Ottawa protesters hold ceremony to swear themselves in as ‘peace officers’

Protesters in Ottawa hold ceremony 'swearing themselves in as peace officers.' Glen McGregor reports.

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Ottawa protesters hold ceremony to swear themselves in as 'peace officers'


    1. @Iam Cooper lol, there’s a diff between “stole” and seized there Coop!! I’ve seen the letter put out by the protest organizers that they wanted everyone to send to “the government”…(various places)….given the language used in that I’m gonna guess that these protesters are not very bright! That looked like it had been written by someone with the abilities of say….a certain Donny Trump. lol…you better get some better lawyers before you start to arrest fellow citizens, LMAOOOO

    2. “Amanda Bradley
      You’ve always been able to make a “citizens” arrest. That’s not new. ”
      But not make your own laws.

    3. @D R Lindberg not sure what you mean but my point was they don’t need to any “swearing in” they already have a certain amount they can do as a citizen.

    1. @fnordly
      They can also send the donation to anther none profit and they can send it.
      The government only prevent sendgo, not all other institutions.

      This is a simple work around.

    2. @roof pizza this protest must really bother you. Your hero Justin looks his absolute most incompetent. Do you think he goes back to his safe house and puts on Blackface then cries himself to sleep every night?

    3. Bruh anything to help blackface eh?? Wow go order sum jt burgers and cry yourself to sleep… we aren’t leaving bruh. Not going anywhere.. soon nurses n bikers n Construction workers… and oh hey!! The rest of the u.s.a. truckers!!! Not leaving.. till justin resigns.. or mandates go.. period.. we have all summer

    1. @B F Not,….don’t forget to have the government take your sovereignty over your body,…force you to take a drug, to keep your job, to participate in society,..why would anyone agree with this?

  1. “Not recognizing the authority of the state…” Well, yes. That’s the whole point of civil disobedience.

    1. @Mike B We have no idea what their intentions are and this video doesn’t really explain much of anything. If you’re deeply worried then you might be concerned about mall security guards too.

    2. History …
      Look up what happened in Romania not so long ago … (The late 80’s I believe it was.)
      History really isn’t taught in school any longer ….. the education system is a disaster.
      The only thing we can hope for is that everything remains peaceful. Hopefully the government doesn’t incite violence due to their own hubris / arrogance .

    3. @Hal Hirst Agreed. Hopefully NOBODY gets stupid. Whether you’re for the protest or against it, NOBODY wants this to go in that direction.

  2. Huh? I didn’t hear Candice Bergen say it’s time for the protesters to quit and come to the bargaining table. She knows that the leaders have offered that from the start. Am I wrong?

    1. bargaining table? there should be no bargaining with these morons. They didnt’ come to town to bargain or negotiate, they made that abundantly clear from the get-go lol

    2. Yes you are wrong. The leaders of the protest have never offered or asked to negotiate. Their position from the beginning has been “Lift all mandates or we shut you down. Non-negotiable.”

    1. Leela, have you really not been following along over the past couple years? Is your question genuine? I’m happy to explain it to you if it is.

  3. 2:03 that is the mentality, because if they took your rights for 2 years, why would you bother ? after all this whole situation transformed the world in a big prison.

    1. @Karl Dubhe the right to choose what goes into your body without punitive measures being taken against you…ie the right to peruse a living to feed your kids?

  4. Those veterans fought to keep exactly this from happening and again they fight, the government and police should be ashamed. Any of them who had family that serve are a disgrace to them

  5. Stay calm, stay peaceful, show to the world how Canadians behaved.

  6. Stay calm, stay peaceful, show to the world how Canadians behaved.

  7. “sovereign citizen” “freemen” cosplaying as legit law enforcement, swearing in new members of Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers/C3PO, holding international commerce, economy hostage

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