Stacey Abrams, founder of Fair Fight Action, talks about the Democrats' strategy to reach out to voters across the state of Georgia to assure them their voice matters, and to educate voters about why control of the Senate is important, to motivate as much turnout as possible for the special Senate elections in January. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#StaceyAbrams #Georgia #MSNBC
Outreach & Education: Abrams Lays Out The Strategy For The Georgia Senate Races | Rachel Maddow
Here is a real American hero!
Education! Social Democracy! Universal Health Care! Equality! Human Rights! Justice! Give them to me & I will love you!
Totally! She is SO guaranteed to have a senior post in Biden’s Cabinet! America is in its most vulnerable hour, and NEEDS YOU! Support your democracy, and support your Republic, until Biden is safely in the White House, and Donny has fled the country!

@TheBase1aransas : The only, “big thing coming,” is your Proctologist, to sort out your, “Butt Hurt,” trump troll. Oh, wait. It’s a Pre-Existing Condition, right? You’re not covered for that
But the voters saw what happened. Stacy will be back!
Suuuuuure, Base…
’s *’accrued’ FOUR disbarred lawyers (and counting), SEVEN former employees who are INDICTED felons (SIX already CONVICTED), DOZENS of…’unplanned resignations’ AND, at last count, FIVE administration members with “Contempt Citations” NOW ON their resumes (Barr’s been cited TWICE
’s *numerous* ‘financial fiascos’… 

*Just like* Jim Comey’s arrest.
*Just like* Andrew McCabe’s arrest.
*Just like* John Podesta’s arrest.
*Just like* Greg Craig’s conviction.
*Meanwhile* (and allowing for ‘as-of-yet-announced indictments’)…
And we won’t *EVEN mention* #45
But *we will* remind *everyone of THIS fact:*
We must have a difference of opinion. When I see her, I see a sloppy fat, disgusting filthy slob who still hasnt accepted her loss in a state she will never win.
Let’s go Stacey! Si se puede!
Come on GA! We are depending on y’all.
Our country calling on them to vote Demoracts
@Mo Byron Vote

The more they attack people of colour’s vote, the more defiant those people should be by going out and voting.
Also just finished the video – the graph they showed at the end debunked voter suppression. It’s HILARIOUS.
If your vote wasn’t valuable, then the Republicans wouldn’t be trying to steal it.
@Ryan A Then you’d dislike Lindsey Graham too. Partisan hack par excellence. Spreading lies about Stacey Abrams. Of course she’s partisan! ALL politicians are partisan. But Stacey has a righteous mission: to get everyone who is eligible to vote. And she’s succeeding. Nothing wrong with that!
@Fortescue – Even #45
’s own moneygrubbing mouthpieces *admitted it…*
We must have a difference of opinion. When I see Abrams, I see a sloppy fat, disgusting filthy slob who still hasnt accepted her loss in a state she will never win.
What an admirable, person and political leader!
An ugly fat grape
@Vict0r Mas0n Yeah, Donald is such a nasty piece of work.
@Nota Bene – ‘Bigly’!

Really? We must have a difference of opinion. When I see her, I see a sloppy fat, disgusting filthy slob who still hasnt accepted her loss in a state she will never win.
Spam-posting Sabatino is spam-posting…
Trump is the worst thing that happened to America. EVER!!!
@Trent Timoy yep cause they hated Obama which IMO was 1 of the top 3 best we have ever had
NOBODY needs any of that poisonous juice your drinking.
@Buren Windle was that caustic remark directed at anyone in particular, or are you just feeling kinda “hormony” this morning?
@Kermit T. Frog The long range prospects of indulging LIES and CHEATING is never a winning proposition. So, I implore those that do to take a different course. LYING and CHEATING can only lead to disintegration, degradation and destruction. That’s not hyperbole but a Fact.
@Trent Timoy I agree. An ethos where everything is permissible as long as it does not land you in jail is the worst kind of corruption. The kind that destroys nations.
Loeffler, QAnon connect the dot for dummies and Perdue who can’t even pronounce Kamala! More JUNK Republicans. Go Stacey! Awesome JOB!
And #45
*literally* abandoned his fervid followers ‘to the elements’…including right *here in GA.*
I don’t live in GA but I’ve already donated for Ossoff’s and Warnock’s campaigns. Go Georgia, let’s flip it to blue! Great job you’re doing, Stacey! Thank you
Totally Agree – Doing the same

same and I don’t even live in the US!
AGREE!! Will do the same!
Me too
Money cant buy yale a win. Just ask Michael Bloomberg, Jaime Harrison, and Amy McGrath hahahah
Hey, keep it short. Don’t waste her time. Stacy Abrams has work to do.
Has she conceded yet?
Leo Volont Stacy Abrams is a fraud.
Well said Leo!
Stacy needs to be appointed DEMS election Czar. The professional consultants and Third Way loyalists who have been in charge for decades have failed repeatedly. 2020 says it all. We lost seats in the House. Mitch and the Republicans have controlled the Senate for cover a decade and may do it again which means gridlock for anything getting done. We didn’t flip one state legislature in the whole country. No flips in Governorships either. This failed party power structure must retire and let Stacy take over. What she did in Georgia can be duplicated in every state. What she learned over years in Georgia can be election strategy for the future of the party. It’s time for the party dinosaurs to retire. They’ve gotten too comfortable with the status quo that keeps them employed but does nothing to advance the party and consign the Republicans to the back bench. Just getting rid of Trump is not going to do it
She’s not the only one the Squad knows what’s up and what are working and what isn’t… AOC is on the pulse
Stacey is bright and well spoken…hope for our country.
Hmmm “well spoken”? What other way could she speak?
@RICHARD ALLEN Like Trump…divisive and ignorant with nothing based on facts.
Who loves Stacey



We do! Go Stacey!

