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Waiting for the details on this
Really nothing not safe again.
Smh…what a situation!!!
Yow this nu look good it must be from the inside
They better not let USA get involved because of there citizen them ,always what to keep up slamming .
And this is the Same government that says nids will be safe. You’re a joke
Talk truth I’m nt taking no NIDS
@Training Notes All this country needs is economic development, and educated work force and the capacity to produce all the goods and services we need, NIDS has anything to do with this.
@Genchfa Manfunzi You are right however im answering the NIDS statement made by Nicole Gordon. If NIDS was anything good it would still be bad in this Government’s hand cus dem naave nuh sense. That was the point im making.
@Training Notes that was my point exactly. I’m not giving no puss my milk to carry
I’m on the outside looking in.. this government is a big joke….

Just another day in Jamaicas messed up system
Even countries are vulnerable to hacking, Prior to Trump leaving office, the Russians pulled off a big one on the US.
@Genchfa Manfunzi this wasnt a hacker’s doing. This was pure carelessness from Jamaica once again
Even whaday in the UK the Immigration Minister lose all Criminals details on a database, all these governments are up to something

@Empress Jade Simeon Ellis

@Empress Jade Simeon Ellis These governments are powerless, you have an army of professional hackers on the job 24 hours a day , stealing information to sell to the highest bidder, and you have anti immigration forces at work, working with organize crime to clean government databases.
Andrew Holness and Horace Chang is incompetent and should resign simple…who are they investigating themselves which would be the right thing.
The Lord busy , he has a whole universe to look after.
I hope they plan to contact those individuals whose information was exposed. This is highs of carelessness. kmt.
Ofcourse not
Am really piss off with that stupid travel authorization Jamaica have to come Jamaica , Mr government pls cut it out , jus request covid test like any other countries
Scamma dem Deh yah!!
.. bwoy haffie tek bad things make joke
That’s Why We Gave ALL Fake Details Cos We Nuh Fool Dutty Babylon Can’t Trick We


Real talk
you soon hear seh EVERYONE HAVE THE VIRUS’
7dead yesterday from covid19 hmmmm,so how many died without covid19?
I believe the government should stand the cost to fix people cars are repair them all over again
The people of Jamaica need to wake up now enough is enough EG Hunter must go and Stephen shaw must go
It true we can’t believe it.that ment we wasn’t safe coming in covid then.jesus a what we hearing. I am so disappointed with Jamaica
so we information out there for everybody to see. Wow
You a talk bout 5 months the side walk stay suh …a yrs it’s like that
The people will still accept whatever their foreign owners instruct the Jamaican government to implement.
Just wAit til NIDS is implemented then its gonna be the personal data of 3million Jamaicans!! But in that case govt wont care cuz we are not valued “tourists”