Dr. Iris Gorfinkel and Glen McGregor discuss why political grandstanding over Canada's vaccine production may be overblown.
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I think they should give all 250,000 doses to Trudeau and call it a day.
@Strange Quark ok ok a liberal science background

@Strange Quark I disagree

@Strange Quark that’s vague at best. Don’t forget that even professionals can be bought, after all.
@Darren dorion Liberal science…? What? You mean science?
@Chauncey Sullivan Then stay the hell away from society so you don’t kill anyone with your ignorance. We need to achieve herd immunity so life can go back to normal.
Our limitations are the Liberals
we are taking our medical advice from tv actors, wtf
Blame canada
This is society for ya, all social structures are schemes for the few to ride the many.
Were we all given pencils to vote ? ( somewhat off topic )
Well, what do you think? You might not pick the right name….
P.S. I took my own pen too.
Apparently dominion isn’t used for federal elections but if you go to the dominion website it says Canada so maybe they’re used in other types of elections who knows. Hopefully it’s still posed on their website
really? i thought that was his neck.
I got a permanent marker? what shady hick part of town would give pencils for voting.
The voting machine should give you a receipt, like in the store where you purchasing. So we can see if actually the vote was registered correctly.
Can that woman on the right breathe through her nose? She sounds creeeeeepy.
Hahaha, looks like someone did some free work on it in the past
To much Bolivian marching powder
So glad, I never voted for Trudeau in the first place even if the other choices were just as pathetic.
They are your limitations JT jr.
no vax here…
They are waiting for a tainted strain from China
Trudeau has been scaring away investment since he came to power. He’s globalized Canada so that we are more dependent on other nations, and things like this are the result. When do we stop making excuses for the guy, and put some of the blame where it belongs?
Nailed it. Industry in Canada has been attenuated into nothing under the liberals and that’s not going to change. If anything I suspect we are going to see tax increases to the point that it doesn’t make sense to be in business in Canada anymore. Oh Canada… where kids dream of government jobs.
what did you expect with government run health care…?
At this point I am just waiting for Canada to release their version of the Stasi. GET ME OUT OF CANADA
How about get ready to fight for your freedom and the freedom of your children.Besides this is happening world wide now..No where to run too..
The only Vax I want is bees vax to make da candle
Lies, lies and more lies
We don’t care about vacines what d matter with y’all
I don’t believe ANYTHING from any government. Period.
When I was a kid, they also said that Thalidomide was safe.
We have voted in a boy to do an adult’s job ! We got what we wanted now we are in a mess !
Trudeau has turned Canada into a 3rd world country