Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole discusses his shadow cabinet selections and whether the party is prepared for a possible fall election.
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It nice to hear someone care more about Canada than his frat buddies and paying off his friends
Jeez Evan is questioning Pierre’s financial knowledge?? What a fn liberal he is.. deep pockets for liberals who have no clue how to manage money… Gerald Butts omg… Step down Evan…
it was funny when O’toole started using finance terms and Evan’s eyes glazed over tho >:P …. loool
@Dow E-mini Duh look at the mess in Alberta with Kenny putting more money into oil than healthcare!
@Dow E-mini Let me drop some history on you and some current events. Under Paul Martin (a liberal PM) GHG emissions increased 750 Mt but under Stephen Harper (a conservative PM) they decreased by almost the same amount because he built pipelines. Currently, Kenney (though I’m disappointed in him) is trying to get nuclear energy in the works so we can get our electrical grid off oil and gas, which further reduces emissions. So yeah, you’re dead wrong.
@Dow E-mini well what is most important NOW…… is to get the country up and going……trudeau is weak and will continue to destroy the country….VOTE O’Tool2020 or 22
@Christina Paquette
Trudeau weak? Laughable. I’d grade Trudeau a B. I’d grade Harper a B minus. Conservatives aren’t serious about climate. Canada is the most educated in the world……we should be addressing climate and yelling from the roof tops telling countries like USA, China, and India to get their act together.
Is Solomon campaigning? He is very hostile and accusatory. Doing this to any party or their members is biased poor journalism.
He is in love with Trudeau. He has been this way for years
He’s pathetic
Pretty sure Evan’s cat is named Justin…
Adam Richmond his Liberalism shows all the time.
I like how O’Toole speaks. Very matter of factly.
Finally a team looking out for Canadians… lets hope they dont change narrative…. turdeaus days are numbered
Evan Solomon is disgustingly biased and should hand in his press card. The guy’s support for Trudeau and the Liberals has been very disturbing for years
O’Toole handled Evan’s partisan sniping brilliantly. Evan has no shame. Does he get paid by the Liberals?
otoole 2020
I trust Canadians are smart enough to look beyond liberal funded and sponsored journalism – the corrupt Libs must be overthrown in the next election…
Why does every interview with a Conservative seem to be all “gotcha!” questions? Liberals get softballs that they won’t even answer and are always let off the hook. Canadian MSM has zero credibility.
O’Toole said he’d stop their funding.
Try to remember the last time JT did an interview like this… never happened
O’Toole is so much more intelligent than boy wonder.
Trudeau is for Saudi oil and Israeli banks
6096 genders
Trudeau is definitely the worst PM Canada ever had and he needs to be in jail not calling for an election! WE scandal and his refusal to face accountability is a disgrace !

@David Wilson Harper was bad but Justin makes Harper look like a choir boy.
Hey Evan your liberal partisanship is showing… didn’t notice you being this harsh on the liberals during all their scandalous dealings
They’re all commies, anymore. Almost all.
And brace yourself, they’re getting stronger. It’s the effect off the semi hidden but powerful influence of the internationalist marxists, the end time 666 Antichrist movement.
hey Agnew you conservative idiocy is showing.
@biggame3107 wrong but nice try.
This reporter is so bias.. move on with ur question instead of repeating it over and over again
This guy could actually win against Trudeau. The problem with Scheer was he didnt look trustworthy but this guy is a lot more calm but firm at the same time which will speak to voters.
you think all voters are that superficial? or just conservatives… because the Greens and NDP got a huge increase in votes for a reason
Trudeau needs to be punished! Just like every other Canadian that breaks the law. Politicians are not above the law! They take an oath to uphold it. They need to be held 10X more accountable. I bet Evan has a life size cut out of Trudeau in his closet!
Punisher 2021 ….. >>>>>>:)
Can’t stand this interviewer….always goading….
His liberal
He’s liberal and a fool, or therefore a fool… whatever lol!
Yo I foreal can’t even watch it pisses me off so much
The host seems like a true stupid lover. Likely paid off by truedeau
Erin O’Toole knows his stuff and Evan just cant touch this.