Ossoff Reacts To Perdue Calling For Resignation Of Ga. Sec. Of State | All In | MSNBC

“This just demonstrates the total lack of competence, coherence, and momentum among GOP politicians in Georgia right now,” says Jon Ossoff. “They felt entitled to a cake walk, and instead they’re getting the fights of their lives. They’re not liking it, and they’re taking out their rage on one another.” Aired on 11/09/2020.
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#GOP #JonOssoff #MSNBC

Ossoff Reacts To Perdue Calling For Resignation Of Ga. Sec. Of State | All In | MSNBC

Ossoff Reacts To Perdue Calling For Resignation Of Ga. Sec. Of State | All In | MSNBC


    1. We need young leaders in the government these old crooks can’t lead the government time for the new generation to take over.

    1. @Dave You are supposed to wear the tin foil hat not eat it. Hahahahahahha I love coming to the comments to see what stupid people are saying or maybe you are not stupid probably just another pathetic Trumputin troll, Still You make me laugh. Where is the evidence? put up or shut.

    2. This is what happens when an authoritarian regime starts to fall. They turn on each other. It’s also what happens to criminal gangs.

    1. @evelyn hopklnson yes, you did so great in the election, but now the country REALLY needs you to vote out the corrupt republicans! The rest of America is supporting financially (all we can do!)…Just win, okay? January 5th, you can cement our democracy!

    2. @Dave you can keep repeating your lies over and over again but unlike trumps base we wont believe it ! Move on, the election is over!!

    3. @Dave Still believing in Santa Claus ? Trump is the biggest loser ever, only president to lost the popular vote twice. He is a fu.. moron.

  1. Perdue and Loeffler are mad that the Secretary of State didn’t cheat well enough to steal the election for them.

    1. Exactly, obviously, this particular play action is tired and old just like their way of thinking. The level of corruption runs long and deep and the cheaters know it, that’s why they’re flaying around like fish out of water.

    2. Loeffler should shut her pie hole! She should be blaming Trump and Doug Collins for the meassive goof up since Doug refused to concede and entered the race and siphoned a huge amount of Repub votes.

    3. @kjsieme 1 The Sec. of State of Georgia is also Republican, but he is honest. That is why the others are angry.

    1. @wasantha Lakmal your SOO screwed up!! Get Over It! Trump Lost,Fair and square!! Except the change of Power,it’s for your own good. Stop posting that Stupid Crap!

    2. @Garry Miller Exactly! Where is it legal that you get to oversee the election in which you are a candidate? Yet Biden is being accused of stealing an election.

    3. well, they gave it a bloody good try…289,000 voters illegally removed from the rolls (please re register and vote!), removing polling sites to make it harder for dem areas to vote…I mean, come on!

    1. @Dave More BS conspiracy garbage that started in Russia. The “Daily Wire” is about as believable as the National inquirer

    2. Stir up as much distrust and discord as possible. It doesn’t have to be true. It just has to cause doubt. That’s the Trump tactic that the Republican Party has embraced. Win at all cost. Truth and fairness be damned. Power is the ultimate goal, the good of the people and the country are low on their list of priorities.

    1. @R Boss Jaime Harrison ran an excellent race here in SC, and received a very surprising percentage of the votes. Hope he’ll run against Scott in the mid terms. Scott is no better than Graham, just younger.

    2. @R Boss it is, and it is well known the republicans deliberately under-fund schools to keep their folks ignorant. Let’s change that! NO citizen in the USA should struggle for food or education!

    1. @Sam Starr Rhetoric? Biden ran on closing industries and higher taxes, both result in reduced economic growth, that means less jobs.
      You are probably just some dumb kid who thinks hes on the right side of history, but if you actually studied history, it would be pretty obvious that you arent.

    2. @Jim Long always remember you lost. Uttering garbage is the pastime of your leader and ilk. GTF outta the white house Donnie Trump

    1. This is very important. Democrats don’t exactly have a sterling record in Georgia runoffs. Mr. Ossoff got 47.9% of the vote and the whole palette of Democrats received 47.5% of the vote for the other seat. To win, you need 50% +1 vote. It’s the Democrats who have to work harder. I mean, with Stacey Abrams leading the charge and Biden managing an upset, where are even more Democratic votes going to come from? The turnout in runoffs is never close to that of the November election, and typically more Republicans vote the second time. Presumably, Mr. Raffensperger will not be purging voter rolls between now and January, but it’s still going to be tough. There’s no president on the ballot, for example. Of course, if Mr. Ossoff gets his 2.37 million votes and Rev. Warnock gets all 2.33 million votes cast for Democrats seeking Loeffler’s seat, they are likely to win. How to get all those people to vote again is the $64,000 question in determining Senate control The Dems must win both seats, assuming the NC is seat is lost. That would give them 51-50 votes in choosing the Majority Leader and having an advantage on committees. And then start praying that Joe Manchin is more interested in his country than preserving his own seat once they have technical control, so that they can get judges confirmed and at least some legislation passed.

