The panel reacts to Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) calling a reporter a "liberal hack" in the Capitol Building. Aired on 01/16/20.
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Panel: 'You Can Take [McSally] Off List' Of GOP Who Might Side With Democrats | MTP Daily | MSNBC
If you can handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. The question was straightforward, answer it yes or no. Keep on walking. Not smart.
McNasty is TRIGGERED. AZ choice political hack or a decorated Astronaut. Bye bye McNasty.
BbetrGODczU L
Go Mark Kelly!!!!!!
Mark Kelly is for gun control. The state of Arizona is pro gun rights. I don’t see mark Kelly winning.
McSleazy is the HACK !
Easy solution…. stop interviewing GOP. Zero integrity, zero class, zero respect for oaths, country, Constitution… there is no obligation to ask them anything…. let Faux News handle it.
All this grandstanding will be turned into political ad’s by their opponents.
This reminds me when ilhan Omar told the same journalist to go away so both political parties do it
McSilly is confused. A political hack is someone with their own show and platform like Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, and Alex Jones.
First in news
I hope they play it on the night she gets thumped in the election!
Oh, well said David J. That’s well said.
Why can’t the space aliens just invade earth already and spare us from all this crap?
They know we are dangerous from weapons to diseases. Humans are the roaches of the universe. I don’t blame them.
Or you can just start voting for presidents who don’t destroy your country for once…
@Starsurfer74 exactly
Hey Martha,
Enjoy your 15 minutes because it’s almost over.
Ro G, AND Arizona!
@hKunnit crip R100 I’m pretty sure “Kathleen” is a bot.

Kathleen Dunlap Why do you hate yourself? We know, your moto is; C you next Tuesday. How much do you get paid?
Sincerely Arizonans!
What a witch ” Trump cult member!!”
Trump and his base represent all of the worst qualities humanity has to offer. Human garbage.
Pelosi and Waters are the face of the democratic party! Yikes. They are for open borders,sanctuary cities and partial birth abortion! Classy
Martha McSally sold her soul to the devil. GOP thugs have to go! Tsunami Blue wave coming soon!
silvano novalis

no she sold her soul to devil trump
Duck you Pelositard
McSally is a McBitch.
McSally is an embarressment and diagrace to Arizona and a loser. Mark Gifford will bring the seat home.
Linda, it’s Mark Kelly running for the Senate, he is married to Gabby Gifford that must have been where you got mixed up.
Mark Kelly will be a very fine Senator!
@RuBaron715 right, right thank you!
@Linda Broomhead Go Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly is for gun control. Arizona is for gun rights. I do not see him winning.
McSally hasn’t won a election yet…..and she wont win this one….so sorry she is trying to gain Trump favor to win when Trump backed politicians are losing right and left
Look at the losers running for the dems!! Hilarious
What do you mean she hasn’t won an election yet? She won her congressional races out of Tucson just fine.
What does hunter Biden have to do the impeachment trial? Was he on the call? Can he provide any information on why the aid was held up? Wtf?
Exactly! ! Biden has absolutely nothing to do with the impeachment of Trump, at all! And to even discuss it is pure and total b.s.
It’s just a distraction/deflection like the identity of the whistleblower. The GOP needs an enemy all the time so that they can aim their supporters’ anger at that enemy. If the Trump administration had wanted to confront corruption in Ukraine or any other country before giving financial/military aid, they would have done so long before Congress approved the funds. This entire criminal enterprise was aimed at hurting Biden by extorting a PR stunt from Zalensky on CNN with Fareed Zakaria. And if they had wanted to look at corruption, then they should have gone through the normal channels.
All the Trumpanzees have left against the mounting Impeachment facts and evidence is deflection…..
The mere mention of Biden in regards to Trumps impeachment trial is basically a …….LOOK SQUIRREL!!
Martha “Can’t We Just Talk About The Caravan?” McSally
Her opponent, astronaut Mark Gifford, just got a boatload of money out of her
WTF!? The reporter asked her a simple, reasonable question and that was her response? Sounds like she is an aspiring Trump Crime Family member and was earning some respect. At least we know who she really is now. Arizona can do better than this.
Third rate senator….she knows she would never get the position if she had to rely on the people!
Her comment shows how disconnected they are from truth. It’s more about party than law.
McSally was never on it anyway. She’s a Trumpturd to the bone . Always has been
Shoichleach74 Callum and you’re a pelositard
Robert Alan no. He’s just ignorant.
Many politicians tried to be Chumpier than Chump, it always backfired… McSleazy is toast and she knows it.
When the going gets tough, the weak throw insults.