‘Ottawa takes more money than they need’: Alberta premier Danielle Smith on federal cooperation

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith discusses the provinces inflation relief payment plan, and why she believes her job is to fix health care.

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‘Ottawa takes more money than they need’: Alberta premier Danielle Smith on federal cooperation


    1. Family doctors spend a lot of time and money trying to get paid from the governments. They should be doctor’n.

    1. That’s also why they are chronically broke. They depend upon the Fed to fund critical infrastructure (like a pipeline).

    2. Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney inherited a debt of $200 billion from Trudeau, and turned it into $514 billion by the end of his term. His deficit was over $40 billion. To bring it down, the Mulroney Government started selling Crown assets and they introduced the Goods and Services Tax – the hated GST.

  1. The federal government has billions in surplus and wont help the provinces with health care. Also think the union leadership for health care needs constructive leadership as well.

    1. Not if you’re listening to PP. The debt is so big that we are buried in it. You guys need to keep track of your fibs.

  2. Vashi, you’re the only person who can get to the bottom of this. What is Ottawa asking for from the provinces ?
    Bring them all on live tv so general public can see what’s going on

  3. I believe in the equalization, BUT, provinces should be required to make improvements to their economy and ONLY be reimbursed via equalization payment once they’ve made those improvements. Then once a province has equalized it’s economy it no longer requires the payment.
    It’s simple, be useful or get nothing.

  4. As I have stated, the provinces are quite capable of legislating themselves. Every province has its own resources that provide a sustainable province. These revenues should be used within the province for the citizens of the province. It really is simple. Only those corrupt politicians in the federal government make it complicated as this is the way they hide their corruption. Just a thought. 🤔

  5. 12 billion surplus, docs, nurses and ambulance techs are fighting for pay and just quiting altogether , we need more envelope cash so we can write Ralph Klein checks . Can’t make this up .

  6. Healthcare is subsidized, just like Military-EMT-Firefighters-Police. Requires 30% increase, not complicated. Wages need to be recoupled to productivity. CPP & OAP below poverty rates, 15k a year

  7. We need accountability from the federal government for the tax dollars they spent on everything. Why are they only concerned when it comes to health transfers

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