CNN's Kyung Lah reports that the Oregon state Republican Party's spreading the lie that that the riot a the US capitol was a 'false flag' operation illustrates the growing rift between ride-or-die Trump supporters and inside the GOP and those who want to move on from the former President and return to traditional Republican positions.
#KyungLah #CNN #News
Ohh yeah I was wondering how they’d wriggle away from taking accountability this time.
Slap a new layer of lies on that. makes sense, if you’re eagerly deluded.
Me too,now we know lol
Ana is a true republican with a mind of her own she is extremely intelligent, I just hope that republicans listen to her but is not going to happen simply because she is Latin and a woman, sad

Intelligence is kryptonite to republicans.
Trade in all parties for a parliamentary sys and slap in someone cooler like Richard Speck as Prime Minister.
Is that why there’s videos of police waving people in.
Some cops were trumpists. So what does that change, precisely and in detail.
Do you also wonder where Miley Cyrus is when Hannah Montana is on stage?
@Santroff Well with Patriot Act 2.0 coming, it’s necessary to have a reason why Americans will be targeted next. It’s easier to do foreigners, however with the country divided, there’s enough people in board to target Americans.
@Santroff good point. Clearly Trump hasn’t benefited and he had nothing to gain from it. Democrats did though and are exploiting it to the max. Fact!
@Chaos We had already won the election and the runoffs you Numpty. You nutters tried to “gain” the country.
We all go away one day my friend. Even your ringmaster.
This is what happens when you allow the lies to keep ongoing & none of those people who are in power has stood up to correct the lies instead they just allowed it
There’s not much that can be done about lies and those who believe them. I don’t care if someone believes that the election was stolen – it’s up to them what to believe. However, when they do something illegal because of their views, we hold them accountable. That’s all.
Gfis that
oh yes
@Ken Klein So what happens when enough people believe the lie and end up winning? You need to stop the lie not allow it.
@justsomeguy We live with the consequences of free speech/free thought. Of course it’s possible for enough people to believe a lie that they ruin a country – pre Nazi Germany is a great example of that. Enough Germans bought Hitler’s BS that he was able to consolidate power, eliminate free speech (so those having second thoughts were suppressed) and ignite a horrible war.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Franco, etc. dealt with people believing “lies” harshly. I don’t think that’s what you want.
@Ken Klein None of that is true and is a lousy attempt to justify the lie. You are what’s wrong with the world.
Videos also show police officers letting them in at the capitol
Would you try and hold back a mob of people with the intent to kill??
Would you hold your brain back from attempting to think?
@HardCore ASMR I think it is even the main task you get in that job. you don’t join the army to run away when the enemy comes also.
I saw enough video evidence that the act happy to let the crowd in to the capital
Tell that to police officers who let them in willingly
@Chaos At the moment, there are no riots happening anywhere. If you’re referring to the unrest from trump’s administration, yes, Biden condemned their actions.
@J Mac There’s video of them letting the insurrectionists in. Have you been in a coma?
@Chaos yeah,Portland’s experiencing an ongoing idea crisis
@justsomeguy that is literally what the organization comments says
It’s funny because weeks ago I was arguing with people that the proud boyz etc were riddled with FBI informants and now their leader is proven to have been one. I’ll never understand why people cling to the lies that they’re told. Just by using your head you can stay ahead of the facts. Seems even when people have the facts they still prefer to bury their heads in the sand just to defend a personal position which they don’t even know why they’re defending.
Is it just me or Don Lemon looking more and more like mixture OJ Simpson and Tiger Woods with hint of Lemon
It’s like end of the world prophecies. The date goes by and rather than question their beliefs or their prophet, they invent justifications and continue in their collective trance.
@Tslav TV it’s a Gregorian Calendar not a christian calendar lol.
@justsomeguy Bless your soul, and what does the Roman Gregorian calendar measure? The years after Christ our Lord and Savior.
@Chaos Hahahah, yes.
@don’t be deceived They’re a bit weird these CNN viewers aren’t they. I can’t believe they’re taken in by it.
@Chaos They are simpletons
Did anyone see the part of the crowd that was from – How about THE ROOM or battlefield earth? water world? Where were the bad actors?
Any intelligent people watching this BS
Everyone thinks they are intelligent. It’s the 21st century for crying out loud.
You’re obviously watching it.
@Pat Vail Are you alright?
Jeff Flake: “It really is driving [the crazies] from the [ROT]publican Party, and we really can’t afford to lose many more [crazies].” I agree: what would the ROTpublican Party look like WITHOUT crazies? We might actually have to (wait for it) RESPECT them? Say it’s not so…
The Greedy Obstructionist Party is like an asylum that has handed the keys over to the patients.
Sorta vague as I’m interpreting this as for Democrats
@Tslav TV — not vague in addition to the video for which it is a comment. I don’t see the Democratic party giving cover to attempted sedition. You have to be divorced from reality to do so.
@Kevin Williamson Well you said greedy and I see a political party that receives millions in dark money, unions, corporations, donations and special interests groups. And Obstruction well, we see just how strong and unified the Democrats were to rebuilding America’s borders and infrastructure the last several years.
@Tslav TV — historically the Republicans have followed through with policies that mostly benefit the wealthy. Not so with the Democratic Party. The House passed several bills to help the average American that were never brought to the floor by McConnell. They are obstructionist for that very reason. Over 600 bills passed by the House (including infrastructure and immigration reform) never saw light of day in the Senate. They were openly explicit that they would never let Obama pass anything. They are openly explicit that their only real policy in the Biden administration is to block anything Biden wants to accomplish any way they can. THAT is obstructionism.
Now we have GOP leaders in Congress who buy into the Q nonsense. They want to make excuses and lies about the Capitol attack on 1/6. They want to perpetuate the debunked lies of election fraud to pander for votes from a crazy base that should be quieted and not fed. Their entire M.O. is lies, fearmongering, and blocking anything the Democratic Party wants to accomplish, no matter how much it will help and improve the lives of Americans. They have NO real platform. No real policies save make money and help their wealthy donors. Which is why they must rely on tricks like gerrymandering and voter suppression to win. Which, again, some have been stupid enough to openly admit on camera.
NONE of which can be said for the Democrats with any honesty.
@Kevin Williamson watch this, all of it.
“It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.” – Mark Twain
Do people who write these quotes think that it makes them look smart?
Gfis that
oh yes
Russia stole the election
*No evidence*
R.I.P. 2016-2018
@J Mac Your war is with the word “quote” then. You’re welcome.
Exactly. Just look at all the Biden supporters.
You guys are all screwed up he is such a demented person he’s evil devil himself
The fact this many people are willing to believe this bs just shows haw bad the mental health of our country is
I’ve watched my brother go down the rabbit hole this year and now my parents and I are trying to talk some since into him without pushing him away more while he’s telling us that we are crazy
@D Smith if you beleive that Biden was fairly elected, you ARE crazy.
Leader of proud boyz was FBI informant. This was an inside job. A false flag event that everyone saw coming and deliberately did nothing to stop it. You don’t even need to connect the dots…they’re already connected.
@D Smith Sorry to hear that. Sadly when people can be sucked in far to easy. They are mixing fear with peoples belief’s in a way thats dangerous at best. And they are doing it for the sake of profit and nothing more. Its truly sad really. There are some conservative people who haven’t been sucked in but its sucks for them because they are walking around with ticking time bombs that they dont want. Just not a safe place to be.
6:30 what is she wearing btw, i for some reason thought it was one of those gowns that you wear at the barber when u cut your hair
To the GOP. When you invite demons into your party, never you complain that the party is possesed.
Don’t know what is so hard about this for the cops.