Ontario Premier Doug Ford says more than 100,000 personal support workers in the province will receive up to $3 more per hour.
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“Ty 4 everything I do”
Sums is up
Doug Stalin speaks!!!
All hail our great leader who somehow manages to destroy Ontario’s economy while also destroying it’s fiscal budget at the same time.
The irony lol
@sampson ireman That I use the term ‘perfectly sane’ to describe someone (you) whom clearly is not?
I agree…well spotted.
Have a nice day…and take your meds please.
@McRocket The irony, Tissue?
@sampson ireman
Whatever Doug Stalin troll.
Have a nice day.
I’m with you. To bad the NDP was not in power. They would have closed every business and borrowed money to pay everyone 100% of their wages to stay home for 6 months. I want 6 months free money. NDP or liberals next election.
“Thank you for everything I do” — yup
all quit march 1st…
Freeze Income tax on everyone working, then take away income tax forever.
No, its better to print more money if your goal is to destroy the currency.
Temporary ? As in temporary as Nixon Dollar convertibility ?
how about lower our bloody taxes on our wages???? I don’t understand how anyone can afford to live in Ontario anymore… I work 40 hours a week and will die in debt…
@rigjockey67 beautiful there…but the big cities are nightmares.. neber go to Montreal…trust me. I’m lucky to be alive. Not hating on an all, but if they had their way, we’d all be as evil, mean and speaking total French. I know some French.. but I shouldn’t be attacked for not. Eff Montreal.
Yay let’s bring in more rich immigrants AND increase taxes!!! Liberalism rules!!!
Ahh me too my friend
Thatd what they are depending on!
The new carbon tax just announced will add 60% to your heating bill …. just in time for winter , yay libs
Does there really have to be a second wave?were does all these millions come from?
# Sydneyboo the commenter asked were the millions of dollars is coming from that was my point
Of course they have to have a second wave,they planed it years ago and they are sticking to the script.
@Chris Anaxagoras Your wool is showing
Well there probably wouldn’t have been one had kids not gone back to school
The money comes out of Alberta
Magic money raining down from the skies!!!
It’s all magic money, none of it is real. We just all agree it means something.
They are laying off nurses everywhere! Wake up!
@Meg Fargo Laying off nurses and hiring PSW makes sense. Now they should lay off teachers and hire ECEs
Not magic money, Albertan money
@Carlo true dat
Evangelist Ford preaching the same old tired sermon. I could use a little better pension at this time .
then talk to justin
@ dy persaud
You have a provincial pension?
I thought that was a federal thing?
But that doesn’t fit your narrative does it?
@Sean Thompson Blackface Boi is far from perfect but not everything wrong in the bloddy country is his fault.
3700 more troops on the ground yet they just laid off 100 nurses
You see the deception?
RedArtworyest ???
@Jack Walker the surge is coming, yet lay off 100 nurses. Yet we have money to give to other things.
Did we play this game in March. One or two hospitals bogged down and the rest of the nursing was doing Instagram and tic toc.
I almost want to say they are conspiring.
F.O.R.D….Fix Or Repair Daily….Found On Road Dead.
Hey, I drive a Ford. Maybe he can change his name to fraud.
Kenn Smith step up and do better
@Mike Renaud stop blowing everyone you meet…you’re face is getting puffy.
@Kenn Smith sounds like you have experience.
This guy is Justin 2.0 your no conservative you’ll never get a vote again
Between him and Liberal Kathleen Wynn, they’re just two sides of the same establishment coin, especially after Doug started getting way too friendly with Chrystia Freeland.
Totally agree, unless it’s Pierre !
No but I saw officers and medical staff that could use a raise! Firefighters too!!!
It will be interesting when we need to find a way to pay for all this, then we tax *everyone* more, including these front line workers.
It happened here in Manitoba. Everyone was infatuated with the NDP and tons of money floating around from 1999 to 2016. The everyone suddenly realized that 25 billion dollar debt has to be paid back with interest. 800 nurses were taken off the payroll. 500 lost jobs at Manitoba Hydro. City of Winnipeg taking down speed limit signs along Grant to get 30 million a year speeding tickets……
@Rusty Stove That was conservatives cutting your throats, was it not?
It’s okay, we’re in China’s pocket. We’ll be okay.
@sulphur Manitoba CON-servatives are the leading experts in being two faced do nothing hypocrites. They had no choice because the NDP was borrowing something like 700 million a year just to pay the interest on the debt. I have given up on all of them.
Alberta is footing the bill.
What about construction workers, truckers/bus drivers, cashier’s, driving instructors, strippers , hotel staff, factory workers etc…

strippers ???
lol What?!
Don’t forget the pole cleaners at the strip clubs lol
@Sean Thompson yes of course how can I forget those fine hard working individuals
@curtisw0234 no normal thinking individual would want to do that job during these wild times
Just wait for the 3rd wave! We will be thrown back to the stone age!
That’s literally their plan worldwide. Mass genocide also
Come holidays
This world is running out of time
Actually the self appointed ruling class are almost out of time
@J T J I sure hope so.
Remember when Ford wanted to cut wages for healthcare workers? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Imagine Doggies carbon print with the truckloads of food he devours every day. He is one HUGE guy and a HUGER 2 face.
What about the crack?
Flu season is CANCELED, replaced with covid-19

yep … numbers say a 76% decrease in the flu compared to last year! hmmm
@rigjockey67 we’ll also see major drops in death stats across the board in every category since they’re counting EVERYTHING as covid 19!!!!
(Many are waking up and fighting back!!!
Beat them at their own game!
He should wear his jacket backwards because he’s a turncoat.