President Joe Biden's poll numbers have fallen steadily in the past couple months. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza breaks down the consequences that could have for Democrats in the midterms. #CNN #midterms2022 #biden
One key number that could spell doom for Democrats in the midterms

Will history repeat itself in this year’s midterm election? – Chris
@Devo Well his education will probably cause him much grief when he looks at PA early voting by party affiliation and gender…700 k votes more than twice as many as 2018 and a whopping 20 % are GOP….LOL…..Even middle school kids can tell him that is very bad !
@The Media Lies That people challenge elections is understandable,,,,,that they are too dumb to understand that recounts match names , address and ballets ? Hilarious……Anyone that thinks Trumps own appointed judges dismissed cases with evidence must have a double digit IQ….We need to pass laws where people are smart enough to vote for leaders…..and if you believe mass election fraud would not be uncovered with hand counted by republican election officials… would not be eligible…LMAO
I can understand some independent voters turning away from Democrats. What I can’t understand is them going to the Republicans. I wonder if anyone has actually asked themselves what the Republicans have actually offered in terms of policy solutions? If they think that the Republicans controlling Congress would magically solve their woes, they’re engaged in wishful thinking.
@Chris Albert it might be good to turn off liberal propaganda sponsored news sites for awhile and go see what else is out there, breaking points news on YouTube is unbiased compared to this crazy stuff without spin. Turn this off and Dip over to alternate stuff for 30 days as a challenge and you’ll be shocked on what you’ve been force fed
@Dixon Yaarmouf Or you might actually try to answer the question I posed, and not assume I just watch “liberal” media.
You always spell doom for democrats any way.
Somebody broke into Nancy Pelosi’s house and beat her husband Paul into the hospital
That wasn’t very bright, single issue
Huge Election coming !!!!
Thousands have already voted. Either in person early voting or by mail in balloting.
@Seymour Butts I believe what i see with my own eyes.
@Seymour Butts go down the rabbit hole. Doesn’t matter which side you are on, there is bigger powers at play..
@Seymour Butts He believe the FOOTAGE.
@Real Ryder where’s your evidence?
The false 60 court filings ended in lawyers losing their licenses for lying under oath. Supream court said nope, doj said nope, states said nope after being counted not once but twice and…..
where’s the evidence. It’s under your bed isn’t it?
@Debby DeBerardinis Trump only had 3 cases.. the rest were independent of him, states and other entities, including one suit 26 states joined.. all Trumps cases were never allowed to reach discovery.. that’s proof enough, they wouldn’t hear the evidence.
Case no1.. Riddle me this……
1. Leslie Abraham’s was the supreme court judge presiding over one of the 3 real trump cases, in GA case, Stacy Abram’s sister was the ‘winner’ of GA governer… and if Her sister, Leslie, ruled in favour of the evidence then her sisters win, and the state would have been overturned… conflict of interest much?? 2. Furthermore Leslie Abram’s is good friends with Ruby Feeeman… 3. Did you know Ruby freeman ran a batch of 5000 falsified votes 3 times over, for a total of 15,000 votes..?
3. This can be verified by her several livestreams found online,, because she 1. Was bragging about she is doing something to make sure Trump doesn’t win.
2. She had blank mail in ballots on her desk while she was ‘working’.
3 .She had access to all previous midterm ballot papers with zero security.
4. She had a ‘private workspace’ with no independent overseeing, when questioned about this she ranted about how her daughter is the ‘boss’. Footage also available.
5. In her livestreams, the ballot trays have NOT been signed off on, with chain of custody. The amount of ballots in the boxes are also misrepresented, you can verify this yourself.
6. State farm was ‘shut down’ due to a watermain leak.. which was false, in order to get everyone out except the 3 that stayed.. the counting continued with no independent overseeing, that is a federal offence last time I checked??
7. The bag of ballots that everyone cheered when bought out, contained exactly 5000 votes. It was ran 3 times over, with 100% votes for Biden.. IMPOSSIBLE. don’t kid yourself, these are facts that can all be verified with news clips, video surveillance. And self incriminating livestreams…
There’s a lot more to it, but if you see it, and hear it from the ‘horses mouth’ (google this if you don’t understand the phrase) you might believe the facts rather than people telling you what to think.
