Full update: Ont. Education Minister Stephen Lecce and CMOH Dr. Kieron Moore detail the province's plan to return to in-class learning.
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it is not about the pandemic. It is about the expense of day care and the children missing their friends at school. Parents are fed up with the back and forth from the school system.
That’s the virus.
Same issue in every province.
We’re doing the best we can
im in school and i dont miss my freinds. Maybe its only a middle school thing
@PLUGGED I get you bro I don’t either and Im in highschool
Kids shouldn’t have been out of school to begin with Kids are at very very low risk.
If your afraid to send your kids to school home school them.
In the USA 350,000 New cases In children aged 6-15 just this week alone. There’s always risks
@Mitch Zurbrigg cases don’t equal hospitalizations. Big difference
The teachers are important team members of the nurses and are giving convid CPR in the hospital right now .My hero’s.
Hide in a cave
Hide in a cave
Can believe these ppl lead $$$
paid in profits from big pharma bribe money
they keep talking wonderful things about the safety and well being of students and all….and yet they have no clue, or outright refuse to acknowledge, how serious and vastly spread and of a permanent socio-emotional effect the bullying pandemic is in public education institutions. every single day tens of thousands of children are exposed to yelling, tantrum, violence, disrespect, profanities, unstable individuals, vandalism conduct from among their peers. how this is human, fair, moral, nurturing to proper child development, educative, etc i know not. all public schools have become a mental asylum. anger, hate, depression run rampant. and there are no meaningful consequences to such detrimental behaviours at all. a sick society produces sick individuals….only time will tell how doomed they are. no more values, no more culture, no more ethics.
Simpleton !
a failed society and civilization! i truly hope that the kids who suffer needlessly today will be able to sue 40-60 years down the road; not that it will help them by then aside gaining some monetary compensation for being abused on a daily basis in a government facility while young.
paid in profits from big pharma bribe money
I have been home schooling my 2 since Mar 2020….I will NEVER PUT my two in that vile SYSTEM ever again….

We believe you….
anyone else find it weird the person in charge of our children’s future has no kids of his own?
Well this isn’t gonna work….
This guy looks as terrified… as a hostage.
this is unqualified unknown proof you are all criminally will be charged
Anyone know about Nuremberg 2.0 ?
So 2 rapid test that enough for 2 days what about the rest of the year
The next wave will be in April, no matter how many boosters will be taken
This guy deserves a Nobel prize since all he does is pat himself on the back for the worst job in the history of education!!! Is he delirious or just completely ignorant to the fact that everyone, (parents, students, teachers, principals and all education staff) thinks he is totally incompetent, unqualified, and an absolute joke!!!
So basically, get ready for the next lockdown. Blah, blah, blah. Whats on Netflix tonight?