Actual it was the Citizens of Georgia who got robbed by her not being Governor. Her guts & resilience is a testament & a blessing to the American people. Hopefully her constituents will follow get lead.
The people of Georgia will either for Moscow Mitch or against him. He cares about you not at all. The incumbents in your senate run-offs care only about their investments and the right wing of the formally known Republican Party Vote for blood sucking evil or your welfare.
This lady has to do this across all of America during the Biden presidency .
She should be a member of His cabinet
This dingbat fat disgusting slob still hasnt accepted her loss to Brian Kemp. Georgia will stay red and theres nothing this filthy rabid animal stacy Abrams can do about it
@JM Sabatino LoL
HA! Dingbat? THANKS RACIST WHITE republicans of Georgia for loaning her to us and at a time when AMERICA needed her most. You Racist tards wouldn’t know (well enough) if Walk Up and KICKED you in your Good knew. Don’t laugh she may want that governorship someday maybe. She’s too good for meager Georgians anyway to tell the truth so be careful what you hope for.
@Lmr May Look at those fangs on that fat slobs front set. You really think that old bag won? Get a clue. No amount of $$ raised will change the January run offs. Ask Michzel Bloomberg and Jaime Harrison how that worked out

@Lmr May – Remember…
In general, Republicans run for office to enrich themselves, while Democrats run to enrich the Nation.
@Thomas Engelke you mom must have dropped you on your head!
@Patrick Tolman What is it about followers of donald who, when they get caught with their pants down, resort to cursing, swearing, or belittling. Just like donald who talks sweet about anyone who does what he wants and then swears when they dont. He cant/wont look anyone I’m the face and fire anyone. He has to do everything remotely.
I guess its hard for many people to accept facts without making it personal by attacking. I recommend many people need to grow up and accept the truth that donald lost the election by telling too many lies and has joined the one term and impeached presidents in the history books.
Facts matter more than lies.
But thanks anyway for your reply and interest.
@T. R. Campbell Thanks for the info. Business degree and years in retail and education. SSN is not actually that private. But Donald did sue to get out of a loan with D.Bank on the base of an act if god. But the bank still loaned money out. Not by the actual lending dept. They got over ruled by the board of the bank. Got reported a few years back. Ank got investigated and linked back to russia. Fined I think three times so far. But no American bank appears to want to lend. Recently D.Bank said no to a loan application because he asked for a loan while he was president. Said it would be hard to foreclose if he didn’t pay. Business is pretty straight forward. Banks lend if the odds are in their favor. Same with insurance companies. But facts are facts. Donald has had six bankruptcies and is being investigated for fraud in relation to the loans he applied for. This is based on the paper evidence turned over in recent court cases.
I dont know of any other single Democrate who can top that level of investigations!!
@Thomas Engelke Hillary had a few going all the way back to early days. I have a theory about Bill and Hillary. Both of them have been in politics all their lives. I believe they know where all the skeletons are buried and who is doing what to whom. We know Bill attended Epstein‘s island and he knows who else was there and he knows why they were there. I believe people in DC are deathly afraid of Bill and Hill. We know there were at least nine people who went to jail or fled the country after Bill left the White House. Nothing ever happened to either of them. We know about Hillary’s careless handling of classified documents. The careless is handling one document is a felony. Nothing ever happened to her and the cause of, “lock her up “still echo.
Trump is in business, he has a political novice, he is an outsider and not a member of the corrupt and entrenched political class. It is obvious that he and his friends were targeted. Stalin once said and I paraphrase, show me the individual and I will show you a crime. Anybody can be accused of anything and likely aren’t guilty. There is something called the “innocent confession” that is most troubling for law-enforcement. This concerns Reid Method. This psychological interrogation can by misused can likely produce innocent confessions.
Getting back to Bill and Hillary however, one of their friends summed them up the best.
The words of James McDougal, a long time friend and business partner of the Clinton’s who was sent to prison in the WhiteWater and Crippled Creek scandals and who died in prison now ring loud and clear. He told NBC’s Dateline the following.
“I think the Clinton’s are really sort of like tornados moving through people’s lives. “i’m just one of those people left in the wake of them passing by,” he said.
We are all left in their wake.
@Thomas Engelke – *Never* let them forget…

And Epstein *worked for Barr’s father,* ‘teaching kids’ at a posh private school in NJ.
Educate Americans to a high standard, and the GOP will NEVER win ever again. America is in its most vulnerable hour, and NEEDS YOU! Support your democracy, and support your Republic, until Biden is safely in the White House, and Donny has fled the country!

This woman is a true patriot and a national treasure.
LETS DO IT Georgia!!! Kick MOSCOW MITCH OUT OF POWER in the Senate!!!
What an amazing woman! She is a true role model for women around the world!