If you want to reply at all, first you need to watch the Ruby freeman livestreams and then we can talk.. otherwise you are ignorant to facts and your argument has zero merit.
It’s wonderful that they now make news programmes for infants and toddlers.
They always have
@MoonlapseVertigo That’s song lyrics from a old early 90’s song IIRC. I think it was by EMF and Tammy someone (country singer)
Shhhh , Adults are talking.
Your superiority has yet to be seen.
I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be superior for being here on baby’s first news channel, or for re-posting this sickest rad burn here again, thereby dunking on people you estimate to be babies. Don’t negate the premise. (Love oxoxo from a baby.)
Poor Democrats.
@What’s Up In Space? what in the name of tribalism are you trying to say?
@Randy O it shouldn’t take a hammer to the head to figure out. I know that’s the right-wing way of playing politics, tho.
@What’s Up In Space? wow you guys are triggered today.
Here’s a cookie.
@Randy O imagine… Being triggered by the attempted murder of the spouse of a congresspoerson likely due to the lies he was told by the “team” he supports. Who could be bothered by the death of American democracy, amirite?
I know your side are averse to ballots. So here’s a hammer
I know that’s how you lot like to vote.
@What’s Up In Space? bro.. 11 more days
The new CNN…”Doom for Democrats”
CNN’s new owners are as Red as you can get.
They can’t ignore the polling or spin it a certain way. I commend CNN’s more balanced approach. We need a straight-laced cable news channel to even out the other two.
Cnn can be honest sometimes . I remember when it came on air in 1980 I love watching it at my grandma’s
@Jordan Slingluff hallelujah God is taking it to the platform of wicked politicians.
Yes God is absolutely destroying the Democratic platform and those who push warped ideologies and genders God is absolutely wreaking havoc against them for what they have done
Is God’s word says the wicked walk of slippery slope as God’s word says when you seek to roll a stone upon others it will come back upon you and this is exactly what’s happening to the deviant democrats for all the harm they have caused
Yeah baby’s blood on their hands they have the blood of Innocence on their hands they will be accountable father children they’ve manipulated and mutilated they’ll be accountable to God for all the lives they ruin for allowing crooks to burn loot and murder they will be accountable for all the criminals they’ve been letting in the streets who’ve been raping pillaging and murdering people they will be accountable for the evil they are allowing at the border these evil people will be dealt with with God and it’s already happening
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound Sure buddy. You do realize the Bible says eating pork is the same thing as being gay right. So that pretty much makes you a fruit.
Wow! You went to University to recite polls? Also, you didn’t point out the reasons the Democrat party is losing.
How do you narrow it down to one number when so many numbers are so bad?
I often agree with him , but what we know for sure is early voting trends in GA and PA right now , and they clearly point to narrow wins by democrats in the senate….The approval ratings are not a factor as much as other elections because many voters will be voting against someone vs for !
Good point
Presidential approval ratings, and more importantly, their potential impact on the midterms is of little value in a highly charged, highly partisan environment. In the past many people in both parties would out of tradition say they support their president even if they didn’t vote for him and would not vote for him in the next election. Nowadays, a president could be doing an awesome job (Biden has accomplished a lot), and he would likely not get any support from the opposing party in midterm polling. Yesterday a Harvard professor on election research and data said that GenZ voters are on track to have the biggest turnout of any 18-25 group, ever in a midterm election. I would pay attention to that.
@GrayBeard_gamer go check gallup
@Real Ryder Gallup:
trump lowest 34%
Biden lowest 40%
@GrayBeard_gamer tell me about inflation, jobs, national security, gas prices, the Biden connections to Ukrainian energy, ccp energy etc..
@Real Ryder y’all have got to realize that Clarence Thomas has probably already killed the modern republican party.
@Charlie Lauffer How, lol? I haven’t even heard about that. Why is no-one talking about this monumental “killing” of the Republican party? You’d think that it would be in the news.