    1. We can phone bank and donate to Ossoff and Warnock, regardless of which state we reside in. We should, as the safety and well being of our People, nation, all people and the greater good of the world depend on it. Small donations add up! A short time phone banking adds up! This is how we get rid of McConnell and his obstructing the Work of the People. Hundreds of Bills on his desk, passed by the House with BIPARTISAN support! This includes the second Stimulus, which we need to live through this and uphold a stable economy during the pandemic.

    2. @angela bluebird60 lol, yes I knew that, and thank you! I was just trying to support your statement by giving folks a link to help out even if they don’t live in Georgia! 🙂

    1. @L W The senate is part of congress, the upper chamber is the senate and the lower chamber is the house of representatives. The entirety is known as the congress. They are all part of the legislative branch. Senators are definitely members of congress. That is your civics lesson for the day.

    2. @Melissa Thomas We can phone bank for/donate to Ossoff and Warnock, regardless of which state we reside in. We should, as the safety and well being of our People, nation, all people and the greater good of the world depend on it. McConnell and his committing Congressional malpractice by refusing to let the Work of the People come to OUR Senate Floor so OUR Senators can do the Work of the People has to stop! Hundreds of Bills, which passed the House with BIPARTISAN support. This includes the second Stimulus, which we need to survive and keep the economy stable during the pandemic.

  2. May dems take Georgia, please God please , let them take it. This country needs their policies, climate change , raise min wage. And save Obama care !!!!!

    1. @Jim Long And yet they are always rated better in almost all quality of living categories than, let’s say, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, Arkansas, Kansas, etc, etc. Weird.

    2. @Jim Long And why is it that the cities that have more churches also happen to have more bars. Why does religion cause the people of a town to need more bars? Put on that thinking cap Jim, show us what you got.

    3. @Steve Chance I really do not think so. Trump ran up against Chief Justice Roberts a while back, and Roberts put Trump in his place via a very strong and clear public statement. Of course the Dems can replace Obamacare. No, Roe V Wade will not necessarily be overturned. It is also true that even Supreme Court Justices can be removed. Kavanaugh and Barrett come to mind.
      We CAN do something about gerrymandering and voter suppression! It is about doing our part in civic action. Such action does not require vast amounts of time, or even any $. We can each choose something to work on, and ask our friends and families to do the same. We can join the ongoing work to eliminate the poison intrusion of Big $ upon our elections/govt. It is the causative factor in all our most difficult challenges. Campaign Finance and Election Reforms, Justice Reforms and healthcare are our first imperatives. The Move to Amend, Common Cause, Trust Vote, Color of Change, People for the American Way, just a few of the quality groups of everyday people we can check out/join.

  3. Perdue, Loeffler, and Kemp are soulless and corrupt. They all must GO. Vote them out. Ossoff and Warnock Jan. 5, and Kemp when he’s up next.

    1. @daciefus jones He gave farmers 20 BILLION Dollars in subsidies to save them from his trade war with China. 20 Billion dollars of taxpayers money. (And $750 of his dollars, because that’s all Trump paid in Federal Taxes).

    2. @daciefus jones because they think TRUMP’s SOCIALISTIC farm bail out is the best thing in the world but will scream, “WAHHHHH! Teh of the Liberali-lol-lol-lil is teh of the Socialistzzzz!” Dumbasses I tell you!

    3. @daciefus jones Why does it look like PA voted primarily for Biden when he just admitted to getting rid of Fracking.

    1. We can do our part by phone banking for/donating to Ossoff and Warnock, regardless of which state we reside in.
      We should, as the safety and well being of our People, nation, all people and the greater good of the world depend on it. McConnell is refusing to perform the duties of Majority Leader of the Senate, so the Rs must be voted into being the minority! Small donations and actions add up.

    2. @Ellen Hajie florida governor made sure it turned out that way. If all else failed, he was all set to overturn the electorate in his state. Lemming!

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