Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce questioned about wage of education workers

Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce speaks a the legislature regarding plans to keep students in class amid a looming strike.

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Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce questioned about wage of education workers


  1. Fact:
    In 2019/2020, while forcing a 1% contract on nurses and teachers, this minister’s salary increased by OVER 10% in one year to over $165000.
    Hypocrisy and ignorance personified.

    1. _Hypocrisy and ignorance personified._

      Words which apply just as easily to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh.

      99% of politicians are absolutely corrupt. The other 1% are probably corrupt.

    2. Yada yada yada ya all didn’t vote so yada yada yada some more. Cry me a river. 57% of eligible voters did not care to vote in June 2022. So fycjk yourselves right now.

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  2. Lecce wasted billions investing in mandatory online learning BEFORE the pandemic. Now after everyone has had a taste of what online learning would be like, all of a sudden it’s important for kids to be in class…

    1. Wrong, that online course was going to be 1 or 2 Secondary School credits, to help prepare grads for learning remotely in business or post secondary. Get the details correct. They never intended for elementary or middle school aged students to do online courses…

    2. Remind me again, wasn’t it public education workers who were demanding schools be closed and classes held online only due to the supposed threat of COVID?

    3. @LazyBoyZR1 And for the sake of being absolutely accurate, Lecce was negotiating for up to 1/4 of all classes online and finally settled on a few credits thanks to… wait for it… the teachers striking.

    1. They can not negotiate separately. They all belong to the same union. This union represents the support staff

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  3. Solidarity with CUPE workers! Education workers deserve to be able to have the money for housing, food and other necessities. If inflation is 8% this year alone, how will 10% over 4 years help???

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    2. @Cody Perry these are not the teachers up for negotiation.

      “On Sunday, education workers represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) gave the required five days’ notice for job action, positioning its members — including educational assistants, custodians and early childhood educators, but not teachers — to go on full strike as early as Friday”

      And what’s a fortune to you anyways? If you assume teachers make a fortune 🙄
      I’m a truck driver and making more than a worker in an essential public sector? That’s not cool.

  4. If you take care of the parents you will be taking care of the children! Most teacher’s are parents! So take care of them!

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  5. EAs deserves whatever they ask for. If it wasn’t for EA my daughter would struggle so bad in school. They have more students that have more challenges then the Regular Teacher.

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  6. I’m always so amazed how these fools don’t ask and answer, they simply regurgitate their talking points because they haven’t the ability to actively think and argue. Weak minds gravitate towards government.

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  7. Ontario is the most expensive province to live in…. wages should reflect that. If he cared about a robust education experience for children, then pay the employees that make that possible, accordingly. The cupboards are NOT bare… the province of Ontario is making lots and lots and lots and lots of cash from CANNIBIS, CASINOS, LOTTERY and ONLINE SPORTS GAMBLING revenue and funding allocated to education and not used. The cash cupboard is far from bare… PAY UP!!!

    1. Or, if you think your public sector job is so horrible, THEN QUIT AND FIND A BETTER JOB IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR.

      Strangely, they don’t seem to be doing that. Why, it’s almost as if they know the public sector teat is far more nourishing and wonderful that the private sector where they expect demonstrable results.

    2. Hello, ! 👋🎊Thanks for watching::You have been shortlisted for the ongoing secret giveaway🎁🎁 contact address above on telegram, ❤️💯🏆, Thank you!

    1. The students wouldn’t have to catch up if those very same support workers hadn’t been shouting for school closures during COVID.

  8. Classrooms are disrupted everyday due to your cuts to special education and no support staff for these students

  9. Children with multiple exceptionalities have not had a budget for 2 years. Kids don’t have text by books. There is not enough support in the schools, they are falling to through the cracks. It’s so easy to give the minister of education a hefty raise. Put him in the poorer areas where kids are denied the basics in these schools. This is truly abhorrent. If parents only really knew.

    1. Where were you to vote in June of this year? Are you one of the 57% of eligible voters in Ontario who did not vote?

  10. At least one board in Hamilton is already stating that if there is a CUPE protest on Friday “Schools will be closed to students.”

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  11. Don’t tell the teachers using food banks that wrong what about the others working with minimum wages

  12. Too much Bureaucracy in Canada. Spending is not an issue. Teachers are well paid. Why ? There are not many teaching jobs out there. Defined benefit pension plans.

  13. Parents should not be forced to use tax dollars in the public education system. If parents are going to be FORCED to pay taxes then they should be given a CHOICE which school to enrol their kids and the tax dollars follow the child. All monopolies are bad, including the monopoly of the public education system.

  14. 2.5% per year when inflation is 7% what a joke. This is the Government Canadians voted for. Wages for the Government but not for the Government workers.. sad.

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