Man. Premier Brian Pallister says the surge of cases in the province is the result of reckless individuals not following public health orders.
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Massive clown.
curious what do you think should happen to bring down our numbers?
@KIM aka TheHelpfulAssistant What’s yours Karen?
@KIM aka TheHelpfulAssistant they can make the numbers go up and down at whim. When you’re dealing with a test looking for a partial genome that was created by modelling rather than actually isolating the virus and identifying an actual.genome.sequence.

Class dismissed!
Pallister for the pillory!
Premier Lieister, er, I mean Pallister, is a fine, upstanding politician and not at all an utter failure!
No doubt you’re thriving in life.…choices like pillaging our medicare in manitoba to the extent of hallway medicine…waiting months for procedures…or even trying to find a family doctor to take on new patient s….that team..reckless behaviour
i thought covid was over … thousands now allowed into sporting events in the usa. weird looking now to me
Was weird to me 2 months after this “scary” virus started.
Hilarious how he speaks of responsibility and never once takes any.
@Mark Thompson don’t mock the handicapable
@George Obama-Biden you couldn’t roast a chicken at temperature on a rotisserie…let alone a live person
“Manitoba’s crushing third wave”? Lol, Manitoba runs PCR tests with 40 Cts = *90% false positives*
@Chicken Leg he has said that he takes responsibility. Just today actually, go and inform yourself.
@Primmakin Sofis You realize that’s what every city/province/country is currently saying about their governments, right?
Vac quota not met for politicians kick backs
LOL 43% of covid patients never tested.
The test is useless.
Not entirely shocking since the province has a positivity rate of more than 14%. To have symptoms and not get tested is incredibly selfish.
@Per Llyngrenn the test is useless
Wisconsin is fully open with no problems back to real normal. So are many other states!
How do you explain that?
He can’t and won’t
Because they didn’t acquiesce like the goody goody polite Canadians…
Coming from the guy who, last summer, had commercials in all corners of Canada touting “Travel Manitoba.” Well, how did that go for you ???
Always blame everyone else for the problem
It’s always the fault of the peasants! The King is never to blame!
I guess it’s time to end lockdowns if they’re not working after all this time like Texas NO COVID!!

As a board certified diagnostician, I concur.
Something like 80% of deaths occurred early on and in seniors facilities either run by or regulated by Mr Pallisters govt. Who TF bears responsibility for that, Mr Pallister? I expect a thorough review and fingers pointed and the responsible to be dealt with appropriately.
They did the same thing in Quebec. Not in only in Canada but quite a few states had astronomical numbers. They could thank the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for that.
I’m just a Dad who’s kids used to go to school, I bear the responsibility. Who else is gonna?
Since when do the guilty investigate themselves?
Its an experimental therapy! I won’t be a guinea pig!
Pound your fists on the table, little baby.
That really funny because I blame all of the Canadian government for its failure of Canada…
I wonder how he’s eluded covid this long when he requires his mouth to breath.
That’s because he spent most of his time in Costa Rica at his million dollar mansion!! Hiding up all his money under his mattress. Tax evader….
I’d rather blame stratospheric PCR cycles.
Did Pallister skip off to his vacation home in Costa Rica during the pandemic? I’ll bet he didn’t offer paid sick days for low income essential workers, they go to work sick and spread it around.
Pallister has no one to blame but himself. He’s an absolute disgrace.