CTVNews.ca's Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos discuss what could be behind Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole's bump in polling and the impact of regional anger on today's federal politics.
Also, former ambassador to the United States Michael Kergin joins the show to discuss the Biden administration, the Canada-U.S. border shutdown and if a change in the White House could help improve Canada's relationship with China.
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Among who ? Other hopefuls in the party ?
I hate Trudeau but I’d rather have him then someone who turns on there own party members ppl like that can’t be trusted as a friend or a leader atleast Trudeau doesn’t turn on his own party members.
@Sebastien Boudreau …and Morneau when he reminded Trudeau money doesn’t grow on trees. Plus he expelled two backbenchers based on sexual harassment rumours without any process whatsoever.
@Sebastien Boudreau well when I’m wrong I guess I’m wrong.but there is something about otool I’m sketchy about still
@spirit Saint i think the sketchy part is the fact he is a politician, and none of them can be trusted lmao.
Have you ever heard of Jody WilsonReybold? He would turn on his own mother if he thought it would help him get ahead
Have you paid attention at all?
Among who? israeli’s ?
I wouldn’t vote for the conservative party, I’m voting for the Canadian People’s Party.
ok racist
Both bad options.
Anyone watching this ever been polled by Nanos?
Yes. Not on this particular subject matter, but I have gotten calls from the many companies that these polls use to get their data. You don’t always necessarily get a call from “nanos” itself. Sometimes it’s 3rd parties getting more information.
A note to those who are interested.
If you really want to be contacted by these kinds of things, you are best to sign up as a member of a political party. Yes it biases their results; but they use the names/numbers/emails of these lists to do their calling. They might claim otherwise, but the difference is this. Before I got involved in Canadian politics proper, I never got called. After I put my name on a few lists, I started getting calls.
You do the math. They can claim whatever they want, I won’t believe them.
Nope they must be asking liberal voters what they think
I won’t be voting for the conservative party ever again. Just PPC.
The leader can’t even win his own riding
Perhaps it has risen within the party, but it is clear that this guy is nothing more than a dime a dozen blowhard. In order to lead a party (or a country) you have to do a little more than just say the opposite of the governing party. I thought that was pretty clear to politicians after Andrew Scheer’s brief flash in the pan.
The LIB/CON/NDP/GREENS are all the same party. Only difference is colour.
Yeah right, quite the opposite.