ago:
“I haven’t felt any effects yet”
Now they cry….such a sweet sight and it will only get worse i hope they are still in denial so it hurts even more in the future.
Also what? Saying that they haven’t felt any effects is arrogant? Are you ok?
So if somebody asks you a question and you answer it then you’re being arrogant?
“Panic buying” is something only people with money can engage in.. Those that were already living day-to-day and broke in the first place are suffering deeply.
Peace is nice.
@николай honestly I think that something in this isolation thing will change. But that’s my view, only time will show.
so true panic buying it was only for rich,worker with weekly low wage it’s not afford…
@Иеманжа Российская what i say is not histeria, it is a common sense. Nuear war is histeria, but when you say semiconductors are not made in Russia, this is true and there is nothing our government can do to create that, thats it.
It is very hard and difficult to assimilate the number of dead, children, adults, soldiers, cities under ashes while so many unscrupulous and bloodthirsty people continue to sit giving orders and not receive the most terrible punishment, someone with the same clothing is supporting Putin and celebrate that cruelty to remove the image of another person, it is very cruel everything is known and at the end of the day everything will come to light. If the Russians are feeling the sanctions, then let them rise up against their own regime, do not be the puppets of an assassin. My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people and sooner rather than later that damned demon murderer of Putin will have to pay everything because nothing is forever. Ignorant cheater, murderer, liar, they should have given Putin a STOP no matter what it takes.
Australia can help out. Under sanctions from China, it’s long overdue for Australia to trade with other countries. The UK is the start. But this massive country could supply more to the world.
70% of our food is exported so that’s a fair amount of help
Europeans will (for the most part) still be able to afford to buy grain and grain products. It’s people who live in poorer countries who are likely to get hit hardest by rising global food prices.
Ukrainian farmers have my respect just as highly as Ukrainian soldiers. God bless you all and keep you through the hard times ahead.
When you hurt someone then something bad definitely knocked on your door too
Fighting for sugar is better than fighting for your Life 

The point is that when people are fighting for food in the supermarket, they tend to get rid of the leaders who caused the situation–like Putin. Don’t you want the war to end in Ukraine? Or do you want the Ukrainians to have to keep fighting for their lives?
The pure idiocy of this war in these times when our species has enough to worry about with pandemics and global warming just disgusts me. I hope Vladolph Putler gets what’s coming to him on behalf of the people of Ukraine, the free world, and the human species as a whole not to mention the ecosystems forever destroyed because of ONE MAN’s insecurities. Slava Ukraine
well said!
Not saying you are wrong, but usually Slava Ukraine is associated with Nazi’s in Ukraine, who collaborated with Nazi Germany.
@Baxa KK This is Ukrainian nationalistic salute, that predates nazism. You are right that salutes like this can have different connotations for different people. But simply stating that Slava Ukraini is associated with nazi’s in Ukraine is not the full truth. It has been used by diverse groups in Ukraine and abroad, but the phrase was illegal in the Soviet Union. For people who don’t know, the phrase simply means ‘glory to Ukraine’. Soviet union and Russian writers have been trying to discredit the phrase for decades.
I’m not really surprised that nationalists, be it any kind of patriot or even a nazi, might use phrases that have heavy nationalistic connotations. Every nationalist is not a nazi, and nazi historically has been more expansionist and imperialist than nationalist.
“It’s hard to know how many support it and how many don’t”
Yeah, it’s more than a little tricky to get accurate poll numbers when answering “no” to the survey can get people 15 years in prison.
you don’t see too many people go out to the streets, that means they probably support it or don’t care
@Osher Vaknin For the same reason as above…
So true shhh he dont want to go missing
@Osher Vaknin or the fact that nobody wants to die in a Gulag.
Russia is a Big Country. Even in Isolated communities don’t even know what is happening.
I feel like pootin has too much power because at the end of the day people let him do as he please/support him. I don’t buy it that 144.1+ million people are being controlled by a single small entity
It’s still considered living a luxurious life compared to what Ukraine is going through.. dying
Respect to the farmers who are risking their lives to try and keep growing so they can still feed the people, they deserve credit as well…my heart, thoughts and prayers go out to all these innocent people being thrown into this stupid war.
Hopefully other grain producers can make up some of the shortfall, and other grains can substitute for wheat in North Africa and surrounding Mediterranean countries. The ripple effects of the conflict are enormous, but the future of humanity is at stake right now in Ukraine.

This comment should have the most likes. It’s the most common sense response. This war will impact millions and millions who barely make it on what was available last year.
No shortage of grain, the main grain baskets of the world are in North America and Europe. Exports of wheat were from Ukraine and Russia because it is cheaper. There are enough grain to feed 100 billion people.
USA could farm more wheat and less corn this year, if they want.
Nobody wins in war. Especially in a war being fought by a dictator who has never cared about his own people. The people of Ukraine have my heart, but so do the people of Russia who will only know suffering due to this war… weather or not they believe the propaganda being spoon fed to them is really irrelevant.