Only 33 Percent Approve Of Trump’s Handling Of Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A majority disapproves of the president's handling of both the coronavirus and race relations, according to a new NBC News/Ipsos poll. Aired on 07/10/2020.
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Only 33 Percent Approve Of Trump's Handling Of Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Only 33 Percent Approve Of Trump's Handling Of Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Trump can run on lies and deception just like he did before and continues to do. He can convince his base of anything no matter how ludicrous or unbelievable.

    2. @debbie duccini-day What lies has Trump said? What deception? Obama said “you can keep your doctor” and thousands lost their doctor. Trump landslide.

  1. When you consider that 20% of the American population is functionally illiterate, 33% isn’t a far stretch. 🙂

    1. 7 10 20 Hey@howdareyou41, Disagree, USA is beautiful, the ignorance is rampant; dumbing-down the citizens has been going on for awhile. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v

  2. Terrifying that 33% of Americans think that corrupt Trump is handling the pandemic well. Terrifying.

    1. @Ruth Harris Republicans care about rich people. Democrats care about poor people. Nobody cares about people that go to work everyday.

    2. @John O really where? Do you know the definition of insanity? Stop voting blue or red let’s find a new color.

    3. Green Leader in reality we have two choices until we get federal ranked choice. Grow up and pick a side

    4. Green Leader then you elect trump. Please learn about how our system works. I think anyone who says both sides are the same are just doing so to spread apathy and suppress the vote

  3. It’s the same 33% of idiots who will trust anything Trump says or does. They actually think face masks are evil

    1. What is being said by the majority of Americans is true! The only thing dumber than Trump is a Trump supporter!

    2. It’s the number of idiots worldwide. It’s the good ol’ bell curve rearing its ugly head again. Go to any country of your choosing and statistically, you’ll find that the bottom third of the population are as dumb as rocks and they’re easily led around by the nose. It’s relatively easy to talk them into making choices that are against their own best interest.

    3. I got one of those 33% living right in my neighborhood. I used to think they were intelligent people.

  4. Vote putin and his first lady out of the white house this November regardless.
    HELSINKI is all you need to know about his taxes.

  5. The entire country could be destroyed and he will have a 33% approval rating. They are brainwashed beyond reason.

    1. No other President has had the same number of civilian deaths on his watch. Is Trump going for the high score???

    2. @wnose Sorry, you’re wrong on that one. Woodrow Wilson was president during the 1918 influenza pandemic. We lost approximately 675,000 civilians to that one. I’m in NO WAY supporting bunker boy, just stating a historical fact. Funny thing is that trump is almost perfectly following in Wilson’s footsteps with his handling of the current pandemic. Sad thing is that it never had to be that way. trump for prison – 2021!

    1. @John Zaccardi You belies today, that Trump will win 43 states and be president again? Not that he ends up in prison with what might be the worst loss in presidential election history? Do i have this correct? Why would you think that?

    2. @John Zaccardi Write this down bubs 😉
      Biden: 372
      Trump: 166

      Biden: 26
      Trump: 24

      Biden: 105,000,000
      Trump: 52,800,000

    3. @John Zaccardi Hmmm, you have been completely duped, the information you are getting on your devices or tv is false. Time will tell, no need to argue. Please do not do anything stupid, when he’s indicted and convicted, because he did those things, actually did them, not a hoax, not a frame, he did most before he got to the office, so no reason to defend those. Just know, he did it, he stupid and a criminal. Time will tell, one of us is 100% wrong, not a little off. we will see.

    1. Yep, these are his hardest core supporters. What will really be interesting is to see if that number drops further – but I figure that the only way that will happen is if they all get the virus – and even then, they’ll be singing his praises on their death beds.
      A past friend of my husband from college, has a son in Afghanistan, but he still continues to spout his hatred for black and brown people, along with his support for Trump on Facebook. He’s been “unfriended,” but his posts are still up. It’s pretty clear that the devotion these people have for Trump is all fueled by hate.
      Our bone spurs, lying, cruel, sociopathic, bunker boy president has blood on his hands. And, all of these deranged people, who continues to support him,
      are guilty as well – they’ve been driving his get-away car since the beginning of his disastrous presidency.
      I think that they should all be relocated to Epstein’s island.

  6. So Trump’s approval has dropped 8%. That must be the 8% that have since died when Trump”s rallies restarted.

  7. “Handling?” What, “handling???” You make it sound as though he ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING!!!

    1. If the Lincoln project manages to keep doing what it’s doing, you’ll see that number drop even more. There are a LOT of people who will only vote a straight red line no matter what. Bunker boy’s hard line supporters (i.e. crazy people) hovers around the 20% mark of those left.

    1. And they are very excited to vote for their orange God. They need to be outnumbered if you want this nightmare to end.

    2. It’s the number of idiots worldwide. Go to any country of your choosing and statistically, you’ll find that the bottom third of the population are as dumb as rocks and they’re easily led around by the nose. It’s relatively easy to talk them into making choices that are against their own best interest.

    3. @Tessmage Tessera _” It’s relatively easy to talk them into making choices that are against their own best interest.”_ True. Sadly, talking them out of those ideas is much more difficult. It’s a feelings thing for a lot of people, so rational arguments might not work.

    4. @HarleyHilderson Well, we are reminded of a famous quote from Mark Twain: “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” We override our emotions with our intellect… so it follows that if someone is lacking in intellect, then they will be largely governed by their emotional responses. I think this describes the average Trump supporter.

  8. In related news, 33% of Americans also believe Smurfs are real and living in a tiny village somewhere in northern Idaho.

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