Ontario woman adopts Ukrainian family of 14, becomes their ‘Canadian mother’

Cathy Locke helped Maksym Zhylina, his wife Tetiana and their 11 children last summer by inviting them to live with her in her Barrie, Ont. home.

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Ontario woman adopts Ukrainian family of 14, becomes their 'Canadian mother'


  1. I’m impressed someone can do this at a time when most Canadians can’t afford basic necessities and can only dream of home ownership.

    1. Have you met freedumbers? They make it so easy for Canadians to care more for refugees. Freedumbers risked the health of vulnerable Canadians

  2. Old bi probably walks by homeless in her town don’t even look at them but saving some one from ukraine is important, anything to be on TV

  3. Those who adopt/sponsor a person/family, so they receive benefits/cheque for doing so?

  4. How does one house the same amount of kids from cheaper by the dozen?
    Don’t answer that, it’s a retoricle question…
    Weird seeing the original parents with the adopted kids but with the situation going on now in the world right now, applause to the lady for being helpful.
    The “this is my Canadian mama” kinda had me cringe.
    Not letting them see their kids would be horrible.

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