41%!! Lol! Who’d they poll? “Doctor” Biden?
Fact: the low intellect segment of the population always struggles with facts. Their stress often shows as disbelief. =)
They polled CNN.
An extreemly pro democrat and more importantly Anti republican news station.
So with 40% democrat, 40% claiming to be independent and 20% claiming to be republican, they still only get to 41%.
People that watch both pro democrat and pro republican news, would think even a 10% approve is too high.
@GrayBeard_gamer fact, anything I write after the word fact makes it true.

Chris makes a good point. But not only are all politics local; all politics are timed. This coming election is coming now. And now is not the past. In the past we had a stable democracy. At least on the surface. Although that surface didn’t register the breaks that were growing there.
Today we have the real possibility of structural failure in our democratic system. And when there are cracks in a structure, such as have been growing for a considerable time, those cracks usually culminate in catastrophic failure. Which catastrophe somehow manages to remain unobserved until it manifests itself. Which is why it’s called a catastrophe.
How wide are our cracks? Well, the timing of structural failure is always difficult to tell in advance, even if you see it coming. So, I don’t know. I just see them coming. If they happen this election cycle, all bets are off on outcomes. Control of Congress could even become a moot point.
I’ll agree to Chris’s assessment of Democrats’ chances. I wouldn’t like to say what our chances are.
@Cesspool Junkie [Walking away now. Walking. Walking. Ah, that’s better.]
The corporate beast system and all of lucifers kids prove Christ is real instantly.
What did u think was happening all these decades?
Lots of demon movies though, huh, go figure?
And then there’s that snorkel in Michelle Obamas thong
@FarmerGiles We should have more options so true. The democrat party has 2 sides very different from each other. The same is true for the Republican party.
Alaska had ranked voting. All independents and all but 1 democrats dropped out, forcing all that don’t want to vote Republican to vote for this 1 person.
That’s the game they will play.
@Devo That’s still the 2-party mind set in action. When everyone actually has a chance to take a seat, it would be different. Ranked voting is a helpful step, but not a whole solution.
If there were more parties that could take a seat, progressives would have more flexibility running their candidates and wouldn’t find such a need to tie themselves to the Democratic party. Likewise, MAGA or Trumpists would have their own party, and Cheney/Kisinger conservatives would have another. Libertarians would have some chance at actual representation, and independents that don’t care much for any of those options could make another. A well-designed system would enable a vote-proportional representation in a legislature, and then there would be a cross-section of the public views, and party options to cooperate to form a working governing majority after each election.
These are not brand new ideas. Variations of them are working models in other nations. Our founders set up a great system for the time and place. But it was the first latter-day democracy in the world, and adaptations elsewhere have had an opportunity to accumulate experience there.
I don’t see that any arrangement would ever be perfect, and our choices would reflect our society rather than others, just as their choices reflect theirs, but the political stagnation we have now is tearing us apart, not building a nation. We should try for something better.
But Democrats and Republicans will fight it, because they have a vested interest in the status quo.
You’re going to completely ignore the senate?
Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward ‘s Regulating the Poor is the classic work that explicates this hypothesis . Thus, welfare benefits are said to be set” low – enough ” so as not to hamper
incentives to work and to ensure that a pool of low- wage labor is available when needed. Social welfare policies represent the state’s attempt to mediate the demands of the economic system and the State’s need to keep social peace. Thus ,while social control is exerted, independence and self -support are the basic principles that are commonly assumed to be at least the mainstream value base to our policies and programs .
Love your negative videos about Democrats.
Well let me enlighten this guy if what he says is true ,then we all are screwed and the world is about to lose democracy.
too funny….
Who the hell are the 41% that think it’s going good?
People who majored in Perspective and Fundamental Decency Studies.
“She was twelve, I was 30… let me tell you she helped me get a lot done”, said to minor in the audience at a press conference.
-Joe Biden
As a Californian, I should have voted for trump… never will i make the mistake of voting for a democrat again. No way in hell…