Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel join Ali Velshi to discuss Trump’s failed attempts to overturn the results of the election in key battleground states. Aired on 12/12/2020.
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#JoshShapiro #Trump #MSNBC
PA Attorney General: ‘Trump Has Infected The Country With Hate And Division’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
only for trump…“Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if only I knew how to begin.”
It was the Nuremberg Trials that caused the name, “Nazi,” to become a stigma, to be feared, shunned and avoided at all costs. Winning the physical war was not enough. The exposure of the Death Camps (Covid Wards) and forcing the perps to LOOK at what they’ve done, destroyed the word, “Nazi.” And the exposure of their crimes against their own people and each other. We need our own Nuremberg Trials. In Florida or Texas?
@Ash Roskell Agreed. Bring all of them to justice for engaging in an insurgent coup, led by Donald J Trump.
Exactly… you are absolutely right!!! They should totally be held accountable for TREASON and all the chaos they have created.
WHO?? BLM and ANTIFA looted and burned 160 cities
@The Truth Hurts You! – No, MAGAt, that was YOUR people.
@The Truth Hurts You! Not even 160 blocks were burned.
Everything is bigger in Texas. The stupidity is massive.
sure, that’s why rogan, elon musk , others are moving there
@Cara Crawford we need a few more ĺike you to turn blue
You should go to Texas and yell that from the rooftops!
@Keith Allen see the hateful dems? always putting others down…divisive
@B K Way to prove his point.
Republicans sure must be admiring dictators around the world because there’s no way they would have pulled out this stunt if they didn’t. Make sure no one ever tries this again
@D MP Do they pay you in American dollars or Russian money to spread the lies and propaganda?
America very nearly allied with Hitler and Nazi Germany, America’s 1% supported Hitler. Germany was bankrupt after WW1 and they bankrolled Hitler
The 1% fund both parties now, but the group that were pro Hitler and the Nazi’s and their death camps and Gestapo and SS back the GOP
@Janet Chaplin Obama stopped Bush and his cronies not paying the price of waterboarding and other torture. Bush committed war crimes and got away with it. All obama had to do was secret services, FBI and CIA do their investigations and let the attorney general do his job in not allowing anyone to be above the law. Now we have republicans allowing criminals in the white house, everywhere else and democrats powerless and unwilling to commit to following the law and prosecuting.
@Karen Powers …Russia has zero to do with the democrats allowing the Republican President and his administration to get away with committing crimes. Trump and the GOP investigating a non political person for tax evasion is a bs investigation. The states prosecutes common citizens and the Feds investigates politicians! When did Biden’s son become a politician? It is political payback. An investigation into Trump and his administration is not political but a criminal investigation that if not allowed to proceed will make america more corrupt every time a criminal traitor enters the white house like currently.
Conspiracy theories don’t hold up in court. Only facts. It’s a strange concept for Trump supporters.
@Heer Syal all networks are dem propaganda,,,all fake news
Johnny English what I’ve noticed is that they bring their conspiracies up and expect the media to investigate them. I don’t know how many times I heard them say “ppl have seen and witnessed this and that and the media should investigate” when shouldn’t they be the ones to investigate if they sue in court over hear say???? It’s such a circus…..they have all these conspiracies but zero evidence to back it up is what it all comes down to. Complete nonsense
@Raven Insight Yeah they want the msm to investigate, yet they don’t believe what the journalists will report. Endless circles of nonsense.
@Dope Man ….and was not true. The elections laws were changed after being APPROVED in the State Legislature more than 6 months prior to the election. Rudy and Trump forgot to mention that little bit of information to the trumpsters.
@Boyd Appraisal Svc well that was the majority of the legal case that texas had the claim that they changed election laws and rules through the supreme court of the states instead of changing it in the house of legislators im just saying what the legal claim was
Hopefully there’s evidence of what he and Putin talked about when they were alone.
Maybe Trump and Putin can get together in Russia after January 20th
@Heer Syal How do you prep for losing 50+ court cases in a row, and for presenting ZERO evidence in any one of those 50 suits?
@duhmahsnabores What? The SDNY have a foot on his tail, just a matter of time before all his lies and criminality is out in the open
@Joe Vehon The three of them could live happily together, play all the golf they want ,in a small town in faraway Siberia, what do you think? And the world will be a somewhat safer place without them
There’s an evidence by this professors speech, do you want to see?
Of course mainstream media will never show it, they are trying take this away from internet
Open your eyes
What has caused this situation…..Trump!
@Linda Star I don’t think so, nor do I believe all republicans are. people can have different views/opinions. doesn’t make them any worse, but people can’t have different facts. They can have different beliefs but should be based on facts/truth, not lies.
@John Mcsorley dems are corrupt haters
@Linda Star From the comments I read they are on the whole more open and forgiving than republican comments.
