Public health expert Michael Osterholm reacts to the news the FDA is poised to approve a third Covid vaccine shot for immunocompromised individuals as the virus continues to spread largely among unvaccinated individuals.
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#MSNBC #Covid #DeltaVariant
Anti-vaxxers are holding us hostage.
@Ogrelord5150 correct. But what is the hospital rates per population?
@j m Nice one. Fact Check-VAERS data does not prove over 2,000 deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines in July 2021: Reuters
@Mindy Hawkins Oh i agree people over 65 might want to get vaccinated Since they are 80% of US deaths.I do have a problem with what counts as a covid death COVID Task Force Report From April 19 2020 Gives Definition of “COVID-19 Death”
(definition is it’s very simplistic it means at the time of death it was a covid positive diagnosis so that means that if you were in hospice and had already been given you know a few weeks to live and then you also were found to have covid that would be counted as a covid death)
Funny how that over 80% of covid deaths in the US are people over the age of 65. The time when people normally die. But as long as you tested positive you are a covid death
Think about that people before covid generally die over the age of 65 all the time. But now tested positive even though it may not have been that killed you, your a covid death??? It’s why some counties are decreasing there death count cause covid wasnt the real cause
Also i dont think someone over the age of 100 should even be part of the statistic as covid death.
@Ogrelord5150 Updated Aug.11, 2021 Reports of de@th @fter COVID vaccination are rare. More than 346 million doses of COVID vaccines were administered in the United States from Dec2020, through Aug2021. VAERS received 6,490 reports of de@th .0019% who received a COVID vaccine.
@Ogrelord5150 FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.
Osterholm is a super intelligent, knowledgeable, and nice guy. I worked with him years ago. Works really hard to help people.
@Lp78Ch It’s always telling when someone just impugns the intellect of someone they’ve never met. Quite irrational and illogical. If you disagree with the substance of what was stated, say so and explain why. This is the equivalent of responding to the statement of an opinion with “You’re a dumb poopypants.”
@Bryan He’s been preaching for a while now that cloth masks don’t work. He said n95 masks work, which have been studied for decades and proven to work. In that same interview he announced he has made a n95 mask that are reusable and washable. So he’s now in it for the money and has started pushing the n95 mask narrative.
@Mindy Hawkins if all the experts agree that cloth masks don’t work, why are democrats pushing for silly mask mandates?
@Bryan because all the experts don’t agree on that.
Impact study showed the benefits of wearing a master clear. They provide the where are some protection and reduce the degree of exposure. If the wearer is sick, they provide a massive amount of protection to everyone else. If people had consistently Warren masks last year, then the virus would have died off. And in fact every time we had high-mass compliance the virus slowed down.
You got to get yourself a better source of information. You’re feeding your brain crap. Or else you’re actively lying when you say the experts say this.
@Mac Mcleod I guess you hate autocorrect as much as I do…
Remember January 6th
.Trump must be held accountable
. I’d like to thank the subscribers

. Soon we will be able to have live streams. There is strength in numbers

For what
I remember the “mostly peaceful” protests/riots in 2020 as well.
Trump is literally the sole reason why the vaccine became available so quickly
Thank god that our current president is competent and not a narcissistic sociopath.
@Ogrelord5150 pretty simple to understand, don’t you think? What’s wrong with these people reasoning skills? Or is it SIMPLY their brains??
All the words you could of used for Biden and you used competent??
He also fondles children
@Buddha Cook .. originally from North West England but live in Florida with these florididiot Yanks currently. My brother comes over from Perth every other year but I have not been there yet and want to go. Please keep safe with family over there, I hear things are getting nasty from when he calls to update me on the weekend.
@Jeff F That’s not a very nice way to talk about a healthcare worker in regards to Jill.
Recall desantis…hes literally marching his citizens to the ER. solely out of political spite. This deadly childish ignorance has to stop
Get bent!
I live in Florida and I’m with you. He needs to go !!!
@Ogrelord5150 you’re OK with Biden’s open border policy, allowing 1M+ illegals into our country, many of whom are covid infected?
@Ogrelord5150 Liberals are all about sacrificing unborn babies why do you all care so much about kids suddenly
@Show Me Garage I thought the popular theory was that liberals drank children’s blood and then ate them? Make sense they would want them alive, right? Right…
Poorer countries need vaccines ASAP.
Variants and Republicans.
Not really. Same old wearing masks, lockdowns, infinite boosters, etc.
The only ones I care about during this MAGAt wave of the virus are the children.
Majority of blacks and Hispanics are unvaxxed. Why don’t you care about them?
@Bryan many Anti Vaxin are white.
@Gwendolyn Williams the majority of people of color are not vaccinated. And it’s not the excuse that there is no access to a vaccine majority of people of color with the inclusion of myself are not going to take it
@Bryan Based blacks and hispanics
@MyndGod AndPsyche
That’s actually a lie.
Natural selection
Wear a mask
You should be saying if you want to wear one then wear one, don’t force people to do anything.
@Re Posted just following foocis commands
It’s a delayed effect, not a varient !
@Sam Huff Go look it up yourself !
There are many reports of it .
@Sam Huff Hence the mutations that lead ti nerve & muscular damage.
Linda Lauer – Are the reports you refer to found on Fox News?
@Sharon H Why ?
Is that your go to ?
Don’t waste my time, stupid.
So is NBC really saying that if 100% of the US is vaccinated then there will be no more mutations? Hmmmm. I wonder if there is more to the world
Nothings change.

Just theyre interpretation of “THE DATA”
These people are the probably the reason it took decades to finally combat aids.
We should now call it the “Darwin Variant”.
One species has adapted its behavior and is feasting on the other that hasn’t… pretty simple