Last week, the Associated Press published body camera footage from 2019 of the death of Ronald Greene in police custody. after failing to pull over for an "unspecified traffic violation." Police initially told Greene's family that he died on impact after crashing into a tree, which clearly did not happen, leading the AP to call the police response the “strongest evidence yet of an attempted cover-up.” Retired NYPD Detective joined Joy to discuss.
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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#MSNBC #RonaldGreene #JoyReid
Everybody involved in this murder cover up needs to be locked away for life.
@Scott Manerez yep that’s sounds about right and I agree dummy
You’re being lied to. Wake up.
@New Wave Not the same thing but you bring up another good point… How many more schools have to get shot up before you idiots stop sending your kids there to be slaughtered? Is it like some repressed dark wish you have or something?
@Scott Manerez WHAT, is your boot licking card not full yet!
Wow, you racists really are TRASH
It was torture. So jail them for torture. It was also an attempted covered up. So jail them for attempting to cover it up. It’s not hard.
It was a dereliction of duty, torture AND MURDER.
Its legal torture so they did nothing wrong legally.
@Wanderlust Spirit Man, you’re a real broken doll.
& State AG) & indict all for murder!
Sadists, earning the hate.
I don’t care what he did. He deserved his day in court. Cops shouldn’t be allowed to play judge and jury.
No, They’re Playing God.
They killed him, at least 2nd degree, and then made a concerted effort, a conspiracy to lie repeatedly and cover this up. Give them life in prison, with the general population. See how long they make it.
@Breakup GoogleNow Prisoners don’t like cops but they definitely don’t like dirty cops.
They did their job another criminal was prevented from committing any further crimes
Poor guy just got a death sentence for his color and I’m hoping those cops get the maximum penalty
@UCmdAkiQpZhY7pJT3zd5VJMA it is about color . Yes I understand he was defiant at first but he could’ve been scared of what the police was going to do to him and the video showed he tried to comply after the fact . They felt disrespected and committed a modern day lynching . Why would they lie on the initial police report if they know they didn’t do anything wrong? They know they used extensive force and they were 100% in the wrong .
@LordKaizen If not for the notes of that doctor and those nurses they really would have swept it so far under the rug..
@Wanderlust Spirit Are you always this ignorant or is it an anomaly!
Tell you what…Filing a false police report should be a manditory 10 years federal !
What about the superiors who cover the whole thing up after the fatal assaults as well as the coroner and or medical personnels
So many cases like this showing up on vídeo. No wonder there is no trust of police officers.
@mack steven But how come we never see the actual ‘chase’? Maybe that’s just a lie too, to go along with all the other ones they told.
@Sheila Boston BS
@Chris Thomas that people cry too much for these dummies who resist arrest etc no one would of been upset if he would of crashed and killed someone during the chase maybe local news about it
@mack steven Death candy,right?
@Jrock Az yep
The FBI needs to investigate all the officers involved plus everyone the involved in the cover up
Na, the fbi just needs to all go get real jobs.
Yes the former Col, his right hand man, Troop F all of those men have been running around causing deaths
I think : The Department of Justice . . .

Why? The FBI does the same thing to suspects.
They are worst… just smarter!!!!!!!
Right after they are tazed a few times to make sure that their guns were working correctly.
@MOMO — that’s a really good point. Mandatory drug & alcohol testing immediately after any death following, or as the result of, any encounter with the police. Their judgment is extremely relevant to the question of whether the killing by a police officer is justified. Nothing to hide? Hide nothing.
It’s disgusting to think about how many more people have died from this exact same thing.
What’s disgusting is how many people are shot black on black n the media doesn’t bat an
You misspelled “entertaining”
@Wanderlust Spirit You must be from Harvard?
@Jrock Az we don’t place our trust in those people. We should expect better from those designed to protect and serve. This has everything to do with the state of policing and nothing to do with what you’re talking about. Just more fascist rhetoric.
Yes imagine all the cover ups of police brutality against white people, not only would the media not report on it but nobody would even care if they did, unfortunately they were born with the wrong skin color.
What’s the point of mandatory body cams, if the police are going to bury that footage for years in hopes it is never released?
@Ro G — and why are they able to turn the microphone off for their body cam whenever they want to?? That’s what happened to large portions of the 45+ minute bodycam video footage. It defeats the whole purpose of the body cams when they can do this crap!
Well, they do release body cam footage… when it tells the story they want it to. Even if they have to edit it to make it work. Otherwise forget it
And they can MANIPULATE the video at the SCENE by being able to CUT OFF THE MIC OR THE VIDEO ALL TOGETHER !!!
@Teddy Rasputin
This is SO TRUE . . . So much they can do AFTER the fact AND during the COMMISSION OF THEIR CRIMES !!!
When did they call him the n word?
If it walks like a duck
Well he was a censored
It is exactly why police reform is necessary. A complete mindset overhaul needs to be part of the reduction in scope of each type of officer is absolutely imperative.
David Duke said “your not going to see us in white hoods and ropes your going to see us in police uniforms,military uniforms,senators,governors,every where we can protect each other so we can do what we want a new era of white power will emerge “. CIA & FBI brought this to light multiple times that’s it’s going to become a cancer. About 15 years later here we are!
Why is David Duke and his ilk still alive scheming such evil plots….
This is state-sponsored domestic terrorism and racialized ethnic cleansing. It is institutionalized by monsterous lies and militarISM. Demand historical accuracy and nonviolent deescalation!
“slave catchers”, that’s indeed the Police mindset.
Well slave patrol is the original term for POLICE
100% ACAB
That’s why real history needs to be taught in school rather the ignorant ones get mad about it or not! They can get glad.
Public Fool Systems are funded by financial elite so TRUTH will NEVER be taught there! EVERYONE NEEDS TO WTFU! AND DO SOMETHING!!!!! THATS THE ONLY WAY THINGS WILL CHANGE!!!!!!
It’s sad that if it wasn’t for George Floyd case this possibly would have been covered up and never seen the light of day… RIP Mr. Green…. and Mr. Floyd…
Lmao you hoping your kid grows up to be just like Floyd?
Floyd was a pos criminal it’s sad you think he was important
@Gideon Joe so was ur mama
Animals out of control, and some people think the police don’t need reform I disagree. Until the police are held accountable we are all in grave danger.
Until the police are held accountable, we aren’t ALL in grave danger. I’m probably not in grave danger, because chance made me a white woman. People of color are certainly in danger! But it’s not everyone. And that’s what’s so sick & twisted & broken about the dark side of the American story.
The sounds of this man being murdered were brutal and horrific yet these cops shook it off like it was nothing.
Look for other victims.
*This was a cold blooded execution and soul sickening to witness. How dare they try and hide this crime!*