@John Mcsorley you haven’t seen twitter for the past 5 years obviously
@Linda Star No just the you tube comments
Why are there NO CONSEQUENCES for these people?????? Accountability is necessary in a functioning democracy.
Going back to Nixon !
Parents raise their children with consequences/ punishment for their bad behavior …so you don’t want to even punish these people at the lowest level ?
Throw the book at them !
They should be removed from office immediately and prosecuted.
The fish rots from the head down…
45 is included in the lawsuit…
so he should also be punished to the
fullest extent of the law…
If they let all these people get away with this without consequence – our Democracy will be dead in the next 4 years.
@J . P Goodwin
@J . P Goodwin THE KUHNS
Well now it’s the Trump Administration for that after Jan. 2021 then we Talk about it Again
@kathy Turner I wish that were true, but I have lost every shred of faith I ever had in karma long ago. I believe karma became so overburdened it packed it’s bags and flew the coop. The more evil and selfish people get the more it seems they’re rewarded. I still hold out the tiniest shred of hope that I’m wrong, but every year older I get, the harder it becomes to hold on to that tiny shred. Don’t get me wrong though, I refuse to allow this realization to keep me from trying my best, day after day, to be a kind and compassionate person. It’s just a depressing realization to come to terms with.
all these republicans need their heads checked.
Truer words have never been spoken….they are all a spooky bunch.
What about have their heads REMOVED! They want to turn this into that type of country…
Michiganders All Voted with heart and passion and wouldn’t have done so if we doubted the validity of it all.
Trump barely carried Michigan in 2016. Michigan righted that wrong in 2020. I am proud of this state.
Maybe I should SUE Texas for voter suppression during the 2020 presidential election.
@N. Williams his name is Greg Abbott, but yes, the Republicans tried many ways to suppress the voters by trying to invalidate mail in voting, to also trying to have all mail in boxes closed save 1 for Harris County. A county of over 4 million people. Tell me if that wasn’t a voter suppression play.
That’s a good idea, but you have to have lots of money and if you do don’t waste. as the Universe will bite him back, for spreading so much venom throughout the world.
@Danuta Shayler Lots of money….hmmm That’s always a deal breaker.
Was the 2016 president election legal ?
@Guy Manges Check with Putin.
Right wing media has been sowing hate and division for a few decades. Trump just brought the ones influenced by it out of the shadows.
Dont forget the old saying, what ever the left accuses people of, is exactly what the dems are doing !
@Kay Murdoch and his empire is an evil malignant cancer that corrupts everything he has anything to do with
The GOP is the party of the rich. It has no interest in the wellbeing of the general population. The general population only supports the GOP because they are ignorant or misinformed.
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@Scott M Nope, you’ve still got it backwards. Projection flung out a second time is still projection. Denial and projection are quite simple defences, easy to see. You’re only hiding from yourself.
Someone said that the hate & craziness was already there DJT only set it loose.
@Linda Star Donald Trump – biggest racist in America – why are you watching MSNBC? Shouldn’t you be watching NewsMax – the TASS of the neo conservative movement?
@Flummoxed Marmoset dems are biggest racists …all about color with them, dem shows start race wars
Trump just gave them a platform .
@Linda Star Rubbish, what is proposed is removing functions from the police that they are not trained or equipped to handle, domestic issues, mental illness etc and give those funds and roles to people and organizations that do have the training and expertise. Let the police do their law enforcement role with appropriate funding, would be less crime and less unnecessary deaths
@J . P Goodwin idiots who think they know better
Maybe I should sue Texas,Uhh idk maybe cause I feel like it!?
Why don’t the other states counter sue Texas for interfering in the first place.
American democracy in court….totally weird
As long as stupid people are sending them money, this will continue to go on…
I wish I had the amount of money these criminals do. Makes it look like being ethical and having principles doesn’t work as well as being and supporting criminals.
@Kamal Pada Because the Trump Whitehouse refused to release the Government money he was entitled to to set up his transition, Trump in 2016 did not face that problem, he was given all assistance
@David Schneider Maybe they want a dictator, but 80 millions of Americans do not want that type of Government.
@Shepherds Knoll It’s a con, I feel really bad for them, I really do.
@J . P Goodwin then why can’t he ask his corporate donors for money. Why is he begging the people without giving them stimulus. Trump can also ask people for lawsuits doesn’t have to use his money.
trump acts like 3 yr old. he needs to be sternly spoke to as one, scolded, put in time out forever !!!
I agree with your sentiment but your name confounds me. Purple kids what?
I can’t believe wat trump and he’s body’s are trying to do with this country
I can
Trump is doing what his master wants, destroy the USA from within. From Russia with love !
Trumpianity is the new religion. I think many will die for it. This ain’t over.
@David salo MAGA = Make Another Grave Available. Stop the Steal – of lives, of futures.
@David salo religion is religion.
The true source of all evil.