Oz says he wouldn’t talk to patients the way his campaign talked about Fetterman’s health

Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Mehmet Oz again tried to distance himself from the mocking tone his campaign has taken with his Democratic opponent John Fetterman’s recovery from a near fatal stroke, telling NBC in an interview Friday that he would not talk to his own patients the way his campaign talked about the Democratic Senate nominee. #CNN #News


  1. He approved the mocking and when he got called out he was too coward to admit it instead he blamed his campaign folks for it.

    1. @Chuck Rambo I know! Tran red and team blue one and the same. The only difference is who’s knees are found down first when their donors walk in the door! 😂

    2. @Chuck Rambo Ohh my goodness. Look little John, You have Ramgirl here to help you. My be you two can make little pic’s to together. Oh I’m using to many words for you Trolls. Sorry more important thing happing, Like going to the game. My be we play later. Bye LOSER’S.

  2. Auditory processing is not a cognitive issue. If a deaf person was running for office would anyone question their ability to serve, no, of course not.

    1. @Patrick Explain. Maybe you have a great breakdown of auditory processing issues and the human brain. I can say from working as a social worker for more then a decade, working with numerous children and adults with this condition and working with numerous neurologists, the auditory processing part of the brain does not affect one’s cognitive ability. Consider for a moment the late Steven Hawking could not speak without assistive technology. He was a genius and noone had an issue with his method of communication. I have worked with numerous people who are fully functional and have auditory processing issues. Some have high level jobs, including public office. John will be a great senator.

    2. I’m pretty sure Trump would question their ability to serve… if that person wasn’t a supporter of his.

    1. @Suomy Nona what else am I desperate for? Since you know me so well.😂😂😂😂. What color are my eyes? What am I wearing? What gender am I? Since you know me so well….😅😅

    2. @Thomas John and yet here you are. I guess it’s not fun to have an opposing view. Call me old fashioned but most people like variety. Have a nice night.🙃💙💟

  3. I’m a PA resident. There is no comparison between Fetterman an accomplished public servant who demonstrates integrity, family values and unity … and always fights for the middle class. And the snake oil salesmen, con man, puppy killer, New Jersey resident.

    1. @K P the Republican Party has been in control of BOTH chambers of the Pennsylvania legislature since 2002 by significant margins. That’s 20 years! If you’re not happy with your current financial prospects then you may want to consider a change of representation.

  4. My father worked until he was 65 y/o by choice. He suffered multiple heart attacks, but was very competent and physically able to work as a contractor salesman and contractor. Positive for disability promotion. Not all who are “disabled” are incompetent.

    1. I just want to say, I’ve personally known some beautiful people in my life, and some of them wouldn’t qualify as mental giants, including in my own family. I’ve known and been around what society would call intellectual giants. My most important lessons came from the people that wouldn’t cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire! I’ve known people that were classically beautiful and then they would speak, and with every word every utteranance their beauty would literally dissolve and their true hideous heart would emerge as plain as the nose on their face. To love and be loved is a state of grace, rarely achieved through intellect alone. It shines as brightly as any star in the sky. Peace and remember all that glitters is rarely gold.✨💟

    2. @Dylan B it’s a kind of judgerly perfectionism – that an intact nasty person is better than a flawed, even broken kind person.

    3. @Rice Burner Nobody is really saying that Fetterman isn’t a good guy, but he is not fit for office.

    4. @Jax Stax You don’t know, for fact, what you’re speaking about. It can happen to anyone, any age, at anytime. Even, you. Stroke patients get better week by week. Ask, a medical professional.

  5. Oz could put a stop to the attacks but is choosing not to. That says everything about his principles and integrity.

  6. Oz trying to distance himself from his own campaign. Tells you a lot about how desperate his campaign backers are to win, and it says a lot about the candidate himself that he lacks control over his own message.

    1. Oz was attacking the progressive position of our democrat candidate. He was attacking policy and not personality.

  7. Fetterman had a mild to moderate stroke. What oz doesn’t say is that a stroke is a recovery process. He portrays it as a finality to a persons capacity going forward. Thank goodness he wasn’t my sister’s doctor.

  8. Given the average age of those in the Senate, more than one person is hard of hearing and have health issues which arent talked about. Oz should put a stop to his campaigns denigrating Fettermans health.

  9. It’s always good to see a candidate confess to not controlling nor correcting his own campaign.
    Actions speak louder then words and Oz is an AZZ

  10. When someone tells you who they are the first time, believe them. If you don’t, you’ll get exactly what you deserve.

  11. This man has had qualified doctors assure people that he is up for the job…I would vote for him all day compared to the quack he is up against.. it’s not a difficult choice at all…

  12. I love the way Fetterman put his handicap out there for all to see . As a disabled person it is refreshing to see limits being overcome and understanding that these limits don’t effect the disabled intelligence . Still Fetterman is the best person for the job

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