Transport Minister Omar Alghabra discusses Canada restricting airline flights only from Mexico and the Caribbean to combat COVID-19.
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So let me get this straight.. Canadians can’t fly to Mexico on a Canadian airline, but they can still fly to Mexico on an American airline ? How is that supposed to help the spread exactly..?
There is no spread, it all political theater!
@Paul Fekkes Omg dude are you seriously that dumb ? What is the reason for a worldwide conspiracy ? Seriously !?! Think your answer through before you type it.
@Jeannie P The PM of New Zealand is worse than Trudeau
there is no spread. one year later the words “new variance” and “rapid spread” are the new buzz words not capturing my attention. its all theatre
A woman in her 20’s in Alberta is in a covid hotel jail & she tested – so + or – makes NO difference
@TinFoilFrog wrong. And your name said it all
@justsayupyours You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t even understand the difference between PCR and antibody tests.
@TinFoilFrog That’s flat out false. You have no idea how PCR tests work.
@Rodrigo de la Jara PCR tests are for genetic material and an antigen test is for proteins associated with the virus.
@justsayupyours 🥴🥴🤣🤣
Where do they find these muppets?
He looks like my taxi driver lol
under Fraggle Rock
@Frost Flower Your point is?!
The bath house.
Bla bla bla… avoiding answer. Bla bla bla…
Шта друго очекивати од овог идиота, марионете.
Постали су гори од комуниста.
Проблем је што у овој држави нико нема м… да барем контрира овим мафијашима.
Чега год су се дохватили, упропастили су.
Сем тога, већи ниво апатије ја нигде нисам видео до сад.
Ова држава ће да пропадне врло брзо.
@U C Па већ јесте,само ће сад пропаст да се убрза. Зомбирана маса ће се тешко покренути , али у Европи пружају отпор, данас нпр. Беч, а и Данци. За то време овде људе одводе, да не кажем киднапују право с аеродрома уз папрену глобу у “Хотелу Калифорнија”. Право лудило тек почиње…
@U C А људи који изађу на улицу да мирно протестују бивају ухапшени. Демократија, нема шта…
Ово је најпогодније тло за манипулацију. Овде се нико не буни и никад се ништа неће променити. Послушни робови.
Иста говна су и у Аустралији, Новом Зеланду и Британији.
Овде нема помоћи.
Треба бежати на време.
Canada does not have the strictest rules because if they were the strictest you wouldn’t be able to make them more strict
What a joke,
These rules are a bit late and the $2k for 3 days is a money grab.
@Heather not what I said
@Heather i like hotels
@CHICVOYAGE feel free to explain what you really meant
@Crypto Signals I do too
Fascist money grab.
He has learned how to avoid actually answering the question asked, thus he is ready to sit in cabinet.
He has much to learn yet….. But the dark force has started to take hold of that one…lol
That’s a must have qualification for him to be in JT’S team ☺️
Another clown in our government…
Another one of Trudopes diversity appointees to cabinet…as useless as Hajdu, McKenna, Chagger and the rest.
Almost a year after the fact?!!!! Such idiots.
Now that trudeau & all the other politicians are back from their Holidays it’s time to shut everything down….
Who the hell is this troll doll lmao
Only after politicians did there Christmas vacations in tropical destinations do they add more restrictions. get lost.
What a joke this government is, making rules that they themselves don’t follow
I mean, that didn’t begin with “this” government, or even with “that” situation.
This guy looks like one of the muppets, how do we take him seriously
exactly, straight from the muppet show. Stupid clown
Omg I thought the same thing…
He looks funny lmao
That’s my boy wtf u guys are rude
Does anyone know what “Death by Punishment” was designated for?
call everyone dictator, and send your own citizens to paid jail/hotel and charge them, at least dictators they dont charge for jails
100% of Politicians returning from the Caribbean did not contract Covid.
Why not get someone who knows what he is talking about…..forget airlines they make millions in profit year in year out where did all that magically disappear…What a muppet
But they didn’t do anything about it for over a year; WHAT A JOKE!