Panetta Pushes Federal Plan To Hire And Train Force Of Contact Tracers | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Democratic Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-20) joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss his plan to hire and train thousands of contact tracers to meet the demand from experts to facilitate a safe reopening. Aired on 5/18/2020.
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Panetta Pushes Federal Plan To Hire And Train Force Of Contact Tracers | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Panetta Pushes Federal Plan To Hire And Train Force Of Contact Tracers | Andrea Mitchell  | MSNBC


  1. What we also need to do, especially after we get through this pandemic, is Legalize Marijuana on a federal level to help dig us out of the hole we’re in.

    1. Raza The Rambler Taxing pot drop in the bucket grow your own for true freedom been doing so for 40 years

    2. @Carlos Stranger couldn’t agree more. But if we were to start mass producing even Hemp will only help. It’s used for so many different things. With that said, I believe it should be a staple in any garden…indoor or out lol

  2. The US has a high demand for contact tracers and record unemployment. Seems like a no-brainer.
    No wonder t’rump hasn’t thought of it yet. 🤔😄😅😂

    1. If the idea has any merit, his fake patriot goons will scoop it up and try to get him credit for it. He will either embrace it as his own, or dismisses it as a “democratic hoax.”

    2. Ro G Ro, as usual you are correct. Trump is a dim light when we need a glaring spotlight. I like Congressman Panetta’s enthusiasm and vision. Keep safe Ro! 🌺. Jody

  3. according to 45s son its a hoax again.. says it will dissapear after the Nov. 3rd elections of they lose.

    1. he meant it will disappear from the fake news media coverage and the lying democrats who spew fear and panic to grab power but you’re too stupid to get that

    2. Here amsterdam north no known cases covid (i asked school kids family etc)also my brother south amsterdam no covid,no helicopter no sirens and hospitals empty (Wife pregnant so we know)Covid stats a joke schools open here no masks no gloves needed no fear needed,

  4. The ‘United’ States so divided and leaderless it struggles with pandemics 101 basics like contact tracing. 🙄
    This is what happens when a president wants no responsibility or accountability, but full credit. And has a confederacy of sycophants and dunces whose primary motivation is to please him.

    1. Lambert Lum We don’t have Megastores like in the USA? you haven’t been outside your prison

    2. BrantheBroken he isn’t telling the truth, never been in Canada or Germany. In Norway I was at a 3mile long mall… had to use el-scooters inside.

    3. @ElSmusso Oh I know that 😂. Just didn’t bother. The salient point is be it mall, market, bazaar, whatever, in every country large populations gather.
      Given sufficient focus and effort you can localize and control disease spread in the 21st century. Certainly in an ‘advanced’ society, assuming we can get over ourselves 🙄

    4. @ElSmusso That’s a mall, not a mega store. US is dominated by big box stores. Other nations have a more reasonable mix of small stores and big box stores. Only in a place like America are all the mom&pop stores driven out of business by big box stores.

    5. @BrantheBroken Not insurmountable. Look at China. You just have to be an authoritarian dictatorship like China. If you are willing to enslave people to the state, you can defeat Covid-19.
      The US paradigm does not work, especially if your quarantine is not a real quarantine. If you want to be serious, you do like Best Buy. Best Buy has staff waiting outside the store, ready to load your order when your car drives up. Not like this nonsense, where everybody is milling about inside a closed space Walmart. Everyone’s breath is being re-circulated inside the store. You cannot help but breath in what someone else has breathed out. Is there any point to contact tracing with such flagrant mixing of people’s breaths inside of big box stores?

  5. Jimmy Panetti, thank you for explaining your proposed Viral Testing bill. Good luck and stay safe, Congressman Panetta! 🌺

  6. The angry apricot created “Space Force” already. Deetvo von Cheeto won’t be able to comprehend the “Keeping Space Force” as well.

  7. My dog had a hot spot..I did the next indicated thing because of my awareness of hot spots. He was medicated and seems to be fine now.

  8. My neighbor and her daughter has still not been tested after her husband tested positive. WTF

  9. How can we be this far into a pandemic without a plan for basic things like contact tracing
    I guess without a leaders others need to step up to develop a plan
    Contact tracing takes training

  10. Just another need for the government to know exactly what everyone does and when they do it! And if you don’t think they had been doing this all along you’re a moron

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