Jan. 20 full update: Ontario officials announce they'll begin easing COVID-19 restrictions in the coming weeks, including for indoor dining.
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I’m asking myself if anyone in cabinet shop at Costco
Why did True doh purchase boosters until 2024? I’m so out and prepared. You moved the goalposts way way to many times.
Why did he order tear gas in 2015 for future “covid riots”. ?
@Gry Phyn Tear gas, eh? Now that’s interesting.
“The Kool-Aid only works if everyone drinks it.” ~ Jim Jones
Yeah.. The site has since been scrubbed of it. There are screen grabs online though. I can personally attest that I saw it on the gov website myself.
This is embarassing.
Doug Ford wouldn’t know the difference between “The Science Table” and a dessert table!!!
Masks on, masks off. What an embarrassing display of theatre. Shameful!
Chin diapers
Put on while mouth is closed and take off while talking and spit flying .

@Mario 1 they follow the science

I challenge anyone to find a news clip in the last 2 weeks where the words “return” or “Knor,mal” are uttered by anyone anywhere in Canada.
We should never shut down society because of our health system’s inefficiencies. We should make the system better. What has been done in the last 2 years to improve?
@majie 101 Is this sarcasm?…
@Guy Pierce I’m gonna go out on a limb and say yes.
_What has been done in the last 2 years to improve?_
Well, Ford created an additional 1,000+ ICU beds in Ontario . . . except that those extra beds only existed on paper.
Preventative medicine is ALWAYS better then reactionary medicine
“The Kool-Aid only works if everyone drinks it.” ~ Jim Jones
slowly easing restrictions just to bring them back at the speed of light.
Dougie has an approval rating of 30%. Compare that to anti-vaxxer taxer Legault who has 55% approval. I personally
my politicans who give no f*ckin’ quarter to anti-vax morons. We’ll see more like Legault as time goes on, Doug is a dinosaur.
@Yggdrassil how are those jabs working out? hehehhehe
@Yggdrassil _We’ll see more like Legault as time goes on_
King Legault I is a self-appointed megalomaniac monarch. No thanks.
I’ve got a very novel idea to end business closures: add more hospital capacity. I admit it’s way out there but its so crazy it might just work
Maybe our health care system needs to be improved.
In essence a challenged HCS is behind much of this.
why is england throwing it all out and we are still playing the goal post game?
60,000 fans right now at liverpool vs arsenal match
Ease all restrictions like the UK. Masks, vaccines, passports a thing of the past.
LMAO he stopped testing… of course, the numbers went down. He better invest in healthcare.
Cautious is Canada middle name. As a result, regardless of our huge potential, our very average results are presented as achievements. Feeling sad.
Just open everything all ready! After the government made the vaccines available to anyone who wanted them what more could they do? At this point what more could anyone do? Let’s live life again, this is ridiculous! I’m willing to tolerate the risk of living with COVID to live life again!
“Do everything to avoid going backwards if that means going backwards but in French that’s that’s we will do.”
Why won’t Ford and Elliot say the real time for this to be over… that is just enough time to campaign on how well they did and not enough time to investigate before the election
there is nothing they can do at this point to make it up.
Best way to move forward is get Premier that knows what real science.
In mass formation, periods of anxiety are followed by periods of relief, and this continues indefinitely until the population’s will is undermined
Anti-vax have a belief system, not a system of thought that is based on science and evidence. Keep on dreaming and coping, anti-vaxxers!
@Yggdrassil <--- A presumably grown adult who does not know how to use the internet to look up official primary source data. Sad.
@Yggdrassil yes you are right. We must follow the science and get boosters immediately. If everyone got the 4th booster we would be out of this mess because if everyone is boosted then we wouldnt be able to spread the virus and we can end the pandemic.
We should never shut down society because of our health system’s inefficiencies. We should make the system better. What has been done in the last 2 years to improve?
“We are not out of the woods yet” heck we have been trying to get out this forest for 2 years