A southern right whale and its calf were spotted swimming under paddleboarders off the western coast of Australia.
RELATED: Whale rescue: Humpback freed from fishing linehttps://bit.ly/35d54MW
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#Whalewatching #Paddleboarding #Australia
Giant animal swmming under your board is like having your feet out from the covers and a monster will get your toes.
Remember God loves you.♥️
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Please turn your life around and repent
say what? what does your statements have to do with THIS vid? did it ever occur to you that whales eat a LOTTA LIVING THINGS? fortunately not people. thus WHY did a deity create entities that EAT other living creatures? and GOD doesn’t like me at all.. I always have some IDIOT pulling out in front of me and then creeping along with total disregard for other drivers that just happened to be behind them on a two lane road with nothing but passing zones.
Im at home watching this video,far,far away and it still gave me chills!Im glad the whales were not being hunters that day!