Ont. Premier Doug Ford says 'it's absolutely critical' that residents in the province continue to stay at home, despite restrictions being lifted.
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I smell poop Doug
if it looks like poop, smells like poop it is poop
This will never end. They are already setting up the next lockdown with the “variants”
@Tara Lee $100 says April
@hugh jazz for reals ?
@Jonathan Szwed i cant post a pic on here. Maybe i can find a link
@hugh jazz just post the link, I’m really curious
@Dee Africa What’s the “truth”?
Ford: There’s new extra contagious variants going around, it’s probably best to stay at home for now
Also Ford: Time to start reopening!
Right lol…….they will do a 3rd lockdown soon enough…..their hiding their plans in plain sight.
Yup it’s a contradiction. So many mixed message from all levels
LIFT resrtrictions just to STAY at home… WA Waa waaaaaaaaaaaa
They open the doors to yard prisoners enjoy your day.
Tu my bad “days”
Ontario lifts lockdown restrictions in large parts of the province, but ‘stay at home’ says Ford
World Economic Forum pays the salary that’s why…
@G Angelov taxpayers
But he doesn’t even need it
He’s the owner of deco labels
Selling all sorts of stickers in every place thats allowed to be open
@Little Missbaby lets make our own government
Boom third lockdown here we come…I say less then a month of them projecting 5,000 cases a day, they will say lockdown.
oh yeah, the “stay at home” honor system, we couldn’t even stay home during the stay at home order, what makes you think the honor system will work.
Doug Ford: “Stay. At. Home”
Also Doug Ford: “ouhhh photo op here, photo op there…”
They won’t stop until they eliminate each and every small business in this country.
Yeah, because they don’t want their tax money, nor their employee’s tax money, nor the tax money of all the wages in the supply change. That makes zero sense.
@Jason C the new economy that’s being built is purely online. he income potential is way bigger which means they dont need the old ways tax money. They’re trimming the what they consider unsustainable. That’s why almost everything is curbside pickup.
@GameChainger lol
Everything is a bloody contradiction
a year of our life gone and another one will be thrown in the garbage as well . Lmao this is a joke
This guy hasn’t choked on his cheesecake yet
Or his Timmies Freshly Cracked Egg Breakfast Biscuit
Saw the way Premier makes cheesecake. Not impressed. Can this be said in the way he runs our province?
“Stay at home”. What home? You have to actually be able to work to own a home.
You actually have to also be paid 100k plus a yr to own a home too
@hugh jazz, even a person that rents has a home.
Ford and o tool doing more to get the liberals reelected than any liberal could ever do.
And a bunch of GTA’ers are travelling to cottage country to do their shopping.
ya where did he go
Thank Chief for the news of “maybe” lockdown, real useful. No new solution to prevent going “full” lockdown again? I see. Keep repeating the same thing expecting different result. I see I see.
He’s got one thing right. It’s in our hands. Too bad there too many f-up in Ontario. Cya all in the next lockdown/wave, morons!
Lots of waves ahead and only they know!
Doug Ford: “We’re re opening Ontario…”
Also Doug Ford: “You can look but you can’t touch.”
This is the new common cold. Get used to it.